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to tell the truth 说实话亲,如果觉得对你有帮助,请点击好评哦~~谢谢啦!


在 英语写作 的结尾,我们经常会用到“说实话...”这种句型,下面跟着我学习关于说实话句型的英语知识吧,希望能对大家 学习英语 有所帮助!

1. In fact, ...

表示“实际上,事实上”,强调接下来所说内容都是真哒~ 也可以说“as a matter of fact”。

例如:As a matter of fact, no one knew what to do exactly at the time.


In fact, the lecture was very interesting.


2. Actually, ...


例如:Actually, I haven’t done any of my work yet.


3. To be honest with you, ...


例如:To be honest with you, I had no idea how difficult high school would be.


4. To tell you the truth, ...

表示“我和你说实话吧 ... ”。偶接下来要说的句句都是大实话,准备好耳朵和强大的内心了吗?

例如:To tell you the truth, I’d been trying to fool you for a long time.


5. Quite frankly, ...

表示“坦率地说”,也可以说成“Frankly speaking”。

例如:Quite frankly, I don’t think we will ever succeed.


6. I’m afraid I have to say ...


例如:I’m afraid I have to say that I know very little about you.


It must be realized that.


All in all, we cannot live without But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.


I sincerely believe that.


It is natural to believe that , but we shouldn't ignore that.


Obviously, if we don't control the problem, the chances are that will lead us in danger.


Obviously, If we want to do something , it is essential that.


Only in this way can we.


Recently, the problem of has aroused people's concern.


The best way to solve the troubles is.


No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that.

毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效 措施 ,很可能会。

It is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of.


People have figured out many ways to solve this problem.


Here are some suggestions for handling.


There are different opinions among people as to.


Many people insist that.


Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.


Personally, I am standing on the side of.


People's views on vary from person to person. Some hold that . However, others believe that.


From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.


It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.


Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure)。


It may be true that , but it doesn't mean that.


As far as something is concerned.


Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that.


It is commonly believed that / It is a common belief that.


Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that.


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


I cannot entirely agree with the idea that.


It is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。


With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that.


There is no evidence to suggest that.


Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that.


A lot of people seem to think that.


People may have different opinions on.


There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of.


In my opinion, it is more advisable to do than to do .



1. 招商用英语怎么说

2. 关于朋友的初中英语作文带翻译

3. 英文版经典语录带翻译

4. 说实话时用英语怎么说

5. 属于的英文短语

6. 相信我的英文是什么

To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job.


To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of her talk.


Good boys always tell the truth.


To tell the truth, Tony.



说实话英文短语有很多的,比如说tell the truth 。to tell the truth 。speak the truth in faith 都是说实话的英语短语。

说实话的英文短语有如下in faithspeak the truthtell the truthto tell the truth例句说实话我以为他考试及不了格,但是那天他发挥出色,考得不错。I didn't honestly think he'd pass the exam but he came up trumps on the day.

