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I like sports and I'm good at playing basketball. Every day,I practise basketball with my classmates after school.I also enjoy listening to music but I can't sing well. I'm afraid of singing in front of people. I hope our school will start a singing club. I'm sure I can make great progress with our teachers. I also hope there will be less homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I'm interested in.


Good morning, myadmirable teacher and dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17years old. I graduated from the Tian Tao Middle school, which is one of the best middle schoolsin my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math,because it’s a complicated subject that draws a lot of students crazy. But I ama student who likes challenges ..

As a company CNC machine tool operator, the company's quality policy, environmental policy, the following understanding: Quality is the life. First of all, in accordance with the safety equipment operating procedures correct operation of the equipment; to ensure safe operation of equipment under the premise of "three good, four will"; Second, through learning, mastering and even proficient processing equipment range, ability to play equipment Performance, in accordance with the established processing technology (preparation of a reasonable processing), to meet the requirements of the drawings of parts, and inspection. The amount of consideration, mainly in the process of reasonable, auxiliary working hours, as well as personal familiar with the operation and develop good working habits. Such as the company requires the placement management is very important. In short, the quality and quantity is the company's quality policy to achieve the most basic guarantee, and quality of the various aspects of quality-related, is to contain the quality of corporate or corporate culture, quality means Seiko.

Have strong electronic expertise (for digital circuits, analog circuits, c #, single-chip, communication principles are more familiar with); of electronic products manufacturing process, component characteristics and poor product analysis are more familiar; have strong ability to express , Communication and coordination of organizational capacity, management ability and ability to deal with problems; have strong learning ability and good sense of teamwork.

In daily work, I consciously correct style of work, close contact with the masses, often in-depth inspection of the implementation of quality standards, the project quality and timely communication with the construction workers, the proposed rectification requirements.Rectification in place, to sum up experience in a timely manner to avoid the same quality problems. In the work, to do diligent ground change, timely supervision and guidance, analysis of the quality of dynamic, accurate data, the implementation of total quality management and supervision of the relevant personnel to do a good job of the original project quality records, quality supervision agencies at all levels of project quality . Do not avoid contradiction in the quality of the project, not fraud, not for personal gain, not to reduce the standard. In the work, both access to the team with the active support and leadership has been affirmed and praised.

Have a solid professional skills, work orderly, can Chikunailao, a strong ability to express and communication skills, good at cooperation with people, a team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, a strong organizational capacity, studious, To understand their own strengths and weaknesses to correct, and constantly improve their self-serious and serious attitude towards learning, proactive work style, warm and generous principles of others, simple and uncomplicated habits of life shaped my unique pursuit of life and cultivate my right Outlook on life, world outlook, values, so that I can face life and work optimistically and achieve the desired results.

口语流利, 写作文采好,能够写各种文体文章,英文阅读能力强,英文听力棒这些都是的。









口语流利, 写作文采好,能够写各种文体文章,英文阅读能力强,英文听力棒...

口语流利, 写作文采好,能够写各种文体文章,英文阅读能力强,英文听力棒这些都是的。











A giraffe is the highest animal in the has two long most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.

长颈鹿:A giraffe is the highest animal in the world. It has two long legs. The most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its head. A giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.

It has a long neck.

A giraffe is the highest animal in the has two long most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.长颈鹿是世界上最高的动物,它有两只很长的腿,长颈鹿要做的最困难的事情就是喝水,因为它的腿长得很不舒服,腿要伸展到很不舒服的程度,长颈鹿喜欢吃树上的叶子。


