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asecretary; Sexretary; secretario

秘书 1. 名词 [指人] secretary2. 名词 [指工作] secretarial work例句:总经理在纸上草写了一行字,交给了秘书。The general manager scratched some words on the piece of paper, and handed it to his secretary. 总经理让秘书把电文念给他听。The general manager asked the secretary to read the telegraph for him. 这些摇笔杆的事情你可以让秘书做啊。You can have your secretary do this paper work. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 经理的秘书 the manager's secretary 万一他不在,把信交给他的秘书。If by any chance he isn't there, give the letter to his secretary. 经理的秘书总是对我们指手画脚,因为她有恃无恐。The manager's secretary is always bossing us around, secure in the knowledge that she has backing. 老板指定王小姐当秘书。The boss appointed Miss Wang as his secretary. 这张唐代的书法作品可是我难得的秘藏。This Tang Dynasty calligraphy work is a rare treasure in my collection. 这本书介绍了许多晚清大内的秘闻。The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties. ☆予人玫瑰之手 经久犹有余香 如果对你有帮助 请点击好评 ☆

你好!秘书secretary英[ˈsekrətri]美[ˈsekrəteri]n.秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣;[例句]My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners 'Union.我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。


1.主席团 Presidium 主席 Chairman外务副主席 Vice President2. 秘书处 Secretariat秘书长 Secretary General副秘书长 Assistant Secretary General 3.宣传部 Publicity Department 部长 Minister 副部长 Assistant Minister4.校风部 School Spirit Department 部长 Minister 副部长 Assistant Minister5. 公关部 Public Relations Department 部长Minister 副部长Assistant Minister6. 社团部(又称社团联合会) Clubs Association Department 部长 Minister 副部长 Assistant Minister 7. 文体部 Recreation and Sports Department部长 Minister副部长 Assistant Minister 8. 外联部: Diplomacy Department 娱乐部: Recreation Department 执行副主席: Executive Vice President

secretary,英 [ˈsekrətri]   美 [ˈsekrəteri] 。


英 ['sekrətri]   美 ['sekrəteri]

n. 部长;秘书;书记;大臣;写字台。






secretary department或者department of secretary这种常见的直译都是一定不会错的。至于秘书长,试着用个洋气高大上的词汇怎么样啊:)以美剧house of cards为例,弗兰克总统的下面秘书总管(也称幕僚长)这个职位叫chief of staff,管理着所有其他的秘书和文职人员。

1、秘书的英语:secretary。 2、英 [ˈsekrətri] 美 [ˈsekrəteri] 。 3、n.秘书;干事,书记员;部长,大臣。 4、例句:I employ a secretary to screen my calls. 我雇用了一名秘书转接打给我的电话。


想提高英语口语水平,首先要在语音上下功夫,方法是无法取代刻苦的学习。要大量的阅读和听力做基础,在读和听的过程中,积累词汇,掌握句型,并熟悉英语表达思想的方式,着重培养语感1.大声朗读对话和文章,还有各种句型和口语中常用的句子,并背诵文章及演讲。多与别人练习对话,最好是以英语为母语的人练习。也可以自言自语亦是练习口语。2.练习口语要大胆说出来,过一段时间后,突然有一天你会自如、清楚地表达自己的思想。有了大胆说的精神,你才能闯过口语的难关。3.只会学英语,而不能尽快地去用,那就永远也学不好英语。要始终寻找机会说英语。可以和你周围的同学或朋友交流,即巩固了已学的和 从别人那里学到新的的东西。4.在国内学英语缺乏环境,看电影学英语口语是弥补环境不足的好方法

