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掌握好课本上的重点 短语 ,对于学好英语十分重要。下面我为大家带来 高一英语 必修一重点短语(人教版),欢迎大家学习!

about 争论…..

2. be found of 喜欢…..

3. all the time 一直,始终

4. make fire 生火

5. develop a friendship建立友谊

6. care about 关心,担心

7. in order to 为了……

8. hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找

9. such as 例如

10. make friends交朋友

11. be regard as被当作…..

12. click …away 点击……发送

13. make a difference有所不同

14 .drop sb. a line给某人写信

15 keep in mind记住

the end of 在…..的末尾

wake up醒来

wander off 漫步

most of the time 大部分时间

either…or… 或……或……

each other 互相

spend…(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事

be determined to do 决定做……

think about 看法

for example 举例子

work out 得出;解决

argue for 为……辩护

argue with 与……争论/争辩

argue against 争辩……

set up (具体)设置;安装/(抽象)建立

do some research 做研究

choose to do sth. 宁愿、偏要、决定做某事

catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意

care for 照顾

be intended for/to do 为……而准备、预定

reach a doctor 找到医生

must have done 一定是;想必是

get a training 得到训练

as well as ……也

second to 次于

get sb. into使某人进入/陷入

story after story 一个 故事 接着一个

day after day 一天又一天

deliver a baby 给……接生

make sure 确保

by the time 这时候

carry on 继续

be concerned about 对……关心

put…to death 处死


rather than 不是……而是……

mean doing 意味着

mean to do 打算做……

settle down 安顿下来 apply to

应用到…… be prepared to 已经做好准备去做……

prepare to do 准备要做……

the first time 第一次;首次(作状语)

the way 一路;全程;一直

all (与否定词连用)根本,丝毫

oneself at home 别客气

language 本族语

around the world 世界各地

7. the majority of 大多数的

8. in total 总额;总数

tongue 母语

for 除了有……之外

into 长成;发展成

a good knowledge of...通晓,熟知……

(over) the phone 在电话里;在打(接)电话

with sth.通过某物与(某人)联络

about 了解;知道

about 发生;产生

answer to the question 问题的答案

... 从……借(入)……

up 不睡;熬夜

20 end up with... 以……告终

or less 或多或少

sorne difficulty in doing sth. 干某事有困难

23. bring in 引来;引起;吸收

sure 深信;弄清楚;设法做到

great many 许多;大量

if so 如果有……

if not 如果没有……

know about 了解

call him a farmer 称呼他为农民

in many ways 在许多方面

struggle for 为……斗争

the past five decades 过去的五十年

be born in poverty 出生贫困

graduate from 毕业 于……

since then 从那以后

thanks to 由于


be satisfied with 对……满足

lead a … life 过着……生活

care about 在意……

used to 过去常常

be used to 被用来做;习惯于

get used to 习惯于

prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事

wish for 欲得到、愿得到

no matter 无论

in need of 需要

refer to 谈及;提到

be rich in 富含

insist on doing 坚持做……

ready to do sth 准备好要做没某事

be against 反对

pay attention to 注意;留心

that is to say 换句说

be certain/sure to do 确信会做某事

persuade sb to do sth 说服某人干某事-结果成功

advise sb to do sth 劝说某人干某事-结果失败

1. add up 合计;加起来

2. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来

3. have got to 不得不;必须

4. be concerned about …关心……;挂念……

5. walk the dog 遛狗

6. pay for… 为……付钱

7. share…with… 与……分担/分享……

8. laugt at… 嘲笑……

9. go through… 经历;经受……

away 躲藏;隐藏

down 放下;记下;登记

series of… 一连串的;一系列;一套……

purpose 故意

crazy about…对……十分狂热;十分痴迷

order to… 为了……

to do sth.碰巧做某事


to face 面对面地

away… 把……放下来(待用)

dusk 黄昏时分


prepare 准备好

of 代替

number of 大量的

of 成千上万的

seemed that Shake with 使受震惊

hands with sb.与某人握手

down 安顿下来

bursting to do sth.急于做某事

with anger 勃然大怒

in ruins 成为废墟

ones hopes 使某人希望破灭

sb 评价

by/from 从...看来

honoured by 对...感到荣幸

honour to sb 敬重


2. even if (= even thoug)即使,用来引导让步状语从句

3. come up走上前来,走近,发生,出现come up with追上,赶上,提出

4. communicate with sb和某人交流

5. be different from…与……不同

be different in …在……方面不同

Most of my projects are different in performance.


