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采纳一下吧~~不像某些人,答题连参考资料都不写,没素质哦~~~二、 1、I must call the doctor. He must call the doctor(情态动词后动词为原形) 2、I am going to telephone him. He is going to telephone him. 3、I can go with her.he can go with her(CAN是情态动词,后面同样用原形) 4、I have a new car.He has a new car. 5、I COME from America.He comes from America(第三人称后动词加s) 6、I am American. He is American. 7、I like ice cream. He likes ice cram. 8、I want a newspaper. He wants a newspaper. 9、I was at school yesterday.He was at school yesterday. 10、I don't live here. He doesn't live here.(第三人称用does.) 三、 1、There is a watch on the table. There are some watches on the table.(watch以CH结尾,复数加es) 2 、There is a knife near that tin. There are some knives near that tin.(fe结尾,变f为v加s) 3、 There is a policeman in the kitchen. There are some policemen in the kitchen.(MAN的复数为MEN) 4、 There is a cup on the table. There are some cups on the table(规则型直接加S) 5、 There is a letter on the shelf. There are some letters on the shelf.(同上) 6、 There is a peach on the desk. There are some peaches on the desk. 7、 There is a passport on the shelf. There are some passports on the shelf. 8、There is a fish in the cupboard. There are some fishes in the cupboard. 9、 There is a tree in the garden. There are some trees in the garden. 10、There is a boat on the river. There are some boats on the river. 四、 1、 a 2、some 3、some 4、any 5、a 6、 a 7、any 8、any 9、some 10、some 五、 1、at 2:on 3:in 4:from 5 :in 6:at 7:in 8:in 9:on 10:at 六、 1:over 2:under 3:across 4:along 5:on 6:in 7:off 8:between 9:into 10:out of 七、 1:making 2:swimming 3:shining 4:shaving 5:running 6:sitting 7:typing 8:putting 9:coming 10:giving. 八、 1、Q:Can he come now Q:when can he come? n:He can't come now. 2、Q:Is there a newspaper on the desk. Q:What is there on the desk? N:There isn't a newspaper on the desk. 3、Q:Does he want a new car.? Q:what does he want? N:He doesn't want a new car. 4、Q:Is he going to come now? Q:When is he going to come? N:he isn't going to come now. 5、Q:Do they like ice cream? Q:What do they like? N:they don't like ice cream. 6、Q:does he come from Germany? Q:Where does he come from? N:He doesn't come from Germany. 7、Q:Must they go home now? Q:When must they go home? N:They mustn't go home now. 8、Q:Does he feel ill? Q:How does he? N:He doesn't feel ill. 9、Q:Does he have a headacha? Q:What does he have? N:He doesn't have a headache. 10、Q:Did he clean his shoes? Q:When did he clean his shoes? N:He didn't clean his shoes.

答案:一.1.a 2.a 3.i 4.i 5.or 6.i 7.i 8.o 9.a 10.ow 11.o 12.ee 13.ea 14.oa 15.oo 16.u 17.ee 18.oao 19.ir 20.e 二.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B三.1.are doing 2.Which 3.What colour 4.for 5.Put 6.do going to 7.What colour 8.are 9.is 10 any四.1.George is working hard. 2.Is there any water in the bottle? 3.What are you going to do now? 4.He is going to paint the bookcase white. 5.Jack and Mary are listening to the stereo. 6.What are you going to do with it? 7.Do not put it here. 8.There is a bar of chocolate on the table. 9.That bottle of milk is not for me. 10.There is not any water in the bottle.五.BDAEC六.1.T 2.F They are listening to the radio. 3.F What are you going to do now? 4.F Is your father going to paint the bookcase? 5.F There is not any milk in the bottle. 6.F Blue is my favourite colour. 7.F She is going to put the vase in front of the window. 8.T 9.F There is some water in the glass. 10.F She is waiting for the bus. 七1.他的祖父正在花园里给花浇水。 2.把你的书放在桌子上。 3.你准备去哪儿? 4.比尔和他的朋友在听音乐。 5.有一些面包在盘子上马? 6.What are you going to do? 7.They are waiting for the bus? 8.What are you going to do with the hammer? 9.I am going to paint the wall yellow. 10.This chocolate is not for you.花了半个小时,希望你能满意!