最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:朱悦华166 2.介绍家乡GreatChangesinMyHometownMorethanentyyearsago,myhometownwasjusta *** all,oldandpoortown.Mostofpeoplewerefarmers.Therewerefewfactories.Thepeopledidn'thaveenoughfoodtoeatandworeoldclothes.Theyhadahardlife.Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthepastentyyears.Thepeoplehavefoundalotofwaysofmakingmoney.Nowtherearemanytallbuildingswhichareverybeautiful.Roadsarewideandclean.Peoplecantakebusesordrivetheirowncarstogotowork.Manypeoplehavecellphonesandpersonalputers.People'slivingconditionshaveimprovedalot.Thankstothegovernment'sefforts,myhometowni *** eingmoreandmorebeautiful.一年之“绩”在于春!下学期如何达到高效冲刺?点评回复使用道具评分举报teresayang11主题23好友333积分初中二年级我叫杨平,只是爱英语~帖子333积分333e度金币3199注册时间2013-3-4串个门关注发消息122#发表于2013-4-1009:19|只看该作者3.介绍城市:WeletoHeyuanLadiesandgentlemen,WeletoHeyuan,nowletmeintroduceourcity--Heyuantoyou.Heyuanisacitywithalonghistory.ItisinthenortheastofGuangdongand198kilometresawayfromGuangzhou.Ithasapopulationof3,240,000.Therearema。

As a city famed through the ages for its silk embroidery, Suzhou is one of the best places to pick up silk handicrafts. Shopping is good along Shi Quan Street, especially for many souvenirs. Besides, tea is another speciality worthy of mention, the most famous locally-produced green tea is called 'Biluochun' and is quite nice indeed. Large shops with endless varieties of tea can be found all around the city, and some have seating where you will be encouraged to e sit and try a pot. Snuff bottles are also a long-standing Suzhou craft that remains popular today. Tiny glass bottles are delicately painted on the inside with elaborate and beautiful pictures. The best ones are truly incredible works of art.



2.介绍家乡GreatChangesinMyHometownMorethanentyyearsago,myhometownwasjusta *** all,oldandpoortown.Mostofpeoplewerefarmers.Therewerefewfactories.Thepeopledidn'thaveenoughfoodtoeatandworeoldclothes.Theyhadahardlife.Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinthepastentyyears.Thepeoplehavefoundalotofwaysofmakingmoney.Nowtherearemanytallbuildingswhichareverybeautiful.Roadsarewideandclean.Peoplecantakebusesordrivetheirowncarstogotowork.Manypeoplehavecellphonesandpersonalputers.People'slivingconditionshaveimprovedalot.Thankstothegovernment'sefforts,myhometowni *** eingmoreandmorebeautiful.一年之“绩”在于春!下学期如何达到高效冲刺?点评回复使用道具评分举报teresayang11主题23好友333积分初中二年级我叫杨平,只是爱英语~帖子333积分333e度金币3199注册时间2013-3-4串个门关注发消息122#发表于2013-4-1009:19|只看该作者3.介绍城市:WeletoHeyuanLadiesandgentlemen,WeletoHeyuan,nowletmeintroduceourcity--Heyuantoyou.Heyuanisacitywithalonghistory.ItisinthenortheastofGuangdongand198kilometresawayfromGuangzhou.Ithasapopulationof3,240,000.Therearema

As a city famed through the ages for its silk embroidery, Suzhou is one of the best places to pick up silk handicrafts. Shopping is good along Shi Quan Street, especially for many souvenirs. Besides, tea is another speciality worthy of mention, the most famous locally-produced green tea is called 'Biluochun' and is quite nice indeed. Large shops with endless varieties of tea can be found all around the city, and some have seating where you will be encouraged to e sit and try a pot. Snuff bottles are also a long-standing Suzhou craft that remains popular today. Tiny glass bottles are delicately painted on the inside with elaborate and beautiful pictures. The best ones are truly incredible works of art.


I live in a place called Changxing now . It is my hometown . It is a big town about enty kilometres away from the city of Huzhou . My hometown is very beautiful .You can often hear birds singsing and sheep bleating . The sky is very blue and the water is very clean . There are many people in my hometown .They are all friendly to others . we all help each other . I like my hometown very much .。

My Hometown I live in a place called Changxing now . It is my hometown . It is a big town about enty kilometres away from the city of Huzhou . My hometown is very beautiful .You can often hear birds singsing and sheep bleating . The sky is very blue and the water is very clean . There are many people in my hometown .They are all friendly to others . we all help each other . I like my hometown very much .。

My hometown is known for pancakes. They are widely popular now. I like eating them very much. They *** ell nice and taste delicious. They are made of wheat. Some are made of corn. After the wheat is harvested, it is sent to the flour factory and processed into flour. Then the flour is processed into pancakes with a pan at a very right heat. At last the pancakes are packed with plastic bags and sold in stores and supermarkets. Pancakes have helped the soldiers to win the war in the old days. They are brought to other countries now. they are also given to friends as gifts. I wish the pancakes are being more and more popular。

Beijing, the capital of China,is a very beautiful and important city,which is one of the ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace,Beihai Park and so on.

