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真武大帝百科名片 真武大帝铜像真武大帝又称玄天上帝、玄武大帝、佑圣真君玄天上帝,全称真武荡魔大帝,为道教神仙中赫赫有名的玉京尊神。现在武当山信奉的主神就是真武大帝,道经中称他为“镇天真武灵应佑圣帝君”,简称“真武帝君”。民间称荡魔天尊、报恩祖师、披发祖师。明朝以后,在全国影响极大,近代民间信仰尤为普遍。真武大帝也称玄武、玄龙,盘古之子,于玉帝退位后任第三任天帝,生有炎黄二帝。曾降世为伏羲,为龙身,中华之祖龙。目录真武大帝特征 其一,为北方之神 其二,为水神 其三,为阴阳交感演化万物的象征 其四,为戈之事的主持者 其五,为司命之神真武大帝相关记载 真武大帝的来历 真武大帝的更名原因真武大帝特征 其一,为北方之神 其二,为水神 其三,为阴阳交感演化万物的象征 其四,为戈之事的主持者 其五,为司命之神真武大帝相关记载 真武大帝的来历 真武大帝的更名原因展开 编辑本段真武大帝特征其一,为北方之神 《楚辞·远游》注云:“玄武,北方神名。”《史记·天官书》曰:“北宫玄武,虚危,危为盖屋。”真武大帝《重修纬书集成》卷六《河图》:“北方黑帝,神名叶光纪,精为玄武。”而汉代人认为北方之神不只一位,而有三位,《淮南子·天文训》称其为颛顼、辰星、玄武。因较为复杂,民众不易把握,故仍以玄武为北方之神。 其二,为水神 根据阴阳五行来说,北方属水,故北方之神即为水神。王逸《九章怀句》云:“天龟水神。”《后汉书·王梁传》曰:“玄武,水神之名,司空水土之官也。”《重修纬书集成》卷六《河图》:“北方七神之宿,实始于斗,镇北方,主风雨。”因雨水为万物生存所必需,故玄武的水神属性,深受人们的信奉。真武大帝其三,为阴阳交感演化万物的象征 东汉魏伯阳《周易参同契》曰:“关关雎鸠,在河之洲,窈窕淑女,君子好逑,雄不独处,雌不孤居,玄武龟蛇,纠盘相扶,以明牝牡,毕竟相胥。”就是利用龟蛇纠盘的例子来说明阴阳必须相合的观点。 其四,为戈之事的主持者 ,勾陈大帝之重要支持,剑仙之道守护神,武学之人的护法者。灵龟为盾、玄蛇为剑,兵天剑修真的看守护者。武当山道教最高尊神。因北方七宿(斗、牛、虚、危、室、壁)组成龟形,其下有腾蛇星,故龟蛇合体;位于北方,属水,其色玄,故称玄武。玄武真君每每斩妖锄魔都御剑出行,就因为御剑天遁比腾云驾雾来的快。 其五,为司命之神 龟因其寿命长而成为长寿和不死的象征,《史记·龟策列传》称其能导引咽气。《抱朴子》亦称其能导引,并曰:“城阳郄位少时行猎,坠空冢中,饥饿,见冢中先有大龟,数数回转,所向无常,张口吞气,或俛或仰。乃试随龟所为,遂不复饥。”此外,北方玄武首宿即为斗宿,俗称南斗。《星经》曰:“南斗云星,主天子寿命,亦宰相爵禄之位。”晋干宝《搜神记》中引用管辂的话曰:“南斗注生,北斗注死。”既而人们相信祭拜南斗就可以增寿。 玄武的这些特性,不但赢得了社会各阶层的普遍信仰,而且还为唐宋以后玄武演变成道教大神奠定了基础。 编辑本段真武大帝相关记载 玄武本二十八宿中北方七宿之总名。战国典籍已有记载。 《楚辞·远游》有"召玄武而奔属"之句洪兴祖《楚辞补注》卷五曰:"玄武谓龟蛇,位在北方,故曰玄,身有鳞甲,故曰武” 《礼记·曲礼》云:"行,前朱鸟而后玄武,左青龙而右白虎。"注曰:"行,军旅之出也。朱鸟、玄武、青龙、白虎,四方宿名也。……军行法之,作此举之于上,以指正四方,使戎阵整肃也。" 《淮南子·天文》将此四方神与四天帝相配,称玄武为颛顼之僚佐,曰:"北方水也,其帝颛顼,其佐玄冥,……其神为辰星,其兽玄武。真武大帝" 纬书《河图》则视玄武为黑帝之精,称:"北方黑帝,神名叶光纪,精为玄武。"又曰:"北方黑帝,体为玄武,其人夹面兑头,深目厚耳。" 东晋葛洪《抱朴子内篇·杂应》称老君李聃"左有十二青龙,右有二十六白虎,前有二十四朱雀,后有七十二玄武,"为之作护卫。 唐段成式《酉阳杂俎》中之玄武形象仍为龟蛇,该书《续编》卷三云:"朱道士者,太和八年,常游庐山,憩之涧石,忽见蟠蛇如堆缯锦,俄变为巨龟,访之山叟,云是玄武。" 