6. be based on以……为基础

7. at present目前,眼下for the present眼前;暂时

8. make (good/better/full)use of

9. the latter后者the former前者

10. a large number of大量的the number of …的数量

11. such as例如

12. hold on坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)等—会

13. … you will hear the difference in the way(that/ in which) people speak.


14. play a role/ part (in)在…中担任角色;在…中起作用;扮演一个角色

15. the same …as…与……一样

16. at the top of…在…顶上

at the bottom of在……底部

17. bring up教养,养育;提出

18. request sb (not) to do sth.要求某人做/不要做某事

19. be satisfied with…对……感到满意,满足于

20. suggest v. (request,insist…)


2、 make a profit 赚取利润

3、 be based on 以……为根据

4、 get close to 接近

5、 remind sb. of 提醒某人

6、 name after 以……命名

7、 large amounts of 大量

8、 face to face 面对面

9、 amuse oneself 消遣

10、come to life 恢复生气

11、involve … in 使……参与

12、take an active part in 积极参与

13、a variety of 各种各样的

14、along with 与……一起

15、have fun 玩得高兴

16、in other ways 用其他方法


参照一般将来时对比:用would do、was / were going to do sth.表过去将来;come、go、leave等过去进行时表过去将来时;was / were to do sth.和was / were about to do sth.表过去将来。




三、 现在完成时

①现在完成时除可以和for、since引导的状语连用外,还可以和下面的介词短语连用:during / in /over the last(past)few years (months, weeks)、in recent years等。


It is (has been) + 一段时间 + since从句

This(That / It)is the first(second…)time that + 完成时

This(That / It)is the only … + that + 完成时

This(that / It)is the best / finest / most interesting … + that 从句 + 完成时


I shall post the letter as soon as I have written it.

If you have done the experiment, you will realize the theory better.

Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.


a balanced diet平衡的饮食

different way用另外方式




have happened一定发生过

the end of the street在街道的尽头

tired of 厌倦

amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇


away with 逃脱



body-building foods提供营养的食物

14feel fit保持精力旺盛

weakness of the diet饮食的弱点

the strength of the diet饮食的优点

some research into做一些...方面的研究

one’s living谋生

in debt负债




2) go by 经过,依照,作为指南

3) go by sb/the law从某人旁边经过/遵守法律

4) let a chance go by 放过机会

5) (time) go by (时光)流逝

6) go after/go over/go out 追求/检查/熄灭

7) go all out/ go in for 全力以赴/从事,酷爱

8) go through 遭受

9) as a result 结果,因此

10) as a result of 作为…的结果

11) with the result that 结果是,因此

12) without result 毫无结果

13) result from = lie in 因…引起

14) achieve one’s goal 实现某人的目

15) set a goal 设定一个目标

16) a personal call 亲自访问

17) one’s personal view 某人的个人观点

18) personally speaking 就个人而言

19) in a way = in one way 在某种程度上

20) in no way 一点也不,决不

21) in the/one’s way 挡道的,妨碍人的

22) all the way 一直,自始至终

23) on the/one’s way 接近,在进行中,在路上

24) by the way 顺便说

25) in this way 用这种方式

26) in any way 在任何方面

27) lead the way 带路,引路

28) lose one’s way 迷路

29) make one’s way 前往,去

30) arise from/out of sth 因某事物而产生

作为高中生掌握好每一个 英语 短语 ,有利于我们提高英语水平。下面就让我给大家分享一些 高一英语 必修一重点短语吧,希望能对你有帮助!  高一英语必修一重点短语篇一   Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好   take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程   have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at…   put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于   be interested in…   be fond of   like chemistry best   be good at…; be poor at…; do well in…; be weak in…   make progress in…; fail in…’ be tired of…’   pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;   major in history主修历史   He has the best record in school.他的成绩最棒。   get a doctor’s degree获得博士学位   be more interesting to sb.   learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);   take an active part in…; learn… by heart;   work out a (maths) problem; improve oneself in…;   get 90 marks for (English); get an“A” in the exam;   have a good command of…   lay a good foundation in (language study)   高一英语必修一重点短语篇二   get on well with sb; like to be with students;   be gentle with us; be kind to sb;   be a strict teacher; be strict with one’s pupils;   be strict in work   We think of him (her) as…; help sb with sth;   praise sb for sth…; blame sb for sth..   give advice on…; question sb on…   be satisfied with…   correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day; give sb a lot of work;   try to teach sb good study habits; make one’s lessons lively and interesting; teach sb. sth.;   teach sb to do sth.   devote all one’s time to work;   admire () his devotion to the cause of education   佩服他对于 教育 事业的献身精神。   高一英语必修一重点短语篇三   spend one’s time in many different ways;   enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;   go for an outing; have an outing at (the seashore);   see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);   play chess (basketball); have a swim;   have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;   go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;   do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;   get everything ready for;   ride one’s bike with (the park);   There are a lot of activities at (the beach).   We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.   She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.   It was a very relaxing Sunday.   There are good programmes on TV on weekends.看了高一英语必修一重点短语的人还看:1. 人 高一英语必修1知识点总结2. 人教版高中必修一英语单词整理3. 高中英语常用短语大全4. 英语常见的短语搭配5. 高一英语必修一必背句型汇总6. 人教版高一英语必修三重点短语