《秘书英语》,《21世纪全国高职高专文秘类规划教材》都挺好给你介绍一下:秘书英语1内容简介本书每一章均附有“秘书自我测验”,并特辟“秘书必备常识”,从秘书服装、宴会的饮酒常识、介绍的先后顺序,到安排商业午餐、名片的收受、WhiteTie与BlackTie的区别,均有详细的文字介绍,让您在各种场合,永远表现合宜、出色,深受上司器重。成熟、有智慧的您,读了本书,将步向专业秘书的坦途,迎向愉快、充满自信的未来。2目录第1章 秘书英语入门第2章 秘书英语必备常识第3章 秘书求职与面谈第4章 模范秘书英语书信1)求职与应聘2)就任、升迁、转任3)介绍信4)联系与谢意5)出差、视察的行程表6)上司不在时处理信件7)预约旅馆8)预约飞机座位9)纪念酒会邀请与回复10)公司合并与迁移通知11)开设分公司通知12)开会通知13)演讲邀请函14)疾病慰问函15)死亡通知、吊唁函第5章 秘书接待英语.1)接待态度2)秘书接待实例3)秘书接待自我测验第6章 秘书翻译对策1)秘书翻译技巧2)秘书翻译自我测验第7章 秘书电话英语1)打国际电话的方法2)秘书电话英语实例3)电话中传达名字拼法第8章 国际礼仪电报1)祝贺客户或同业结婚(Marriage)2)祝贺客户或同业弄璋(瓦)之喜(Brith)3)祝贺客户或同业生日(Birthday)4)祝贺晋升、获胜、开幕(Promotion and Success)5)祝客户或同业圣诞快乐(Christmas Greetings)6)祝客户或同业新年快乐(New Year Greetings)7)向客户或同业致同情与吊唁(Sympathy And Condolence)3序言——没有人天生就精通秘书的十八般武艺,什么专业知 识都需要学习,English For Secretaries这本书处处为您设想,让您在短期内把握住秘书英语的要诀,在职业竞技场上稳操胜算。*由浅入深,学例最详尽,资料最丰富*本书从《秘书英语入门》开始,详实介绍秘书这一行的现状与出路,并且以图解的方式,分条列出秘书的责任、工作范围、秉性与能力,豁然开朗,了解到秘书身负的职责攸关重大,的确不可小觑。“秘书英语必备常识”这一章,揭示秘书必须精通的诸种范畴,举凡英语书信的视觉技巧、书写信函的原则以及书信的新规则、新格式,都有详细完整的介绍,让您不致与潮流的趋势脱节,掌握时代的讯息。其次,“秘书求职与面谈”一章,教您如何找到求职的门路,面试的事前准备要项、服装仪容与评分标准等,均辟有专文解说,并附有“秘书面谈实例”作为参考,让您无往而不利。*本书帮您步上专业秘书的坦途*“包罗最广泛”是本书最大的特色在“模范秘书英语书信”、“秘书电话英语”、“国际礼仪电报”等各章中,写好英文书信、电报与精通电话英语等秘诀一一呈现本书以循序渐进的内容,清晰美观的编排,让您立即收到举一反三,融会贯通的效果。如何和客户应对、翻译,也是English For Secretaries的重点之一。“秘书接待英语”、“秘书翻译对策”这两章即针对此,务期让您在应对态度、接待英语、翻译技巧与原则等各方面,均能拿捏得恰如其分。本书每一章均附有“秘书自我测验”,并特辟“秘书必备常识”,从秘书服装、宴会的饮酒常识、介绍的先后顺序,到安排商业午餐、名片的收受、WhiteTie与BlackTie的区别,均有详细的文字介绍,让您在各种场合,永远表现合宜、出色,深受上司器重。成熟、有智慧的您,读了本书,将步向专业秘书的坦途,迎向愉快、充满自信的未来。4同名图书基本信息书名:秘书英语图书编号:2369962出版社:外文定价:12.8ISBN:711904826作者:李博版次: 1开本:16开简介随着当今世界经济全球化进程的加快和中国经济的蓬勃发展,越来越多的国外企业到中国寻求发展,与此同时很多有实力的中国企业也走出国门谋求海外市场。