五代于逖《灵应录》又记人锄死龟蛇得祸的故事,据称此龟蛇即"玄武神也"。 编辑本段真武大帝的来历 据《太上说玄天大圣真武本传神咒妙经》,真武大帝是太上老君第八十二次变化之身,托生于大罗境上无欲天宫,净乐国王善胜皇后之子。皇后梦而吞日,觉而怀孕,经一十四月及四百余辰,降诞于王宫。后既长成,遂舍家辞父母,入武当山修道,历四十二年功成果满,白日升天。玉皇有诏,封为太玄,镇于北方。玄武一词,原是二十八宿中北方七宿的总称。屈原《楚辞》之《远游》篇有句称,「召玄武而奔属」。玄武七宿之形如龟蛇,故注称,「玄武谓龟蛇,位在北方,故曰玄,身有鳞甲,故曰武」。北宋开宝年间,玄武神降于终南山。太平兴国六年(981年)封为翌盛将军。铜雕真武大帝宋真宗大中祥符七年(1014年)加封为翌圣保德真君,后为避圣祖赵玄朗之讳,改玄武为真武。宋真宗、宋徽宗、南宋钦宗等屡有加封。元代大德七年(1303年)加封真武为元圣仁威玄天上帝。明成祖崇奉真武,御用的监、局、司、厂、库等衙门中,都建有真武庙,供奉真武大帝像。永乐十年(1412年)又命隆平侯张信率军夫二十余万人大建武当山宫观群,使武当山真武大帝的香火达到了鼎盛。七宿之中有斗宿。道教重视斗星崇拜,称「南斗注生,北斗注死」,凡是人从投胎之日起,就从南斗过渡到北斗。人之生命寿夭均由北斗主其事。因此,人祈求延生长寿,都要奉祀真武大帝。 《佑圣咒》称真武大帝是「太阴化生,水位之精。虚危上应,龟蛇合形。周行六合,威慑万灵」。因此,真武大帝属水,当能治水降火,解除水火之患。明代宫内多建真武庙就为祈免水火之灾。 编辑本段真武大帝的更名原因 关于玄武更名为真武的原因,众说纷纭。一说为避宋真宗的讳(宋真宗曾馥名玄休、玄侃),此说见于《集说诠真》等书中,另一说为避赵宋“圣祖”赵玄朗的讳,此说见于《朱子语类》中。玄武改为真武后,玄武的名称很少有人提及了。北宋时期,真武的形象仍是龟蛇。到了南宋,真武人格化的传说开始日益繁盛。宋太祖时,已有真武、天蓬等为天上大将之说。宋高承《事物纪原》中即记载了宋真宗天禧(1017—1022年)元年(1017年),“营中有卒见龟蛇者,军士因建真武堂。二年闰四月,泉涌堂侧,汲不渴,民疾疫者,饮之多愈”。真宗闻言,下诏建观,赐名“祥源”。于是人格化的真武诞生了。据《夷坚志》、《云麓漫钞》等书记载,其形象多道服羽梳,被(披)发仗剑(故称披发祖师),颇为勇猛。真武作为道教所奉祀的大神,并且在民间有着广泛而深到的信仰,就再也不能作为原来星辰龟蛇的形象括跃于道教神坛之上了。故有关真武身世、神迹的传说便逐渐流传开来,《道藏》、《续文献通考》、《三教搜神大全》、《历代神仙通鉴》等书中,均载有诸多有关真武身世的传说和神异故事。 道教经书中描绘真武的形象是披发黑衣,金甲玉带,仗剑怒目,足踏龟蛇,顶罩圆光,形象十分威猛。《元始天尊说北方真武妙经》宣竹,真武帝君原来是净乐国太子,生而神灵,察微知运。长大成人后十分勇猛,唯务修行,发誓要除尽天下妖魔,不愿继承王位。后遇紫虚元君,授以无上秘道,连越游东海,又遇天神授以宝剑。入武当(太和山)修炼。居四十二年功成圆满,白日飞升,玉帝下令敕镇北方,统摄玄武之位,并将太和山易名为武当山,意思是“非玄武不足以当(挡) 之”。宋天禧年间(1017—1022)诏封为“真武灵应真君”。元朝大德(1297—1308)七年(1303)加封为“光圣仁威玄天上帝”,一跃而为北方最高神。 明代是真武大帝声势显赫、民间信仰最为普遍的时期。明朝初期,朱元璋的儿子燕王朱棣发动“靖难之变”,夺取了王位。传说在燕王的整个行动中,真武大帝都曾显灵相助,因此朱棣登基后,即下诏特封真武为“北极镇天真武玄天上帝”,并大规模地修建武当山的宫观庙堂,建成八宫二观、三十六庵堂、七十二岩庙、三十九桥、十二亭的庞大道教建筑群,使武当山成为举世闻名的道教圣地,并在天柱峰顶修建“金殿”,奉祀真武大帝神像。因帝王的大力提倡,真武大帝的信仰在明代达到了鼎盛阶段,宫廷内和民间普遍修建了大量的真武庙。 现在庙内供奉真武大帝,一般为披发跣足,端坐于殿堂之上,旁边塑有龟、蛇二将,或金童、玉女。据说前者是护卫大神,后者专替真武记录三界中的善恶功过。真武的诞辰日为农历的三月初三日。