英语单词 是学英语的基础,高一开始多记忆背诵也能提高英语成绩。下面我为大家带来高一必背英语单词整理,希望能帮到大家!

1. medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章

2. stand for 代表:象征,表示

3. mascot n 吉祥物

4. Greece希腊

5. Greek 希腊人的;希腊语的 n 希腊人;希腊语

6. volunteer志愿者.志愿兵.志愿的,义务的

7. homeland 祖国;本国

8. relic遗物.遗迹;纪念物

9. rare 稀罕的;稀有的,贵重的

10. valuable 贵重的 有价值的

11. survive 幸免;幸存 生还

12. vase 花瓶.瓶

13. dynasty 朝代 王朝

14. in search of 寻找

15. mankind人类

16. layer律师

17. guidance指导.领导

18. legal法律的.依照法律的

19. fee费(会费、学费等)

20. finally最后.终于

21. schedule进度表

22. fond心喜爱的.慈祥的宠爱的

23. be fond of 喜爱;喜欢

24. short coming缺点

25. elevator n 电梯;升降机

26. petrol <英>汽油( = <美>gasoline ) gas汽油.气体.煤气;毒气。

27. official adj 官方的.正式的.公务的

28. voyage n 航行.航海

29. conquer 征服.占领

30. because of 因为

31. native 本国的;本地的 n 本地人.本国人come up 走近,上来.提出

32. Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家)

33. Jew 犹太人的;犹太族的

34. German 德国的.德国人的.德语的.

35. Nazi 纳粹党人 adj纳粹党的

36. set down 记下;放下.登记

37. add up 合计

38. upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的

39. ignore不理睬.忽视

40. have got to 不得不;必须

41. Face to face 面对面地

42. Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布

43. dusty adj 积满灰尘的

44. no longer /not … any longer 不再

45. partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人

46. settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决

47. suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历

48. physical adj 物理的.身体的

49. poster 海报,招贴

50. advertise 做 广告 .登广告

51. princess 公主

52. glory 光荣.荣誉

53. bargain 讨价还价.讲条件.便宜货

54. calculate计算

55. universal adj 普遍的.通用的.宇宙的

56. simplify 简化

57. sum 总数.算术题.金额

58. from … on 从时起

59. reality 真实.事实.现实

60. designer 设计师

61. personal 私人的.个人的.亲自的

62. personally 就个人而言,亲自

63. tube 管;管子;电子管

64. transistor 碎片;芯片

65. as a result 结果

66. burst into laughter 忽然笑起来

67. mercy 仁慈

68. certain 确定的,某一,一定

69. importance 重要(性)

70. rub 擦 摩擦

71. protect…from 保护…不受…(危害)

72. mosquito 蚊子

73. studio工作室.演播室

74. millionaire 百万富翁;富豪

75. play jokes on 戏弄

76. actor 男演员;行动者

77. rely依赖.依赖

78. rely on 依靠 依靠

79. lily百合花

80. brief 简短的;简要的 n 摘要;大纲

81. devotion投人;热爱

82. sensitive v / adj 敏感的;易受伤害的.敏捷的painful adj 痛苦的 疼痛的

83. above all 最重要首先

84. extinction 灭绝 消亡

85. dinosaur 恐龙

86. come into being 形成,产生

87. inspect 检查 视察


1. 高中英语常用短语大全

2. 高一英语单词表

3. 高中英语单词短语大全

4. 高中英语必背句子合集

5. 高考英语必背短语汇总

掌握好课本上的重点 短语 ,对于学好英语十分重要。下面我为大家带来 高一英语 必修一重点短语(人教版),欢迎大家学习!

1.argue about 争论…..

2. be found of 喜欢…..

3. all the time 一直,始终

4. make fire 生火

5. develop a friendship建立友谊

6. care about 关心,担心

7. in order to 为了……

8. hunt for 搜寻;追寻;寻找

9. such as 例如

10. make friends交朋友

11. be regard as被当作…..