一、1, immediately 2, least 3, actor 4, wave, 5, mile 6, speed 7, dream 8, licence 9, darling 10, afraid 11, famous 12, actress 13, read 14, track 15, overtake 16, limit 17, sign 18, charge 19, drive 20, station 二、略三、1, immediately 2, famous 3, actress 4, waving 5, overtake 6, sign 7, miles 8, darling 9, licence 10, speed 四、1, for, 2, at 3, at, 4, to 5, at 6, had 7, at 8, my 9, not 10, at 五、1—5 ABBDB 6—10 AABBA 六、1, with—by 2, took—take 3, 去掉to 4, 去掉 to 5, least—at least 6, sixteen-years-old—sixteen-year-old 7, 去掉the 8, you think—do you think 9, a—an 10, drive—driving 七、1, I am terribly sorry 2, I have to finish the homework by myself. 3, You needn’t go to hospital now. 4, I think she is at least sixty. 5, China is famous in the world for the Great Wall.

一、1、large sized envelop. 2、一板供书写的纸张 3、黑色墨水4、a box of chalk. 5、has 6、tiny(我去,英文没有明确相对应的反义词)7、does 。 8、something else (出题的都是贱人,如果是作为提问的,其它什么就是anything else) 9、peaches 10、tomatoes。二、1、envelope. 2、spare 3、size of 4、bottle?5、some 6、chalk。7、size 8、change。9、else三、1、change 2、writing paper 3、glue 4、shop assistant 5、size

1 e a o a l e a c r a o e a c e i g a r i23.`immediately famous actress wavingovertake sign miles darling licence speed先打这么多



新概念英语同步测试卷book1 分成对话理解和基础听力两个部分。新概念英语由外语教与研究版社培教育版限公司联合版本关于英语习指导书包含听、说、读、写部新概念英语同步测试卷 book1 答案

一、1、large sized envelop. 2、一板供书写的纸张 3、黑色墨水4、a box of chalk. 5、has 6、tiny(我去,英文没有明确相对应的反义词)7、does 。 8、something else (出题的都是贱人,如果是作为提问的,其它什么就是anything else) 9、peaches 10、tomatoes。二、1、envelope. 2、spare 3、size of 4、bottle?5、some 6、chalk。7、size 8、change。9、else三、1、change 2、writing paper 3、glue 4、shop assistant 5、size

答案:一.1.a 2.a 3.i 4.i 5.or 6.i 7.i 8.o 9.a 10.ow 11.o 12.ee 13.ea 14.oa 15.oo 16.u 17.ee 18.oao 19.ir 20.e 二.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B三.1.are doing 2.Which 3.What colour 4.for 5.Put 6.do going to 7.What colour 8.are 9.is 10 any四.1.George is working hard. 2.Is there any water in the bottle? 3.What are you going to do now? 4.He is going to paint the bookcase white. 5.Jack and Mary are listening to the stereo. 6.What are you going to do with it? 7.Do not put it here. 8.There is a bar of chocolate on the table. 9.That bottle of milk is not for me. 10.There is not any water in the bottle.五.BDAEC六.1.T 2.F They are listening to the radio. 3.F What are you going to do now? 4.F Is your father going to paint the bookcase? 5.F There is not any milk in the bottle. 6.F Blue is my favourite colour. 7.F She is going to put the vase in front of the window. 8.T 9.F There is some water in the glass. 10.F She is waiting for the bus. 七1.他的祖父正在花园里给花浇水。 2.把你的书放在桌子上。 3.你准备去哪儿? 4.比尔和他的朋友在听音乐。 5.有一些面包在盘子上马? 6.What are you going to do? 7.They are waiting for the bus? 8.What are you going to do with the hammer? 9.I am going to paint the wall yellow. 10.This chocolate is not for you.花了半个小时,希望你能满意!