The tourist service center Meng Buddha scenic area tourist service center is located east the scenic area entrance north side, area 64034 square meters, floor space 5850 square meters.The center uses Shuijie's design idea, the building has the strong Ming and Qing Dynasties style, fuses with the scenic area whole construction style.The center has 700 berth parking lots, the arched curtain demonstrated the hall, synthesizes the museum and each kind of store, the collection dining, the shopping, the lodgings and so on many kinds of functions in a body, is in the scenic area the biggest traveling service function area.This center starts in May, 2009 to construct, in November, 2010 is completed.The god of the north temple is consecrates north Taoism the big god god of the north big emperor's place, is located north the cultured village, facing south.This temple beginning constructs at the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty repairs, in 2009 has carried on the repair in the original address.Side main hall surface extravagant five, depth of a house two, the crown for rests the summit, the colored glaze cuts.In the palace offers sacrifices the god of the north big emperor, throws over sends holds a sword, the mill treads the turtle snake fully, dignified grave, north god town.The both sides respectively be Duke of Zhou, peach blossom female and part of great bear, the god of thunder day, the water, Mr. Ma Tian, the king celestial being with noble rank, too the second grade, the goddess of lightning day, the fire, Mr. Zhao Tian, the pass god, the horse celestial being with noble rank, warm day Mr. 12 will protect buddhist law marshal.The fresh-tasting spring water ditch ditch deep 1 kilometer little, with the Southern University ditch, the small west ditch is connected.In the ditch the terrain is complex, the geological structure is unique, once had “the midsummer season freezing cold” marvelous sight.In the ditch the fresh-tasting spring water temple constructs in the Northern Qi Dynasty day series two years (A.D. 566), its prosperous time once had the clergy 500 people, the folk has “has the cultured ancient big crag first, latter had the fresh-tasting spring water 500 years” saying.In the ditch also has historical sites and so on Dragon King temple, drop aquiferous rock, because the age is remote, has annihilated in the historical perpetual flow.The temple bottom production brigade in the 20th century six, the 70's “goes to the mountain and countryside the movement”, goes to the mountain and countryside one of admission as the Taiyuan educated youth, the golden victory people's commune temple bottom production brigade admitted successively has come from each place educated youth 20.The educated youth and the villagers builds up six rows of 72 cave dwellings in on century the beginning of 70's, uses in the production brigade the daily work and the housing.The cave dwelling after the repair, takes the scenic area interior at present the small service area and the tourist stopover station.The cave dwelling both sides demonstrated the old picture is the real portrayal which the villagers and the educated youth lived in the past, from the people's commune, went to the mountain and countryside to agriculture study Dazhai, has reappeared the historical transformation.The Tallin pinnacle was the cultured temple all previous dynasties eminent monk's grave tower, the tower body engraves the engraved inscription to record all previous dynasties eminent monk's life story and the religious texts.According to the preliminary textual research, original grave tower 280, so large-scale Tallin, the cultured temple the clergy was obviously multitudinous in the past, eminent monk Germany poured forth.Tallin by Tang, Song, bright eminent monk grave tower majority, “Great Cultural Revolution” when majority of has damaged, stops buries, partial grave tower already in original address repair.


