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打扫卫生do some cleaning

1.打扫卫生  do some cleaning;Cleaning the office;cleanup

2.我在家打扫卫生  I was home cleaning;I am at home cleaning

3.继续打扫卫生  Continue cleaning;Continued clean up



Let's clean up first

clean up扩展资料:英语怎么学才能快速提高成绩1、学好单词:词汇量的多少直接会影响到英语学习。在背单词的时候,最好的办法是根据读音规则和构词规律来记,同时一定要重视抄写和背诵。掌握读音规则,还有构词规律,同学们可以用对比、分类、归纳、联想等方法,把音、形、意结合起来。可以利用每天早晨清醒时记忆,晚上睡觉前5分钟回想式记忆,利用琐碎时间记忆。2、学好语法:在学习语法的时候,要细心琢磨语言规则的含义、用法特征,然后进行归纳总结,通过典型例句来理解,对比与汉语的异同,并在此基础上进行应用性的练习,可以逐渐达到熟练的程度。3、培养兴趣:可以利用课本范文反复阅读,利用报纸杂志进行阅读,利用英文字幕的电影进行默读,利用英文歌曲在K歌软件上KTV里秀出英语。看多了,唱多了,就会发现自己基础越来越好,对英语的兴趣就会越来越高。


do some cleaning ; do the cleaning

打扫就是clean了打扫房间,cleaning the room 打扫房子,cleaning the house

答:打扫卫生用英语可以这样说:do some cleaning.

打扫卫生do some cleaning



Helping mother do the cleaning Today is the Spring Festival, mother early on the morning cleaning. She wiped the table, and then sweeping, mopping the floor. Finally began to clean the windows. I see my mother is very tired, so he picked up a piece of cloth to wipe up. Met with the mother, very happy.中文:今天是春节,妈妈早早的就起床打扫卫生了。她先擦桌子,然后扫地、拖地。最后开始擦窗户。我见妈妈很累,于是便拿起一块抹布开始擦了起来。妈妈见了,很是欣慰。

以下是一篇关于做家务的英语作文及其翻译:Doing Household ChoresEveryone hates doing household chores, but they are essential to keeping a home clean and organized. I help out with chores at home every day because it’s the responsible thing to do. I believe that everyone should do their part to contribute to the daily chores include vacuuming, dusting, and washing dishes. I also do the laundry once a week and clean the bathroom every two weeks. On the weekends, I help with bigger tasks like mowing the lawn and cleaning the people see doing chores as a burden, but I enjoy it. When I finish a task, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work. It’s also a great way to stay active and get some chores has taught me a lot about responsibility and time management. It’s not always fun, but it’s an important part of being a responsible member of a household. 每个人都讨厌做家务,但这些家务对于保持家庭的清洁和有序是必不可少的。我每天都会帮忙做家务,因为这是一种负责任的态度。我认为每个人都应该为家庭做出自己的贡献。我每天的家务包括吸尘、擦灰和洗碗。每周我还要洗一次衣服,每两周清洁一次浴室。在周末,我会帮忙做一些更大的任务,比如修剪草坪和打扫车库。很多人认为做家务很烦人,但我却很享受它。当我完成一项任务时,我会感到一种成就感和对自己工作的骄傲。这也是保持活动和锻炼身体的好方法。做家务教会了我很多关于责任和时间管理方面的知识。虽然不总是很有乐趣,但这是成为一个负责任的家庭成员不可或缺的一部分。

Spring Festival is coming soon, it is a custom to clean up the house before the festival comes. It was Satuday, I helped my mother clean the house. we cleaned up the floor and threw the rubbish away. we also tidied the house, washed the sheets and cleaned the windows and so on. It was a meaningful day. 春节即将到来,在节日到来之前进行大扫除是一种风俗。那是星期六,我帮妈妈打扫了房子。我们扫了地,倒了垃圾。我们也整理了房子,洗了被单,还有清洁了窗户等等。这真是有意义的一天啊。


do something cleanclean upsweepdightdusting

clean-up 打扫卫生;大扫除

翻译如下打扫卫生clean up;sweep; dight; do out; dusting都可以例句我从来不用跟在他后面打扫卫生。恰恰相反,他包揽了大部分的清洁工作。I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.