在这种形势下,国内外企业对具备外语能力的专业人才十分渴求,秘书这一企业不可或缺的职位对外语能力的需求也日益凸显出来。同时,中国政府对职业教育发展的强力推动和社会对秘书岗位需求的不断增强,促使了秘书职业技能的不断提高和秘书的职业向职业化、专业化和市场化的方向迈进。在此进程中,培养符合社会实际需求的秘书已经成为各中等职业学校的重要任务。本教材是中等职业学校文秘类专业教学用书。本教材根据秘书专业的实际技能需要,结合中等职业学校学生的年龄特点和学习习惯,在认真实践调研和博采众长的基础之上编写而成。具体来说,本教材的特色如下:1.本书以《中等职业学校英语新教学大纲》为编写依据,以满足中等职业学校学生求职就业的需要为宗旨,并结合了中等职业教育学生的年龄特点和认知水平。2.本书以一个完整的涉外商业事件为线索来安排编写内容和编排顺序,既展示了一个真实的商业活动全貌,道出了秘书职位的工作职责,又培养了秘书专业学生从事这项工作所必备的专业技能。3.本书采用了目前非常流行的任务驱动型教学模式,并且每一个模块的设计既在难度上体现了循序渐进性,又在教学内容上体现了实用性。4.本书的设计既注重培养中等职业学校学生听、说、读、写四种语言技能的提高,又注重提高学生跨文化交际的能力,为学生今后步入工作岗位打下了坚实的基础。目录Unit 1 How to Become a Qualified SecretaryUnit 2 Knowing Your OfficeUnit 3 Collecting InformationUnit 4 Secretarial English for Telephone UseUnit 5 Arranging a MeetingUnit 6 Receiving a VisitorUnit 7 Business NegotiationUnit 8 Reaching AgreementsUnit 9 Business DinnerUnit 10 Giving GiftsUnit 11 Seeing the Visitor offUnit 12 Handling ComplaintsUnit 13 Dealing with the BossTapescripts 21世纪全国高职高专文秘类规划教材内容简介:本书是针对秘书工作的实际而编写的实用英语教材。充分结合秘书工作实际,将秘书实务和英语融合为有机的一体,以培养具有较高的英语应用水平的职业秘书为目标。 本书从高职学生的实际英语水平出发,选取秘书实际工作密切相关的材料,突出教材的针对性和实用性,使文秘类专业毕业生能用职业英语胜任工作。 本书以口语模块;写作模块;阅读模块来安排教学内容,挖掘文秘人员工作中所涉及的各个领域,设计了生动的操练语境来提高英语应用水平。 本书可作为高职类相关专业的教学用书,也可作为文秘人员岗位培训教材和实际工作中的应用手册。作者简介:广东科学技术职业学院人文学院副教授,中国科学院博士。其 它:秘书英语是针对秘书工作的实际而编写的实用英语教材。充分结合秘书工作实际,将秘书实务和英语融合为有机的一体,以培养具有较高的英语应用水平的职业秘书为目标。 本教材从高职学生的实际英语水平出发,选取秘书实际工作密切相关的材料,突出教材的针对性和实用性,使文秘类专业毕业生能用职业英语更好地工作。 本书以口语模块,写作模块,阅读模块来安排教学内容,挖掘文秘人员工作中所涉及的主要领域,设计了生动的操练语境来提高英语应用水平。 本书可作为高职类相关专业的教学用书,也可作为文秘人员岗位培训教材和实际工作中的应用手册。