(1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和级   一 写出复数   1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf   5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife   9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family   13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby   17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato   21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero   二 用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 / 代替.   1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well.   2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left?   3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies.   4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot.   5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise.   6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do.   三 用适当介词填空.   1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with)   2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by)   3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by)   4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into)   5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into)   6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above)   7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with)   8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with)   9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by)   10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in)    train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by)   四 用所给词的适当形式填空   1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now.   2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago.   They ________ (leave) for Beijing yesterday.   3. He ___________ (have ) a bath when the telephone ________(ring).   4. While I __________ (cook ) the dinner, he ___________(read) the paper.   5. He arrived just as I _____________ (answer) the phone.   6. After I heard the news, I ___________ (hurry) to see him.   7. We ____________ (be) disappointed if there is no snow for Christmas.   8. You ____________ (lie)! Stop it, and tell the truth like a man.   9. I _________ (be) hungry since five o’clock this morning.    hair is long; he ________ (have) a haircut tomorrow.   : _______ Mr. Smitch ________ (leave) for Beijing today or tomorrow?   B: Oh, he ____ (go ) already. He _____ (take) the morning train yesterday.   12. ________ the rain still _______ (fall), or _______ it _______(stop)? I want to go shopping today.    one _________ (watch) the television, so Father turned it off.    usually ______(get) up at 6 o’clock in the moring, but he ______(have) to get up very early yesterday morning, because he wanted to catch a train.    big car ________(drive) by a 19-year-old girl in trhe car race yesterday. 16. The boy____________ (not invite) to the party yet, but I think he will be invited soon.   五 写出比较级和级   1. good 2. bad 3. little   4. beautiful 5. many 6. small 7. fat 8. thin   10. dirty   (2) 介词, 情态动词, 形容词比较级, 反意疑问句   六 用适当介词填空   1. The fur coat is not ____ fashion now.   2. The boss is busy now. Can you wait ______ two o’clock in the afternoon?   3. Have you seen the film “Murder on the orient Express” ______ a . Television programme?   4. The examiner asked the students to write their names ____ the top of paper.   5. In many countries people can buy things ______ installments.   6. Please turn ______the light, it’s dark now.   7. When the boy got ______ the bus, he found that two policemen were walking towards him in the street.   8. I took three books ______ me when I came out of the library.   9. Last year I travelled ______ a very large and beautiful ship to Hong Kong.    you made _____ your mind where to go during the summer vacation?    I am ______ work, don’t bother me.    Miss Jones came _________. She found the doctors and nurses standing by her bed.    went to open the door and looked out _______ the garden.    monkey belonged ______ an old man who was fond of monkeys.    spent two evenings _______ playing chess.    am looking forward _______ your visit here.    is sitting at the table covered _______ flowers.   ’s ______ today’s newspaper?    ran wildly crying ________help where no help could be.    little brother dreams _________ becoming a seaman.   七 选择正确的一项.   1. You _____ take an umbrella, I am sure it won’t rain.(’t, B. needn’t)   2. You _____ cross the road when the lights are red. (’t, B. needn’t)   3. She has fallen asleep, she _____be very tired. (A. must, B. can)   4. He has eaten a lot at lunch, he _____ be seriously ill. ( A. mustn’t, B. can’t)   5. What’s the matter with you? You look pale, you ______ go to see the doctor. (A. must, )   6. You _____ do whatever you like at home, but you _____ keep the rules at school. ( , , )   7. The streets are so wet that it ___ rained last night.( have, have)   8. She seems to know nothing about the accident. She _____ been here. (’t have, ’t have)   9. He is not at home, he ____ gone to the office. (A. can have, have)    box is very heavy. I think there ______ some books in it.   (A. may be, B. may have been)   八 用形容词的适当形式填空   1. An elephant is __________(big) than a horse.   2. This is the ___________ (helpful) servant we have ever emplyed.   3. My elder sister is four years __________ (old) than I.   4. A car can not run _______________ (fast) a train, but it can run _____ (fast) than a bicycle.   5. Beijing is one of _____________(large) cities in our country.   6. A: Are you busy now? B: No, I am not ___________ (busy) I was yesterday.   7. To a European, Chinese is ________________ (difficult ) than French.   8. The Yangtze River is the _________________(long) river in China.   9. He studies ___________(hard) than I do, so that he often gets high marks.   九 完成反意疑问句   1. It isn’t snowing hard now, ______________?   2. Tim is upstairs, ______________?   3. You are not coming to the meeting tomorrow, ______________?   4. You haven’t seen the film yet, ________________?   5. The workers aren’t Dutch, _______________?   7. He can play tennis very well, _________________?   8. Mary studied very hard, _________________?   9. Mr. Li couldn’t speak English very well, __________________?    has cooked the meal, ___________________?    will visit London next month, ______________?    won’t go to the park this afternoon, _________________?    hopes to wash the clothes himself, _________________?   . Food was in Paris last spring, ______________?    have a sister, ______________?    had a good swim the day before yesterday, ________________?    man wants to go to Trafalgar Square, ______________?    was going to the dining-hall, _________________?    like stories, _______________?    may go abroad this year, _______________?    likes her, _____________? /_________________?    is never a sports meeting hold in our school, _____________?    was unhappy just then, ______________?   (3) 选择及改错   十 选择填空   ( ) 1. Father came ______ Sally was slipping on the floor.   A. while B. just as C. when D. as   ( ) 2. I am a student, ______?   A. isn’t I B. am I C. aren’t I D. don’t I   ( ) 3. Comrade Chang did quite well, he made very ______mistakes.   A. a little B. a few C. little D. few   ( ) 4. _____ the typewriter to the next room, and ____ the recorder here.   A. Bring, take B. Take, bring C. Carry, take D. Bring, carry   ( ) 5. As you are ____ insistent person, I will go with you.   A. so B. such C. a so D. such an   ( ) 6. The men _____were all engineers.   A. which I talked B. to those I talked C. those I talked to   D. I talked to   ( ) 7. Your book is on the floor. ___________---   A. Pick it up! B. Put up it! C. Pick it! D. Take up it!   ( ) 8. There are only _____cigarettes in the box. I have   too____ time to buy any today.   A. a few, little B. a little, few C. a few, a little   D. a little, a few   ( ) 9. I would like to ___to your English teacher if he is not too busy now.   A. ask B. tell C. say D. talk   ( ) 10. Harry hasn’t passed in the exam. ___Dick.   A. So has B. Neither has C. Either has D. Nor is   ( ) 11. “Don’t eat too ____ before going to bed” Mum said to me.   A. many B. much C. few D. lot   ( ) 12. Please don’t say anything that might ____ her feelings.   A. injure B. hurt C. wound D. damage   ( ) 13. The little boy____ his pencil everywhere, but he couldn’t_____it.   A. was looking for, find B. was looking after, find   C. was finding, look at D. was finding, look after   ( ) 14. Li Yin is not _____ today. She is ill.   A. good B. well C. better D. best   ( ) 15. He has been in Shanghai ____ last month.   A. for B. since C. after D. before   ( ) 16. I hate this snow and frost. Shall we go to a country with a warmer_?   A. climate B. weather C. days D. season   ( ) 17. That’s the place ______last year.   A. which we visited B. at which we visited   C. where we visited it D. in where we visited   ( ) 18. ____will you get to Xi’an? By plane.   A. when B. where C. How D What   ( ) 19. She lets each of the boys _____ a bar of chocolate.   A. has B. having C. to have D. have   ( ) 20. You are not so wise ______he.   A. as B. than C. to D. over   十一改错   1. Mathematics are my favorite subject. ___________   2. They have no any time to waste. ___________   3. Have you ever gone to Hangzhou? ___________   4. He asks me what shall we do after lunch. ___________   5. I have done my homework yesteray. ___________   6. A number of students is there. ___________   7. Here are two books. Which one do yo like best? ___________   8. It is old enough for the boy to go to school. ___________    you and he, there is a difference. ___________    are talking each other. ___________