Beijing is also the centre of politics,economy and culture of our country. Owing to the open-door policy,great changes have taken place since 1978. Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere. Peole's living condition is getting better and better. Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. I'm sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few years. I love Beijing




特产special local product (regional) specialty 采纳哦

特产[tè chǎn] special local product (regional) specialty

A specialty of my hometown have a lot of a lot of, let me introduce you to a! On it with a yellow skin, skin potholes, uneven, the skin peeled off, revealing its fruit, it's wearing a pink coat, take off his coat you gently, you will find it whiten skin, and a light, fresh scent, if you personally have a taste, sweet and delicious, oh so nice! Friend, do you know what he is? Guess not to come out, I'll give you a riddle about it! Jute child, The red curtains, Living with a white and fat man. Friend, did you guess? And I told you, this is our hometown specialty, peanuts, its role can be big! It can be squeezed, supplement our body is lack of vitamins and minerals, it also has the medical function, it can be blood tonic, it is not only the general, it is very delicious, and it's how to eat have several kinds, if eating Fried, put some salt, it is fragrant crisp delicious, such as cooked, it is but one word, "tender" are particularly sweet, it can also make the peanut, peanut crisp... . ? Going about you? . Our hometown specialty and many, many, such as: pear, walnut, cotton, sesame oil... Said also said not over, they are waiting for you to explore!



1、描述面容长相的有:beautiful 漂亮、handsome 帅、ugly 丑、cute/lovely 可爱的、clean 干净的、bright 明朗的。

2、描述脸型(face)的有: round 圆的、thin 瘦的、long 长的、square 方的。

3、描述身材的有:fat 肥胖的、thin 瘦的、slim 苗条的、overweight 超重、slight 瘦小的、well-built身材魁梧。

4、描述身高 (height)的有 :medium height 中等身材、average height 一般身材、below average 低于平均身高、tall 高的、 short 矮的、 tallish 有些高的、middle-sized 身高中等的、of medium height 中等身材、1.78 meters 身高1.78米。


① 发型(hair style):

straight 直的、curly 卷发的、pigtails 辫子、crew cut 平头、bald秃头的。

② 发色(hair color):

jet-black 乌黑的、fair 金色的、blonde 淡黄色的、golden 金黄色的、dyed 染色的、brunette 浅黑色的、mousey 灰褐色的、chestnut 栗色的。












输入描述 Nutch ; Input Description

职位描述 Job Descriptions ; Position Description ; JD ; Job Deerrorscriptions

内存描述 DDRII ; M DDR ; DDR ; MHz

货物描述 description of goods ; description goods ; Goods Description ; Quantity and description

描述统计 descriptive statistics ; Descriptives ; Means ; descriptive analysis

描述衣服 Describing Clothes

特性描述 characterization ; Feature ; characteristic description ; Risk characterisation

系统描述 System Description ; nDynamics ; systems definition ; System Profiler


1. He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.


2. Two men answer-ing the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.


3. Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate.


4. He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.


5. The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.


6. He described the situation as very dangerous and called for resolute action.


7. Plainly, a more objective method of description must be adopted.


8. Several conclusions could be drawn from the results described above.


9. This study is described under "General Diseases of the Eye"


10. This description didn't seem to tally with what we saw.


11. The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid's work.


12. The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.


13. We know them as inaccurate and misleading property descriptions.


14. The government has presented these changes as major reforms.


15. The historian Yakut described it picturesquely as a "mother of castles".


一,外貌描写:对人物外在特征 外貌、神态的描写。


容貌(面容长相,如五官等)         身材(高、矮、胖、瘦)         衣着(穿着打扮) 。

神态   表情(喜、怒、哀、乐)。






character ;distinguishing feature


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