秘书工作职责  一、在部门主管领导下做好部门日常行政事务及文秘工作。  二、负责各种文件的起草、装订及传递工作;及时处理上级文件的签收、传递、催办;做好文件的回收、清退、销毁工作;做好文秘档案收集管理及保密工作。  三、做好各种会议的记录及会务工作。  四、做好来访接待工作。  五、完成上级交办的其它任务和各种应急事务的处理。  The secretary job  1, under the leadership of the head of department daily administrative affairs and secretarial work.  2, responsible for the drafting of various documents, binding and transfer work; In a timely manner to deal with the superior document of receipt, transmission, CuiBan; To do a good job of recycling, repel, destroy the file; The collection management of the secretarial and secrecy.  3, do a good job all kinds of meeting record and meeting.  4, to do a good job of reception.  5, complete other tasks assigned by the superiors, and processing of various kindsof emergency affairs.


secretary名词 n. [C]1.秘书[(+to)]Mary is private secretary to the company chairman. 玛丽是公司董事长的私人秘书。 2.(政府机关等的)秘书官,书记官3.(协会等的)书记,干事4.(大写)(政府各部的)部长[the S]He was the then secretary of Defense. 他是当时的国防部长。 5.【英】(大写)大臣[the S]6.【英】次长7.写字桌8.【印】草书体大铅字Secretary名词 n. 1.秘书2.(政府机关等的) 秘书官, 书记官3.(协会等的) 书记, 干事4.(政府各部的) 部长5.【英】大臣; 副部长


Secretary 可以用这个单词

秘书词典secretary:秘书;干事,书记员; 部长,大臣。词典SEC:Scurities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会;secretary 秘书;书记;second 秒。词典secretaire:写字台,书桌,秘书。词典Secretaries:[电影]秘书。




dear leaders:

hello! first of all thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter.

i hu over the XX session of vocational and technical schools, professional secretarial fresh students, in july XX will face graduated, the following is my basic situation.

i chose this school is in the form of work-study, in such an environment, both in knowledge and ability, personal qualities or accomplishments, i have benefited greatly. three years, the teacher's strict teachings and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge; in learning to master a certain amount of my professional knowledge, familiar with foreign affairs common etiquette, proficiency in operating a computer office software, 3ds max flash photoshop and so on. at the same time, in my spare time involved extensive measures of the large number of books, not only to enrich themselves, but also to develop their abilities in various, more importantly, rigorous study and correct learning attitude shaped my simple, stable personality characteristics.

i have a half years of working experience in the united states, sony internship, there are certain social practices, through the year and a half of work i learned a lot, but also to develop my perseverance and hard work spirit, enhance their sense of responsibility, communication skills and ability to learn, cultivate a spirit of solidarity, so that i can continue to work to overcome difficulties.

i want my energy to get your loyalty and recognition, i am more rich social experience and helpful personality can get you to enjoy!

i look forward to your flying the sky, i will use my sweat to prove your wise choice!

Caifeng Fan

Shantou International Trade Development Co.

Central Jinsha Road Shantou 515041


Born: June 3,1969



Excellent Health

Native Place: Zhuhai


To work as an English secretary at an enterprise with foreign investment in Zhuhai


1992-Present Office secretary at Shantou International Trade Development Company. Responsible for writing English Correspondence and telecommunications to foreign trade partners.


1990-1992 Secretarial Course, Shantou University. Coursework included: secretarial principles, office administration, management, business English, English word processing, stenography, bookkeeping.


Computer programming. Typing 55 wpm.

Personal Qualities

Communication skills, accuracy in handling details, cheerful personality, strong leadership and a sense of responsibility.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

dear leaders:


when you open the resume, you have to, i opened the door to opportunity and success. thank you very much for taking the time to read my material, i hope it is different from your other job search materials hands, and can help you in the intense market competition and knowledge-based economy was recorded for the tide to the talent you need.

year of work experience, let me get the experience of life. i am increasingly aware that only the good do everything really serious to complete the work of each in order to fulfill the great trust of the leadership, but also have a chance for the individual capacity to be reflected. in the university, i did three years for broadcasters and journalists, had the school's communist youth league cadres and

students, ability and capacity of communication and co-ordination of the exercise. work over the past year because of the steady down-to-earth work style and calm personality, led by the praise, but also established a friendship with his colleagues.

today, i recruited the office of the secretary of the posts, i think i have the ability to do the job. i understand that thesecretary of the importance of the work, because this is a need for more responsible and careful work to complete. i studied political economy, have been negotiating an elective science, human psychology and public relations, they should have knowledge of the work i want to be useful.

at work in the discipline at the same time, i will establish the overall situation awareness. the ancients said: "good game who seek power, poor sub-seeking game are." as the interests of the whole office and i will, under the unified action in the overall situation. from a strategic and overall perspective, from the perspective of the leadership to be seen to want to do and procedure for the leadership of a good staff, good assistants. focus on the overall situation, identify their location, identify the direction of focus and effort.

determined to do so is not conducive to the overall situation is not that a matter is not conducive to the overall situation does not hold. establishment of sense of dedication, to establish a blind eye to personal gain or loss for the cause of the spirit of devotion, uphold the cause of the first, work comes first. the establishment of service, office services as a basic function as a full awareness and understanding of the noble service, and to establish the role of conscious awareness of services. buried bow沉住气,静下心seriously do a good job in contrast, the work of foil. as soon as possible to complete various tasks, not beating about the bush. in the premise of quality, pursuit of efficiency.

i love, so i try, i try, i succeed.