12. click …away 点击……发送

13. make a difference有所不同

14 .drop sb. a line给某人写信

15 keep in mind记住

16.at the end of 在…..的末尾

wake up醒来

wander off 漫步

most of the time 大部分时间

either…or… 或……或……

each other 互相

spend…(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事

be determined to do 决定做……

think about 看法

for example 举例子

work out 得出;解决

argue for 为……辩护

argue with 与……争论/争辩

argue against 争辩……

set up (具体)设置;安装/(抽象)建立

do some research 做研究

choose to do sth. 宁愿、偏要、决定做某事

catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意

care for 照顾

be intended for/to do 为……而准备、预定

reach a doctor 找到医生

must have done 一定是;想必是

get a training 得到训练

as well as ……也

second to 次于

get sb. into使某人进入/陷入

story after story 一个 故事 接着一个

day after day 一天又一天

deliver a baby 给……接生

make sure 确保

by the time 这时候

carry on 继续

be concerned about 对……关心

put…to death 处死


rather than 不是……而是……

mean doing 意味着

mean to do 打算做……

settle down 安顿下来 apply to

应用到…… be prepared to 已经做好准备去做……

prepare to do 准备要做……

1.for the first time 第一次;首次(作状语)

2.all the way 一路;全程;一直

3.at all (与否定词连用)根本,丝毫

4.make oneself at home 别客气

5.native language 本族语

6.all around the world 世界各地

7. the majority of 大多数的

8. in total 总额;总数

9.mother tongue 母语

10.except for 除了有……之外

11.develop into 长成;发展成

12.have a good knowledge of...通晓,熟知……

13.on (over) the phone 在电话里;在打(接)电话

14.communicate with sb.by sth.通过某物与(某人)联络

15.know about 了解;知道

16.come about 发生;产生

17.the answer to the question 问题的答案

18.borrow...from... 从……借(入)……

19.stay up 不睡;熬夜

20 end up with... 以……告终

21.more or less 或多或少

22.have sorne difficulty in doing sth. 干某事有困难

23. bring in 引来;引起;吸收

24.make sure 深信;弄清楚;设法做到

25.a great many 许多;大量

if so 如果有……

if not 如果没有……

know about 了解

call him a farmer 称呼他为农民

in many ways 在许多方面

struggle for 为……斗争

the past five decades 过去的五十年

be born in poverty 出生贫困

graduate from 毕业 于……

since then 从那以后

thanks to 由于


be satisfied with 对……满足

lead a … life 过着……生活

care about 在意……

used to 过去常常

be used to 被用来做;习惯于

get used to 习惯于

prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事

wish for 欲得到、愿得到

no matter 无论

in need of 需要

refer to 谈及;提到

be rich in 富含

insist on doing 坚持做……

ready to do sth 准备好要做没某事

be against 反对

pay attention to 注意;留心

that is to say 换句说

be certain/sure to do 确信会做某事

persuade sb to do sth 说服某人干某事-结果成功

advise sb to do sth 劝说某人干某事-结果失败

1. add up 合计;加起来

2. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来

3. have got to 不得不;必须

4. be concerned about …关心……;挂念……

5. walk the dog 遛狗

6. pay for… 为……付钱

7. share…with… 与……分担/分享……

8. laugt at… 嘲笑……

9. go through… 经历;经受……

10.hide away 躲藏;隐藏

11.set down 放下;记下;登记

12.a series of… 一连串的;一系列;一套……

13.on purpose 故意

14.grow/be crazy about…对……十分狂热;十分痴迷

15.in order to… 为了……

16.happen to do sth.碰巧做某事

17.go downstairs下楼

18.face to face 面对面地

19.put away… 把……放下来(待用)