打扫卫生用英语翻译为clean up,希望可以帮助到你哦


家家户户都要打扫卫生,我们家也不例外小学生写一篇关于打扫卫生的英语作文要怎么写呢?下面我为大家搜集整理有关打扫卫生的小学英语作文,希望可以帮助到大家!  小学英语作文:Cleaning Day   When I am going to watch TV in Sunday morning, my mother asks me to do the cleaning. I never do it before. I don’t know why my mother asks me to do it suddenly. I clean the floor and then I go to the sofa for a rest, and I think I have finished. But my mother come to me and ask me to clean the toilet. I feel sad. Toilet is so dirty. I don’t want to do it, but I have to. After done it, I realize what a hard job my mother is doing in the usual time.   周日早上我正打算看电视的时候,我妈妈突然叫我去打扫卫生。我从来都没有做过。我不知道为什么我妈妈突然要我去做这些事情。我把地板打扫完后,就跑到沙发上躺着,我以为我已经把事情都做完了。但是,我妈妈过来叫我去打扫厕所。我觉得好忧伤,厕所那么脏。我不想去做,但是又不得不去做。做完之后,我才意识到平时我妈妈做的工作是那么的辛苦。   优秀英语作文:Cleaning   Today is Saturday. I stay at home with my parents. My mother said that today we should do some cleanings. I agreed and I would like to help. I cleaned the windows. It was really a tough job. Now matter how hard I tried, they seemed dirty all the same. Therefore, I asked for help. My mother teached me a method to clean the windows. It realy worked. And then I cleaned the floor. It was much easier than cleaning the windows. I did it in a short time. My parents praised me.   今天星期天,我和爸妈呆在家里。妈妈说我们应该打扫下房间了,我也有同感并且加入一起帮忙。我负责清洗窗户,这真是一件累活,不管我擦得怎么努力,窗户看上去还是那么脏。我不得不向妈妈求助,妈妈教我一个清洗窗户的方法,结果真凑效了。然后我又清洗了地板,这比擦窗户容易多了,我很快就干完了。爸妈都表扬了我。   小学生英语范文:打扫卫生   my parents are both busy working and my mind is always occupied by the the weekdays,none of us will do the cleaning at the weekend,always on sunday,our family together do the is not a easy to assign the jobs but we cooperate mother is responsible for cleaning the floor while my father is in charge of cleaning the am usually appointed to tidy my own though it is a tough job,i find it interesting.   i feel so pround after i finish is definitly helpful to improve my family relationship and make us in a happy mood before new week coming.  猜你喜欢: 1. 英语作文:保护环境的范文与单词2. 备忘录英文作文范文3. 关于环境污染的英语作文4. good health英语作文范文5. 英语作文范文:良好的习惯

Helping mother do the cleaning Today is the Spring Festival, mother early on the morning cleaning. She wiped the table, and then sweeping, mopping the floor. Finally began to clean the windows. I see my mother is very tired, so he picked up a piece of cloth to wipe up. Met with the mother, very happy.中文:今天是春节,妈妈早早的就起床打扫卫生了。她先擦桌子,然后扫地、拖地。最后开始擦窗户。我见妈妈很累,于是便拿起一块抹布开始擦了起来。妈妈见了,很是欣慰。


Spring Festival is coming soon, it is a custom to clean up the house before the festival comes. It was Satuday, I helped my mother clean the house. we cleaned up the floor and threw the rubbish away. we also tidied the house, washed the sheets and cleaned the windows and so on. It was a meaningful day. 春节即将到来,在节日到来之前进行大扫除是一种风俗。那是星期六,我帮妈妈打扫了房子。我们扫了地,倒了垃圾。我们也整理了房子,洗了被单,还有清洁了窗户等等。这真是有意义的一天啊。


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