XX Manager:

Hello! Because of my talent was informed that the online recruitment information manager for your company's recruitment of a secretary, special liberty to write candidates.

I graduated from a bilingual secretarial XX City Institute of Business and Professional. Height XXcm, dignified appearance, temperament quite good. Applied Writing, etiquette school,professional English language courses. Performance excellence, has published many articles. Are familiar with computer operation, English language through the National 4, English spoken fluently, knows some Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin with ease.

The Secretary of the job I love, hoping to become a member of your company. Please find attached my resume, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful. Even if your company that I do not meet your conditions, I will also continue to focus your company's development, and in the most sincere wishes Yours sincerely.

To this

caifeng fanshantou international trade development co.central jinsha road shantou 515041(0754)888888888

born: june 3,1969160cm,58kgsingleexcellent healthnative place: zhuhai objective

to work as an english secretary at an enterprise with foreign investment in zhuhai experience


1990-1992 secretarial course, shantou university. coursework included: secretarial principles, office administration, management, business english, english word processing, stenography, bookkeeping.


personal qualities

Dear leaders:


thank you for taking the time to review my materials, want to give me a chance!

identify a solid grasp the professional knowledge and ability to work with some of his subordinates and organizational capacity, is your desire. for a full play to their professional expertise to work unit, and can get your attention, i hope; powerful assistant, help you to work to one's liking; appropriate work units, help me to display their talent.

perhaps we will be a common goal and stand together, and that is: will be written the history of your organization more brilliant fun! your organization is willing to work and dedicate their youth and talent.

look forward to and thank you for your choice!

as a professional school graduates secretary i, although the lack of work experience, but i will learn, work positively and work faithfully in doing their own due diligence. sincerely hope that your organization about the access or the opportunity to interview with a view to further test my abilities.

university life is not what we imagined in the park, but not our ideal of heaven, but a person exercise a large stove. on the occasion of the dawn of training opportunities, special test ourselves to your organization, give me a job training opportunities. a sincere heart in the hope that you trust. a person's life waiting for you in the changes.

i hope your organization can receive, support me, let me to join your family, i will do my best to play for your organization and i should be.





Respect of leadership:


Thank you for reading my letter of self recommendation in your busy schedule!

My name is XXX, is XX University School of nursing professional graduates in 20xx.

I am an ordinary girl, but unwilling to mediocrity, I am optimistic, confident, self-motivated, hobbies, can well deal with interpersonal relationships, coordination and communication with the expertise, and has the sense of responsibility and a strong sense of mission, now, I will soon graduate, facing new challenges and choices, I am confident.

From the start, I will pay particular attention to carefully study the courses at the same time, efforts to develop the quality and capacity, make full use of spare time, broaden the horizons of knowledge, perfect knowledge structure. In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only the multi-level, all-round development, and master of professional knowledge, to meet the needs of social development and the needs of employers, can remain invincible. Through the efforts of the study I won the scholarship, in learning at the same time, I actively participated in the activities organized by institutions, and won the three prize in the "Mo negative youth" the speech contest. In the three years of the study life, I determined to forge ahead, helpful style and performance to win the trust and praise from the leaders, teachers and students. And during the internship was highly praised by patients and their families in the Sino Japanese Friendship hospital. See the hard work and sweat pay for rehabilitation of patients with smile, this is to me the best reward.

Despite the many applicants, I may not be the best. But I am still very confident. "Sincere pending the main, to be held by the wise ruler". I do not beg for trust, prefer action to seek trust. Your hospital is willing to give me an opportunity to try to work, their own potential of the space, I will of due diligence, as much as I can, your hospital satisfaction, satisfaction of patients.