20.at dusk 黄昏时分



a big headache令人头痛的事情 a fraction of 一部分 a matter of concern 焦点 a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是 absent from不在,缺席 abundant in富于 account for 解释 accuse sb. of sth.控告 add to增加(add up to) after all 毕竟,究竟 agree with同意 ahead of time / schedule提前 ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前) alien to与...相反 all at once 突然,同时 all but 几乎;除了...都 all of a sudden 突然 all over again 再一次,重新 all over 遍及 all right 令人满意的;可以 all the same 仍然,照样的 all the time 一直,始终 angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒 anxious about/for忧虑,担心 anything but 根本不 apart from 除...外(有/无) appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求 applicable to适用于 apply to适用 appropriate for/to适当,合适 approximate to近似,接近 apt at聪明,善于 apt to易于 around the clock夜以继日 as a matter of fact 实际上 as a result(of) 因此,由于 as a rule 通常,照例 as far as ...be concerned 就...而言 as far as 远至,到...程度 as follows 如下 as for 至于,关于 as good as 和...几乎一样 as if 好像,防腐 as regards 关于,至于 as to 至于,关于 as usual 像平常一样,照例 as well as 除...外(也),即...又 as well 同样,也,还 ashamed of羞愧,害臊 aside from 除...外(还有) ask for the moon异想天开 at a loss 茫然,不知所措 at a time 一次,每次 at all costs 不惜一切代价 at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 at all times 随时,总是 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 at any rate 无论如何,至少 at best 充其量,至多 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at first 最初,起先 at hand 在手边,在附近 at home 在家,在国内 at intervals 不时,每隔... at large 大多数,未被捕获的 at last 终于 at least 至少 at length 最终,终于 at most 至多,不超过 at no time 从不,决不 at one time 曾经,一度;同时 at present 目前,现在 at someone's disposal 任...处理 at the cost of 以...为代价 at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 at the moment 此刻,目前 at this rate 照此速度 at times 有时,间或 aware of意识到 back and forth 来回地,反复地 back of 在...后面 back up后备,支援 bare of几乎没有,缺乏 be able to do能够 be around差不多 be available to sb.可用,可供 be bound to一定 be capable of doing能够 be concerned with 关心…,涉足… be dying to渴望 be fed up with受够了be tired of be in hospital 住院 be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季 be in the mood to do sth. 想做 be pressed for time时间不够 be tied up with忙于 be under the weather 身体不好 beat around the bush 拐弯没角 beat the crowd 避开人群 before long 不久以后 behind schedule 误点 bent on sth. 下定决心做… beside point 离题的,不相干的 beyond one's ability超越某人的能力 beyond question 毫无疑问 book on reserve 须留的图书 booked up 订完了 bound for开往 break down抛锚 break though突破 break up with和某人分手be through with / be finished with bring about 使…发生 bring someone up to date帮某人赶上help someone catch up by accident 偶然 by air 通过航空途径 by all means 尽一切办法,务必 by and by 不久,迟早 by chance 偶然,碰巧 by far 最,...得多 by hand 用手,用体力 by itself 自动地,独自地 by means of 用,依靠 by mistake 错误地,无意地 by no means 决不,并没有 by oneself 单独地,独自地 by reason of 由于 by the way 顺便说说 by virtue of 借助,由于 by way of 经由,通过...方法 call off取消 call on号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访 capable of能够 careful of/about/with小心,注意 certain of /about确信,肯定 chair a meeting 主持会议 charge sb. with sth.控告 clear of没有,不接触 clever at善于 close to接近,亲近 come in contact with 与…取得联系 come out of sth. alive大难不死 come up (with)提出,拿出 comparable to/with比作/比较 conscious of察觉到,意识到 consequent on随之而来 considerate towards体谅,体贴 contemporary with与...同时代 content with满足于 cost someone an arm and a leg代价很大 count down倒计时 count one's chickens before they are hatched过于乐观 count on依靠 count on依靠 count the day期待 count the day期待 counter to与...相反 crazy about热衷,着迷 critical of挑剔,批评 cry in one's beer借酒消愁 cry on one's shoulder依靠 curious about好奇,想知道 cut down on 减少 cut down削减 cut in插入 cut off切断 cut out切除 cut someone short打断 cut through抄近路 cut up切碎 die out 灭绝