单元测试1: is is leaning has a new lives in the will see you can understand must write a may come next does a lot of work every day.第 1 页新概念英语第二册课后习题答案Lesson51,52,53,5...最近2分钟前有人下载新概念英语第二册音频视频合集【经典版】新概念英语第三册音频视频合...你想知道的,这里全都有!更多精彩内容,尽在拼多多点击立即咨询,了解更多详情咨询深圳前海新之江信息.. 广告 did a lot of work played football bought a new coat last has had a letter from was busy this could play football very well when he was always tries to get up might see you next always enjoys a good had finished his work before yo第 2 页u watches television every haven't got much haven't got many haven't got much hasn't got many haven't got much stationery.第 3 页 did he buy? didn't buy a new can she come? can't come were they here? weren't here must he leave early?第 4 页 mustn't leave did he give you? didn't give you a does he live? doesn't live next well do you know him? don't know him has he found? hasn't found his did you see that film? didn't see that film.第 5 页 did he arrive? didn't arrive at two o''ll... 'll... 'll... won't ... shan't...第 6 页 expensive interesting beautiful afternoon day after tomorrow day before yesterday night morning morning 第 7 页 10 .out is the car which the mechanic repaired is the man whom I invited to the are the things which I bought is the man who came here last w第 8 页 is the policeman who caught the is the nurse who looked after is the woman whom I met am the person who wrote to are the people whom I saw are the trees which we cut down yesterday.第 9 页 didn' took her to a sat near the middle-aged lady (came into our compartment). was sat opposite Sally.第 10 页 said"Hello"to make herself beautiful.(She did it to make herself beautiful.) didn' thought she was said,"But you are still ugly."(She said she was still ugly.)单元测试2:A(a) 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday. 2 My mother went to market.第 11 页 3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class. 4 (On Sundays) we stay at home. 5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library.(b) 1 She rarely...2 The shops always...3 We never...4 We sometimes...5 Do you ever...(后面直接照抄)B第 12 页(a) are playing...play...is kicking...is running(b) died...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept...lost(c) I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone(d) 1 ...did...buy...2 ...hasnever lent...3 Have you burnt...4 ...fought...5 ...have just won...第 13 页(e) 1 was leaving/left...arrived2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat3 was walking/walked...met4 was reading...heard5dropped(f) 略(g) 1 shall be ironing2 will be arriving3 We'll be seeing4 shall be watching5 will be correcting第 14 页(h) 1 After...2 After...3 When...4 ...him until he...5 As soon as...(i) ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited...(j) 1 told...would come/would be coming第 15 页2 said...(had) cut3 told...had never played4 did he say...had done/would do5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buy(k) 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoys第 1