Yours sincerely


Recommendation: XXX

XX years XX months

Dear leaders:


thank you for taking the time to review my materials, want to give me a chance!

identify a solid grasp the professional knowledge and ability to work with some of his subordinates and organizational capacity, is your desire. for a full play to their professional expertise to work unit, and can get your attention, i hope; powerful assistant, help you to work to one's liking; appropriate work units, help me to display their talent.

perhaps we will be a common goal and stand together, and that is: will be written the history of your organization more brilliant fun! your organization is willing to work and dedicate their youth and talent.

look forward to and thank you for your choice!

as a professional school graduates secretary i, although the lack of work experience, but i will learn, work positively and work faithfully in doing their own due diligence. sincerely hope that your organization about the access or the opportunity to interview with a view to further test my abilities.

university life is not what we imagined in the park, but not our ideal of heaven, but a person exercise a large stove. on the occasion of the dawn of training opportunities, special test ourselves to your organization, give me a job training opportunities. a sincere heart in the hope that you trust. a person's life waiting for you in the changes.

i hope your organization can receive, support me, let me to join your family, i will do my best to play for your organization and i should be.



dear leaders:


when you open the resume, you have to, i opened the door to opportunity and success. thank you very much for taking the time to read my material, i hope it is different from your other job search materials hands, and can help you in the intense market competition and knowledge-based economy was recorded for the tide to the talent you need.

year of work experience, let me get the experience of life. i am increasingly aware that only the good do everything really serious to complete the work of each in order to fulfill the great trust of the leadership, but also have a chance for the individual capacity to be reflected. in the university, i did three years for broadcasters and journalists, had the schools communist youth league cadres and students, ability and capacity of communication and co-ordination of the exercise. work over the past year because of the steady down-to-earth work style and calm personality, led by the praise, but also established a friendship with his colleagues.

today, i recruited the office of the secretary of the posts, i think i have the ability to do the job. i understand that the secretary of the importance of the work, because this is a need for more responsible and careful work to complete. i studied political economy, have been negotiating an elective science, human psychology and public relations, they should have knowledge of the work i want to be useful.

at work in the discipline at the same time, i will establish the overall situation awareness. the ancients said: "good game who seek power, poor sub-seeking game are." as the interests of the whole office and i will, under the unified action in the overall situation. from a strategic and overall perspective, from the perspective of the leadership to be seen to want to do and procedure for the leadership of a good staff, good assistants. focus on the overall situation, identify their location, identify the direction of focus and effort. determined to do so is not conducive to the overall situation is not that a matter is not conducive to the overall situation does not hold. establishment of sense of dedication, to establish a blind eye to personal gain or loss for the cause of the spirit of devotion, uphold the cause of the first, work comes first. the establishment of service, office services as a basic function as a full awareness and understanding of the noble service, and to establish the role of conscious awareness of services. buried bow沉住气,静下心seriously do a good job in contrast, the work of foil. as soon as possible to complete various tasks, not beating about the bush. in the premise of quality, pursuit of efficiency.

i love, so i try, i try, i succeed.

XX Manager:

Hello! Because of my talent was informed that the online recruitment information manager for your company's recruitment of a secretary, special liberty to write candidates.

I graduated from a bilingual secretarial XX City Institute of Business and Professional. Height XXcm, dignified appearance, temperament quite good. Applied Writing, etiquette school,professional English language courses. Performance excellence, has published many articles. Are familiar with computer operation, English language through the National 4, English spoken fluently, knows some Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin with ease.

The Secretary of the job I love, hoping to become a member of your company. Please find attached my resume, if the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful. Even if your company that I do not meet your conditions, I will also continue to focus your company's development, and in the most sincere wishes Yours sincerely.

To this

caifeng fanshantou international trade development co.central jinsha road shantou 515041(0754)888888888

born: june 3,1969160cm,58kgsingleexcellent healthnative place: zhuhai objective

to work as an english secretary at an enterprise with foreign investment in zhuhai experience


1990-1992 secretarial course, shantou university. coursework included: secretarial principles, office administration, management, business english, english word processing, stenography, bookkeeping.


personal qualities


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