“说实话”的英文短语表达有:in fact,in reality,to be honest,to Tell the truth。望采纳,谢谢。

Tell the truth/Honestly


说实在的Frankly speaking

Unit1 1. by+动词ing形式 通过….的方法 2. make flashcards 制作抽认卡 3. make vocabulary lists 制作词汇表 4. make up 组成, 构成 5. make sentences 造句 6. make mistakes 犯错, 出错 7. ask for 请求, 要求 8. What about+名词/代词/动名词 …..怎么样? 9. Why don’t you……=Why not+动原…? 你为什么不….? 10. too+形/副+to+动原 太…而不能 =so+形/副+that+否定从句(用can’t或couldn’t 来否定) =not +形/副+enough+to +动原 11. the best way to do sth 做某事的最佳办法….. 12. have fun=enjoy oneself/play happily/have a good time 玩得高兴,玩得愉快 13. get excited about sth 因某事而感到兴奋 14. end up doing sth 最终成为….,最后处于…. 15. spoken English 英语口语 16. first of all 首先,第一 17. later on以后,随后 18. it doesn’t matter没关系 19. be afraid to do sth=be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 20. laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 21. take notes做笔记,做记录 22. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 23. have trouble( in) doing sth 做某事有困难 24. write down 写下,记下 25. (How) deal with 同义词(What)do with处理,料理 26. worry about sb/sth =be worried about sb/sth 担心…,担忧….. 27. be angry with对…感到生气;愤怒 28. go by (指时间)过去,消逝 29. unless=if not如果不,除非 30. regard ….as+名词/代词/形/动名词 把…看作是…. 31. with one’s help=with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 32. try one’s best (to do sth)=do one’s best(to do sth)尽力做….. 33. break off a friendship 断绝友谊 34. look up (在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料) 宾格代词放中间 Unit2 1. be afraid of +名词/代词/动名=be terrified of…..害怕…… 2. over here 过来 Wait a minute 等一会儿 3. used to +动原 过去经常,以前常常(表示过去的习惯) 4. be used to sth./doing sth习惯于….. 5. be used for+n/doing sth /be used to +动原 被用于…. 6. be used as+名词 被用来当作….. 7. be interested in 对….感兴趣(人作主语) 8. go to sleep 入睡 /go to bed 上床睡觉 9. Sb+spend +time/money +(in) doing sth某人花费…做某事 10. Sb+spend+time/money+ on sth 某人在….上花费 11. It takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人多少时间做某事 12. Sth+ cost+ sb +money 某物花费了某人多少钱 13. Sb+pay+money+for sth 某人为….付多少钱 14. chat with/to sb 与某人聊天 15. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩 16. in the end= at last/finally 最后,终于 17. make a decision 下决心,下决定 18. afford to do sth 有足够的钱做某事(常与can,could或be able to 连用) 19. afford sth买得起…(常与can,could或be able to 连用) 20. to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是……. 21. even though 即使,尽管 22. no longer 不再,已不 23. take pride in 对…..感到自豪 24. pay attention to 对…..注意,留心 25. give up doing sth 放弃做某事 26. not……. any more..不再,已不 27. help sb( to)do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 28. help do sth 帮助做某事 29. all the time 一直 /all the same 仍然 30. instead of +名/代/动名……代替, 而不是 31. can’t stop doing 禁不住做某事;忍不住去做某事 Unit3 1. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 2. allow doing sth 允许做某事 3. be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 4. have part –time jobs做兼职工作 5. get +名词+过去分词 让某人做某事 6. choose one’s own clothes 选择某人自己的衣服 7. stop doing sth 停止做某事 8. stop to do sth 停下来做某事 9. stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 10. cut one’s hair理发 11. It seems/seemed+that+从句 似乎…… =Sb/sth+seems/seemed +to do sth (或形容词) 12. look cool 看上去很酷 13. need to do sth (人作主语)需要做某事 14. need doing sth (物作主语) 需要做某事 15. so+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语 ……..也是如此(用倒装结构,前后主语不一样) 16. so改为neither或nor 表否定 17. so +主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词 表示赞同前者说法…确实如此(用陈述结构,前后主语要一致) 18. stay up 熬夜 19.concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于 20.at present 目前,现在 相当于now 19. have an opportunity to do sth 有做某事的机会 20. fail(in)sth 没能通过或(功课)不及格 21. fail to do sth 未能做….. 22. sometimes 有时 /some times 几次,几倍 23. sometime 某个时间 用来指不确定的过去或将来的时间 /some time 一段时间 24. be strict with sb对某人严格要求 25. be strict in one’s work 对某人的工作严格要求 26. the other day 前几天,不久以前 27. talk about 谈论 28. be good for 对….有好处/be bad for 对…有害 29. keep +sth /sb+形容词 使得….保持…make sb/sth+adj 使得某人或某物保持某种状态 30. make sb do sth使某人做某事 31. learn from 向….学习 32. old people’s home 养老院 33. get in the way 妨碍 34. care about 担心,关心 35. be serious about 对…….认真 36. spend time on 在……上花费时间 37. English_English dictionary 英英词典/English_Chinese dictionary英汉词典 38. notebook computer 笔记本电脑 39. developed country 发达国家 40. be proud of 相当于take pride in 为…..感到骄傲, 为…..感到自豪 Unit 4 1. three million三百万/millions of 数百万…… 2. two thousand两千/thousands of 成千上万….. 3. five hundred 五百/hundreds of数百…… 4. What if 如果……将会怎么样 5. in the slightest 一点也 during the concert在音乐会期间 6. not….. in the slightest =not …at all 一点也不 7. plenty of +可数名词或不可数名词 很多的,足够的 只用于肯定句中. 在疑问句中一般用enough ,在否定句中用many或much. 8. get along with=get on with 与….相处 9. let sb down 让某人失望或沮丧 10. come up with =think up 提出,想出 11. give it to medical research把它给医学研究 12. be late for ……迟到 13. worry about=be worried about为....