1、I must call the doctor. He must call the doctor(情态动词后动词为原形)2、I am going to telephone him. He is going to telephone him.3、I can go with her.he can go with her(CAN是情态动词,后面同样用原形)4、I have a new car.He has a new car.5、I COME from America.He comes from America(第三人称后动词加s)6、I am American. He is American.7、I like ice cream. He likes ice cram.8、I want a newspaper. He wants a newspaper.9、I was at school yesterday.He was at school yesterday.10、I don't live here. He doesn't live here.(第三人称用does.)三、1、There is a watch on the table.There are some watches on the table.(watch以CH结尾,复数加es)2 、There is a knife near that tin.There are some knives near that tin.(fe结尾,变f为v加s)3、 There is a policeman in the kitchen.There are some policemen in the kitchen.(MAN的复数为MEN)4、 There is a cup on the table.There are some cups on the table(规则型直接加S)5、 There is a letter on the shelf.There are some letters on the shelf.(同上)6、 There is a peach on the desk.There are some peaches on the desk.7、 There is a passport on the shelf.There are some passports on the shelf.8、There is a fish in the cupboard.There are some fishes in the cupboard.9、 There is a tree in the garden.There are some trees in the garden.10、There is a boat on the river.There are some boats on the river.四、1、 a 2、some 3、some 4、any 5、a 6、 a 7、any 8、any 9、some 10、some五、1、at 2:on 3:in 4:from 5 :in 6:at 7:in 8:in 9:on 10:at六、1:over 2:under 3:across 4:along 5:on 6:in 7:off 8:between 9:into 10:out of七、1:making 2:swimming 3:shining 4:shaving 5:running 6:sitting 7:typing 8:putting 9:coming 10:giving.八、1、Q:Can he come nowQ:when can he come?n:He can't come now.2、Q:Is there a newspaper on the desk.Q:What is there on the desk?N:There isn't a newspaper on the desk.3、Q:Does he want a new car.?Q:what does he want?N:He doesn't want a new car.4、Q:Is he going to come now?Q:When is he going to come?N:he isn't going to come now.5、Q:Do they like ice cream?Q:What do they like?N:they don't like ice cream.6、Q:does he come from Germany?Q:Where does he come from?N:He doesn't come from Germany.7、Q:Must they go home now?Q:When must they go home?N:They mustn't go home now.8、Q:Does he feel ill?Q:How does he?N:He doesn't feel ill.9、Q:Does he have a headacha?Q:What does he have?N:He doesn't have a headache.10、Q:Did he clean his shoes?Q:When did he clean his shoes?N:He didn't clean his shoes.