高中英语短语必备200句,暑假都背下来,你就厉害了! A a (large) number of 许多 a bit 一点儿 a block of 一块 a bottle of 一瓶 a few 许多 a good/great deal of 大量(的);非常多(的) a great/good many很多的, 非常多的a group of 一群,一组 a little许多 a lot of/lots of许多 a pair of 一双,一对 a piece of 一片(张,块) a pile of 一堆 a place of interest 名胜 a set of一套 a sort of 一种 a type of 一种类型的 a waste of 白费; 浪费 above all 首先;首要 according to 根据... act as 充当;作;起 的作用 add up to 加起来是 add... to 把.....加到上 admit doing sth 承认做过某事advisedoing sth 建议做某事advise sb. against doing sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事 advise sb not to do sth 建议(劝)某人不要做某事 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 afford to do有经济条件做某事after a (short) while 不久以后after all 毕竟;终究 after graduation 毕业以后 again and again 反复地;再三地agree on 商定;决定;达成共识agree to do sth 同意做某事agree to sth 同意(计划或建议) agree with sb/what sb does 同意某人的意见 all along 一直,始终 all day and all night 整日整夜 all kinds of各种各样的 all night 整夜 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 all one's life 终生,一辈子 all over到处,遍及…,浑身,结束 all over the country遍及全国 all right 好吧,行吧,病好了all round 周围,遍及四周 all sorts of各种各样的 all the best万事如意 all the same一样,照样,完全一样 all the year round 一年到头all through 自 始 至 终 allow into允许进入 allow doing 允许做某事allow sb to do 允许某人做某事and so on等等 answer for 对 负责 apply for 申请... arrive at /in 到达某地 as a matter of fact事实上;其实 as a result(of) 结果 as if/though好象;好似 as many/muchas 多达...... as soon as 一……就…… as usual象往常一样,照例 as well 也;有 as......as 像;如同 as/so far as 一直到… (程度) ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事 ask…for 询问;向要 at (the) most 至多 at (the)least 至少 at a high price 以高价...... at a time 每次;一次 at all 全然,究竟,到底 at breakfast早餐时;正吃早饭at first hand 第一手地,直接地at first 起先;开端 at hand 在手边,在近处 at home and abroad 国内外 at home 在家里 at night在夜晚,在夜里 at noon 在中午 at once 立刻,马上 at one time 以前;曾经at present 现在;目前at sea 在 海 上 at someone’s hands 出自某人之手,因为某人 at the age of 在 岁时 at the beginning of 在 的开始 at the end of 最后;尽头 at the foot of在….的脚下at the latest 最迟;至迟 at the mercy of 在 支配下 at the same time同时 at the school gate / at the gate of the school 在学校门口 at the time of 在 的时候 at the top of one's voice 高声地喊叫 at work 再工作,在运转,在起作用 B be able to do sth (有能力)做某事 be about to 即将 be afraid of害怕 be against 反对 be angry at sth 对某事生气 be angry with sb 愤怒,生某人的 be anxious about /for 为 担心,焦急 be away from远离...... be bad at 在 弱,差 be busy doing sth 忙于做…… be busy with sth忙于...... be careful (of) 当心,小心 be covered with/by 为 所覆盖 be different from 与 不同 be famous as作为 著名 be famous for 因 而著名 be far away from 远离… be filled with 用 装满 be fit for 适合 be fond of 爱好;喜爱 be for 支持 be free to do sth 随意做某事 be friendly to sb 对…友好的 be full of 充满...... be good at 在 擅长,善于… be in love with 与 相爱 be in the habit of doing 有做…的习惯 be late for 迟到 be made from /of由 制成 be made in 由……(产地)制造 be made up of 由 构成;由组成 be of great help 对…很有帮助 be on fire 在 着 火 be on holiday 在假期中be on show 展 览 be poor in 在 差 be popular with sb 深受 欢迎 be prepared for 为……做好准备 be proud of 为 而自豪 be satisfied/content with 对……感到满意 be seated 坐下;坐着 be strict with(in)对某人(物)要求严格be sure about/of确信;有把握 be terrified at 被……吓一跳 be tired of sth/doing sth 厌倦做某事 be tired with/from 因 感到厌倦 be torn open被撕开 be unfit for不合适,不称职,不胜任 be used to do 被用来作某事 be used to sth/doingsth 习惯做某事 be weak in/at 在 弱 be worth doing 值得做...... be wrong with 出毛病,不对头 beat…to death 把打死because of因为;由于before long不久 beg one's pardon企求 begin…with 从 开始 believe in 信任,信仰 belong to 属于beyond help 不可挽救的beyond hope 没有希望的blowaway 刮走;吹走 break away from 脱离...... break down 分解,机器等坏了;身体跨了 break in插话;强行进入 break into 闯入 break off 打断;折段 break out 爆发,突然发生 break the law 违法,犯法 break the habit of doing 改掉…的习惯 break the rule违反规定break up 分解,腐蚀,驱散break with 与 断绝关系 bring down 使到下;降低bring in 引来,引进;吸收bring on使前进 bring out 说明,阐明 bring up教育;培养;提出 burn down 把 烧成平地;烧光 burn...to the ground 把 烧成平地 by accident 偶然 by air 乘飞机 by and by 不久,不久以后 by day 日间;白天里 by far 很,极 by hand 手工地 by means of 通过这种方式 by mistake 由疏忽所致 by sea 乘船 by spaceship乘宇宙飞船 by the end of 在结束之前 by the side of 在 附近 by the way 顺便说 by this means 通过这种方式 by turns轮流,交替 C call at some place 访问某地 call back 回电话call for 去取(某物);去接(某人);要求,需求 call in召集 call on sb to do sth 号召某人做某事call on(upon) sb 拜访某人call out着急,大声叫 call sb up 给某人打电话can’t help doing 情不自禁的做… care for 喜 欢 ; 想 要 carry away冲掉;冲走 carry off 夺走 carry on进行 carry out 实行,执行,贯彻carry through 进行到底,完成catch/take a cold着凉,感冒catch fire 着火 catch hold of 抓住,抓牢 catch sight of 望见 catch up with sb赶上(某人) change for 换成 change one's mind 改变主意 change...into 把 变成 clear away 把 清除掉 clear up整理;收拾 collect money for 为 募捐 come about 发生 come across 碰到 come along 快点,来吧 come back 回来 come back to life 苏醒,复活 come down 下来,下降 come from 来自 come in 进来 come into being 形成,产生 come off从 离开;脱落 come on 快些,加油come out 出版;开放come to共计;达到 come true 成为现实 come up 走进,上前来 compare with把......