担心 14. would rather….. than 宁可....也不愿...,与其....不如... would rather和 than 后都跟动词原形 13.right away立刻,马上=at once/right now/in a minute 14.be friendly to sb 对某人友好 15. be sure of+n/pron 确信,有把握主语是人. be sure to do sth 一定,必然会主语可以是人或是物 be sure+that从句.确信,有把握,主语是人 16.come out 出版,发表17.feel some pain/feel painful 感到疼痛 18.over=more than 超过,.....多. 19.internet friend 网友 20.in a public place 在公共场所 21.ask sb for advice 征求某人意见 22.give advice on 在....上提出意见/建议 23..alone=by oneself 独自 24.make speeches 演讲,做报告. 25.be terrified of 害怕=be afraid of……..26.at lunch time 在午饭时候 27.without permission 没得到允许 without后跟名词或动名词 28.tell sb to do sth /tell sb not to do sth叫某人做某事/叫某人别做某事 29.ask sb to do sth /ask sb not to do sth请求某人做某事/请求某人别做某事 30.too+adj/adv+to +v 太……而不能=so+adj/adv+that+否定句(用can’t /couldn’t 来否定)=not+adj+enough+to+v . Unit5 1.belong to +名词或宾格代词 属于=be sb’s 2. hair band 发带 3. escape from 从…….逃离 4.use up 用完,用光,耗尽 5.turn off 关掉/turn on 打开/turn down 调低,关小/turn up调高,开大 6.because of+名词 因为,由于 because 连词,后接从句 , 因为. 7.must/could/may/might+be+doing sth 一定/可能正在做某事. 8.There must be sb doing sth 一定有某人正在做某事 9.something strange 一些奇怪的东西(形容词修饰不定代词放不定代词之后) 10.pretend to do sth 假装做某事 11.be careful of +名词/代词/动名词 当心…… 12.have a picnic 吃野餐 13.at the picnic 在野餐 14.during the concerts 在音乐会期间 15.I haven’t seen my cat for two days 我已经有两天没看见我的猫了 16.try to do sth 尽力/设法做某事 17.try doing sth 尝试做某事 Unit6 18.prefer=like…….better更喜欢,更喜爱 19.prefer to do sth/prefer doing sth 更喜欢做…..,宁愿做…. 20.prefer+名词或动名词+to+名词或动名词 与…..相比更喜欢…=like …..better than 21.prefer+to+动原+rather than+动原 相当于would rather+动原+than+动原 宁愿….也不愿 22.remind sb of 提醒某人 ,使记起某人 23.put one’s heart into/concentrate on全神贯注 24.Yellow River黄河 25.on display=on show展览,陈列 26.interest sb 使某人感兴趣/be interested in对….感兴趣(用人作主语)/interesting令人感兴趣的(用物作主语),也可修饰名词 27.疑问词+ever表示不管…,无论….相当于no matter+疑问词 whatever= no matter what/whenever= no matter when/wherever=no matter where 28.to be honest 老实说,说实在的 29.over the years多年来 30.be bad for 对…..有害的,有坏处的/ be good for对….有益的 31.stay away from sb /sth与…..保持距离 32. be in agreement意见一致 33.barbecue meat 烧烤肉 34.different kinds of不同种类的 all kinds of 各种各样的 35.one’s own 某人自己的 36. make movies制作电影 37.a few 一些,几个 (表肯定), few 几乎没有(表否定) 都修饰可数名词 a little一点,一些(表肯定), little几乎没有(表否定)都修饰不可数名词 如:I have a few apples.我有几个苹果 I have few friends. 我几乎没有朋友 I have a little money 我有一点钱 I have little milk. 我没有牛奶了 38.one of the+最高级+名词的复数 最…..之一39. a group of 一群….,一组… 40..keep healthy /keep fit /keep in good health /stay healthy 保持健康 41.take care of=look after照顾,照看take good care of=look after….well 好好照看, 好好照顾 Unit71. take it easy 从容,轻松 2. Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 3. in general 通常,大体上.一般而言 4. come true 实现,达到 5.provide sb with sth /provide sb sth(provide sth for sb)为某人提供某物 6. as soon as possible 尽快地 7. go on vacation 去度假 8. go on doing sth 继续做某事,指前后做的是同一件事. 9.go on with sth=go on doing sth 10. go on to do sth 接着做另一件事, 指前后做的不是同一件事. 11. would like to do sth=want to do sth 想要做某事 12.somewhere relaxing令人放松的地方 13. hope to do sth希望做某事 14.Why not+动原=Why don’t you +动原…为什么不…(是提建议的一种方式) 15.consider doing sth 考虑做某事 16.one of+ the +最高级+名词复数 …..中最…的之一 17.rather/quite +a/an+ 形+单数名词 18. a/an+very+ 形容词+ 名词 19.some day将来某一天; 同义词: someday/ one day 20.translate….into把….翻译为….. 21. take a trip 做一次旅行 22.in the+方位名词+ of表示在某一范围内 23.to the+方位名词+ of表示在某一范围之外 24.on the+方位名词+of表示两地接壤 25.be away 离开 26. come for dinner 过来吃饭 27.this time of year一年的这个时候 28.continue to do sth/continue doing sth 继续做某事 29.dream of/aout 做梦, 梦见 30. quite a few 相当多,不少 31.receive /get a letter from sb=hear from sb 收到某人的来信 32.be willing to do sth愿意做某事 33. on the one hand….., on the other hand 一方面….,另一方面…. 34. the Pacific Ocean太平洋 35. computer programming 计算机编程 36.according to+ 名词/代词/由疑问词引出的从句 根据,按照 Unit 81clean up 打扫干净,梳理整齐 2.Clean-Up Day清洁日 3. homeless people 无家可归的人 4.cheer up 使振奋,使高兴起来 5.give out 分发,发放 6.put off doing sth推迟做某事,拖延做某事 7.set up =establish/start 建立,创立,开办 8.think up=come up with 想出 , 提出 9.take after (在外貌,性格等方面)与(父母等)想像,同义词组:look like /be like/ be similar to 10.fix up 修理 ,修补 11.give away 赠送,分发 12.put up 展示 ,张贴 13. hand out 分发,发放 14.work out 结局,至最后,结果为 15. at once 立刻,马上 16,not only…..but(also)不但…..而且…. 17. run out of 用完,用尽 18.be similar to 与……相似 19.hang out 闲荡 20.fill …….with 用….装满,充满 21. call sb up 给某人打电话 22.thank sb for+ 名词/动名 因……而感谢某人 23.send ….. to 寄……给…. 24.help sb out帮助某人解决困难 25.help sb do sth=help sb with sth帮助某人做某事 26. join the school volunteer project加入学校自愿计划 27.coach sb in maths 辅导某人数学 28.disabled people 残疾人 29.a friend of + mine(名词性的物主代词) 我的一个朋友 30.make it possible for sb to do sth做….使得某人有可能 31.be used to +动原 被用来做…..(强调动作) =be used for doin