Visitor Center Monsanto Giant Buddha Scenic Area Visitor Center is located in the northeast gate, covers an area of 64,034 square meters, construction area of 5,850 square meters. Center design by Water Street, the building of the Ming and Qing style with a strong, and the scenic spots of the overall architectural style of integration. Center has 700 parking spaces, dome screen showrooms, museums and all kinds of integrated shops, dining, shopping, accommodation and other functions in one, is the largest area of travel services functional areas. The center began construction in May 2009, November 2010 completion. Zhenwu Is dedicated to the Taoist god of the north really Tati's place in the civilized north of the village, facing south. The temple was built in the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty rebuilt in 2009 on in-situ re-fixed. Miankuo hall five, deep into two, at the top of the Xieshan Ding, glass trim. Temple enshrined really Tati, wrap hair sword, milling feet on Guiyi, solemn dignity, God the town of the north. Respectively, on both sides of the Duke of Zhou, peach girl, and Plough, Thunder days will be, the water will, Matian Jun, Wang Lingguan, Taiyi, electric home of Space, the fire will, Zhaotian Jun, Guan Emperor, Maling Guan, Wen Tianjun second law-enforcement chief. Gan Quangou Xu Goushen 1 km, and the South ditch, small Xigou connected. Trench topography, unique geological structure, there have been "the height of summer Dishuichengbing" spectacle. Oasis Temple of the trench system was built in Northern Qi-day year (AD 566), its heyday there were five hundred monks, people have "big rocks first, the ancient civilized, five years after the Oasis," said. Longwangmiao trench there, dripping rocks, monuments, due to age-old, has been destroying the history. Temple of the end of brigade In the twentieth century, sixties and seventies of the "Down to the Countryside Movement", as the countryside and mountainous areas of Taiyuan educated youth is one of acceptance points, Jinsheng Gong Temple at the end Brigade community has accepted the knowledge of young people from all over twenty more than. Knowledge of youth and villagers in the early 70s of last century 72 caves built six rows for the brigade's daily work and living. Cave is renovated, the current as a small area within the service area and transit point for tourists. Cave of old photos on display on both sides of the villagers with the knowledge of the real life portrayal of young people then, from the communes, mountains and the countryside to the Agriculture, Learn, depicts the history of the change. Talinn Temple pagoda is open Muta ancient monks, the tower of the ancient inscriptions carved by monks of the life stories and scriptures. According to preliminary research, the original tomb pagoda of 280 seats, such a large scale in Tallinn, we can see many open Temple monks year, senior monks in large numbers. Tallinn to the Tang, Song and Ming Muta mostly monks, the "Cultural Revolution" the most corrupt, in situ submerged underground, part of the repair site was Muta.