一、1、large sized envelop. 2、一板供书写的纸张 3、黑色墨水4、a box of chalk. 5、has 6、tiny(我去,英文没有明确相对应的反义词)7、does 。 8、something else (出题的都是贱人,如果是作为提问的,其它什么就是anything else) 9、peaches 10、tomatoes。二、1、envelope. 2、spare 3、size of 4、bottle?5、some 6、chalk。7、size 8、change。9、else三、1、change 2、writing paper 3、glue 4、shop assistant 5、size

二、1、I must call the doctor. He must call the doctor(情态动词后动词为原形)2、I am going to telephone him. He is going to telephone him.3、I can go with her.he can go with her(CAN是情态动词,后面同样用原形)4、I have a new car.He has a new car.5、I COME from America.He comes from America(第三人称后动词加s)6、I am American. He is American.7、I like ice cream. He likes ice cram.8、I want a newspaper. He wants a newspaper.9、I was at school yesterday.He was at school yesterday.10、I don't live here. He doesn't live here.(第三人称用does.)三、1、There is a watch on the table.There are some watches on the table.(watch以CH结尾,复数加es)2 、There is a knife near that tin.There are some knives near that tin.(fe结尾,变f为v加s)3、 There is a policeman in the kitchen.There are some policemen in the kitchen.(MAN的复数为MEN)4、 There is a cup on the table.There are some cups on the table(规则型直接加S)5、 There is a letter on the shelf.There are some letters on the shelf.(同上)6、 There is a peach on the desk.There are some peaches on the desk.7、 There is a passport on the shelf.There are some passports on the shelf.8、There is a fish in the cupboard.There are some fishes in the cupboard.9、 There is a tree in the garden.There are some trees in the garden.10、There is a boat on the river.There are some boats on the river.四、1、 a 2、some 3、some 4、any 5、a 6、 a 7、any 8、any 9、some 10、some五、1、at 2:on 3:in 4:from 5 :in 6:at 7:in 8:in 9:on 10:at六、1:over 2:under 3:across 4:along 5:on 6:in 7:off 8:between 9:into 10:out of七、1:making 2:swimming 3:shining 4:shaving 5:running 6:sitting 7:typing 8:putting 9:coming 10:giving.八、1、Q:Can he come nowQ:when can he come?n:He can't come now.2、Q:Is there a newspaper on the desk.Q:What is there on the desk?N:There isn't a newspaper on the desk.3、Q:Does he want a new car.?Q:what does he want?N:He doesn't want a new car.4、Q:Is he going to come now?Q:When is he going to come?N:he isn't going to come now.5、Q:Do they like ice cream?Q:What do they like?N:they don't like ice cream.6、Q:does he come from Germany?Q:Where does he come from?N:He doesn't come from Germany.7、Q:Must they go home now?Q:When must they go home?N:They mustn't go home now.8、Q:Does he feel ill?Q:How does he?N:He doesn't feel ill.9、Q:Does he have a headacha?Q:What does he have?N:He doesn't have a headache.10、Q:Did he clean his shoes?Q:When did he clean his shoes?N:He didn't clean his shoes.自己做的,不要剽窃...


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