和进行比较 compare to 与 相比 connect to 把...... 接到...... connect with与 相连 considerdoing sth 考路做某事 consider sb as/to be 认为 ;把某人看做… cut off 切断 cut through 剪断 cut up 切碎 D date back to追溯到 date from 起始于;追溯到 day after day 日复一日地 day and night=night and day 日日夜夜 deal with 对付;处理 decide to do sth决定做某事 depend on 依赖;靠决定 devote to 把......献于;把 用于 die from死于(外因)..... die of 死于(内因)..... die out 灭绝 divide into 分成 do a good deed 对某人做了一件好事 do fine 赶得好do good 有好处do harm 有害处 do one’s homework 做家庭作业 do one's best 尽力 do sb a favour / do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙 do sb good / do good to sb 对某人有好处do some cleaning/cooking/washing/shopping 打扫卫生/做饭/洗衣服/买东西 do up 收拾,打扮;包装 do well in 在 做的好 do with 处理 do wrong做坏事;犯罪 dozens of 几十 dream of向往;渴望;梦想 dress up打扮 drive off 赶走 drive sb mad使某人发疯 drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人 drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地 E each other 彼此,互相earn one's living 谋 生 eat up 吃光 either...or…或者…或者 end in 以 结束,最后 end up 告终 end with以 结束 enjoy oneself 过得愉快 even though/if 尽管;即使 ever since自那时起一直到现在every few years每 隔 几 年 every other year每隔一年 every two years 每两年 F face to face 面对面 fail in doing sth 做某事失败fail to do sth 没做成某事fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后于 fall ill 生病 far away 遥远的 far from远离… feed on 以…为主食 feel free to do sth 觉得自己可以随意做某事 feel like doing sth 想要或喜欢做某事 feel one’s way 摸索着前进fight about/over 因为…争吵fight against … 与…作斗争fight back 抵抗, 反击fight for … 为… 而斗争fight off 击退,竭力摆脱fight on 继续战斗 fight out 通过争斗解决争论,平息不和 fill … with… 用…把…装满 fill in 填充;填写 find out 查明;发现;了解 fire at 朝… 开枪 first of all 首先 fix a date for 确定…的日期 fix one’s eyes upon sth/sb 盯着…看 fix up 安排,安顿for ever 永 远 for example 例如 for fear of/for 由于担心…,因为怕… for free 免费 for fun 为了消遣 for joy 高兴地 for the first time 第一次 form the habit of doing 养成做…的习惯 free of charge 免费 from … to… 从 … 到… from hand to mouth (生活来源)足够糊口的from now on 从现在起,从此以后;今后from the very first/beginning 从一开始,从最初 from then on 从那时开始from time to time 不时地G general idea 大意 generally speaking 总的说来 get along ( with ) (与人)和睦相处;(事情)进展 get away 逃;离 get back 返回 get down to doing 开始认真做… get down 降下;下车 get hold of 抓住 get in one's way妨碍某人 get in 进入;收集 get into进入,陷入get into trouble 陷入困境get off 下车 get on 上车 get on with 与某人相处 get out 离开,出去 get sb into the habit of doing 使某人养成做…的习惯 get the feel of 习惯 get through 通过;打通(电话) get to 到达 get to know 认识 get together 聚集 get up 起床 give /lend a hand to 帮忙,支援give a concert举行音乐会give a talk作报告,演讲give advice to sb 给某人提建议give away 捐赠,分送 give back 归还,送还 give in 屈服;投降;让步 give lessons to 给…上课 give off 发散,放出(液体,气体,气味等) give out 发出 (声音等); 用完,耗尽 give sb some advice on how to do sth 给某人提出关于如何做某时的建议 give someone a free hand 放手让某人干give up 放弃,抛弃,终止 glance at sth 匆匆看看 glare at 怒目而视 go after 追求,追逐 go against 违背,反对 go ahead 先走,先行;好吧 go along 继续,进行 go around / round (疾病) 传播 go away 离开 go back 回去 go by 经过;过去 go down 下降,降低 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming (去)钓鱼/买东西/滑冰/游泳 go for a walk 出去散步 go for nothing 白费, 毫无用处go for one’s holiday 去度假go for 求得 go home 回家 go into 进入 go off for 出发去… go off 爆炸 go on doing sth 继续做同一件事 go on strike举行罢工 go on to do sth 继续做另一件事 go on with one’s work 继续自己的工作 go out for a walk 出去散步 go out 出门, 外出;(火,灯)熄灭 go over 检查;复习 go through with 完成,做完 go through 遭受;经历;忍受go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the cinema去看电影 go under 沉没 go up 上升,增长 go with 相配;协调 go without 没有…也行;将就Good heavens!天 哪 ! graduate from 毕业于 grow rich on … 靠…变得富有grow up 成年;长成大人;生长H had better 最好 half an hour 半小时hand in hand 手拉手hand in 交上;交进hand out 分发 hand over 移交 ( 权力,责任等) hand sth down from generation to generation 把…一代一代传下去 have ( got ) to 不得不;必须