说实在的to be honestorhonestly speaking

说实话的英文翻译是tell the truth,speak the truth,或者是in faith。


to be honest英[tu: bi: ˈɔnist]美[tu bi ˈɑnɪst][词典]说实话;[例句]I want to be honest, honest above everything else.我想要做到诚实,一切以诚实为上。

Tell it like it is !

to tell the truth honestly speaking

not beat about the bushspeak truthful statement truthfully


speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it iscall a spade a spade


TV program



英 [ˈprəʊɡræm]   美 [ˈproʊɡræm]



第三人称单数: programs

复数: programs

现在分词: programming

过去式: programmed

过去分词: programmed

记忆技巧:pro 在前 + gram 写,画 → 事前写好的东西 → 计划;提纲

You will see a thumbnail image of each channel, and you can choose the TV program you want.





英 [ˈtelikɑːst]   美 [ˈtelikæst]



第三人称单数: telecasts

复数: telecasts

现在分词: telecasting

过去式: telecasted

过去分词: telecasted

派生词: telecast v.  telecaster n.

The football match will be telecast live.


如幸运52: Lucky 52.今日新闻 Today news半边天 half the sky1、开心词典2、快乐大本营3、购物街4、超市大赢家5、非常6+16、越策越开心7、新闻联播8、红歌会9、超级女声10、快乐男声1、happy Thesaurus 2、happy Headquarter 3、shopping street 4、The supermarket big winner 5、Very six and one 6、More the plan is more happy 7、news broadcasting 8、Red song meeting 9、super girl 10、happy boy


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