The Leshan Giant Buddha

武侯祠:Wuhou Temple九寨沟:Jiuzhaigou Valley三星堆遗址:the site of Sanxingdui世界自然遗产:the World Natural Heritage都江堰:the Dujiangyan Dam杜甫草堂:Dufu Thatched Cottage青羊宫:Qingyang Taoist Temple

Leshan Buddha, also known as Lingyun Buddha, is located at Lingyun Temple on the East Bank of Nanminjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is near the confluence of Dadu River,

Qingyi River and Minjiang River. The Great Buddha is a sitting statue of Maitreya Buddha. It is 71 meters high. It is the largest stone statue on a cliff in China.

Leshan Buddha was excavated in the first year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (713), and completed in the nineteenth year of Zhenyuan (803), which lasted about ninety years.

Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Spot, which consists of Leshan Grand Buddha, Lingyun Mountain, Wuyou Mountain and Huge Crouching Buddha, belongs to the national 5A-level tourist attraction and is a part of the world cultural and natural heritage Emeishan-Leshan Grand Buddha.

On October 8, 2018, the Jiuqu Trestle Road of Leshan Grand Buddha Scenic Area was closed before construction began. On April 1, 2019, the preliminary research and survey on rescue protection of the damaged area of Leshan Grand Buddha in Sichuan Province,

which lasted nearly half a year, ended. Leshan Grand Buddha officially "left the customs", and the Jiuqu Trestle Road and the Buddha foot sightseeing platform of the scenic area were reopened.



乐山大佛和凌云山、乌尤山、巨形卧佛等景点组成的乐山大佛景区属于国家5A级旅游景区, 是世界文化与自然双重遗产峨眉山-乐山大佛的组成部分。

2018年10月8日,乐山大佛景区九曲栈道处已经开始施工前打围封闭。 2019年4月1日,历时近半年的四川乐山大佛残损区域抢救性保护前期研究及勘测工作结束,乐山大佛正式“出关”,景区的九曲栈道和佛脚观光平台重新开放。


The Great Budda of Leshan is very big.乐山大佛很大。


顺德人吗, 老乡啊, 译文如下: 10 Sanle Road East, Beijiao Industrial Park Beijiao Town, Shunde District Foshan City

求“广东省佛山市顺德区均安镇”Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Shunde District, an zhen"

广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇兴业东路Xingyedong Rd. Shishan Town Nanhai District Foshan City Guangdong Province , China

英文South China Town, Foshan City, Guangdong Province


佛山简称“禅”,是一座历史悠久的文化名城,是中华人民共和国广东省下辖的一个地级市,1951年6月26日成立。这里是黄飞鸿、李小龙的故乡,是珠三角的经济重地。一个荣耀千年的商贸名城,用生生不息的陶都圣火锻造出“敢为人先,崇文务实”的城市。外文名称: Foshan

英文South China Town, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

1、The ancestral temple2、3、Dongfang Plaza4、Qiandeng Lake5、Liang's Garden6、Qinghui Garden7、Zhongshan Park

Room 2101,E Building,No.19 Zen,Lvjing Road one Chancheng district,Fushan ,Guangdong province 此处填邮编 People's Republic of China


广东省佛山市禅城区省元巷32号一行格式32 Shengyuan Lane, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province多行邮件格式32 Shengyuan LaneChancheng District, Foshan CityGuangdong Province

welcome to Fo shan

佛山简称“禅”,是一座历史悠久的文化名城,是中华人民共和国广东省下辖的一个地级市,1951年6月26日成立。这里是黄飞鸿、李小龙的故乡,是珠三角的经济重地。一个荣耀千年的商贸名城,用生生不息的陶都圣火锻造出“敢为人先,崇文务实”的城市。外文名称: Foshan

[Foshan] 广东省地级市。位于珠江三角洲上广州西南人口30万。是中国历史上四大名镇之一现为丝纺工业中心。香云纱和艺术陶瓷为其名产

佛山,简称禅,广东省省辖市,全国重要的制造业基地,国家历史文化名城,珠三角地区西翼经贸中心和综合交通枢纽。佛山位于广东省中部,地处珠三角腹地,毗邻港澳,东接广州,南邻中山。佛山与广州地缘相连、历史相承、文化同源。是“广佛都市圈”、“广佛肇经济圈”、“珠江-西江经济带”的重要组成部分,全国先进制造业基地、广东重要的制造业中心,在广东省经济发展中处于领先地位。佛山原名季华乡,“肇迹于晋,得名于唐”,唐贞观二年(628年),因在城内塔坡岗挖掘出三尊佛像,以为是佛家之地,遂立石榜改季华乡为“佛山”。佛山是国家级历史文化名城,历史上是中国天下四聚、四大名镇之一,是中国龙舟龙狮文化名城,也是粤剧的发源地,... 更多→ 佛山



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