上完高中所有课程之后就要进入高考的复习了,所以把高中常用英语短语总结出来是有必要的。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!高中常用英语短语1. make friends with„ 与„交朋友2. make fun of 取笑 某人;开„的玩笑3. make it a condition that„ 以„„为条件 4. make it possible to do ; make it possible that„ 使可能做某事5. make money out of 靠„„挣钱6. make no difference 毫无差别;没有影响7. make noise 制造噪音8. make oneself done 使自己被别人„„9. make progress 取得进步10. make repairs 修理,修补11. make room for 为„„腾地方12. make sense 讲得通;很有意义13. make sentences with 用„造句14. make sure of 确保;确定15. make the best of 充分利用,善用16. make up 编出;组成17. make up one’s mind to do sth. 下定决心做„„18. make use of 利用19. make„„to one’s own measure 按照某人的尺寸做„„20. make„from / out of„ 由„„制作„„21. make„into„ 将„„制成22. manage to do 成功地做„„;设法做„„23. mark„with„ 用„„标记„„24. masses of 大多数;大部分25. match„with„ „„与„„相搭配高中必背英语短语1. mean doing 意味着;意思是2. mean to do 意图做3. measure„with a ruler 用尺子量4. medical care 医疗护理5. meet *** . at the station / the airport 到车站/飞机场接某人6. men’s room 男厕所7. millions of 数百万的8. minority groups 少数民族9. miss doing 错过做某事10. miss one’s footing and fall 没站稳摔倒了11. mix„with„ 把„„混合于„„12. more and more 越来越多13. more or less 差不多;或多或少14. mouth to mouth 口对口地15. move in 迁入16. move on 继续移动;朝前走17. natural gas 天然气18. neither here nor there 与所述无关的,不相干的19. neither„nor„ 既不„„也不20. never mind 没关系,别介意21. newspaper reporter 新闻记者22. next door 隔壁23. next to 紧挨着; 接下来;次于24. no more /longer 不再25. no more than 不过;仅仅高中必备英语短语1. make a face / make faces 做鬼脸;做苦脸2. make a film / films 拍摄电影3. make a fire 生火4. make a list of 列一张„„的清单5. make a long distance call 打长途电话6. make a mistake 犯错误7. make a noise 吵闹,发出响声8. make a plan for 为„„作计划9. make a point 立论;阐明观点10. make a promise 答应;允诺11. make a record 录制唱片12. make a search for 找寻13. make a speech 作演讲14. make a suggestion 提建议15. make a telephone call to *** . 给某人打电话16. make a trip 作旅行17. make an advertisement for 为„„做广告18. make an announcement 宣布19. make an answer 回答20. make an attack on 攻击21. make an explanation 作解释22. make an offer of 愿给以„„23. make an offer to do 想做某事24. make ends meet 量入为出;使收支相抵25. make enemies with 树敌看过的人还:

想要快速学好英语,最好的办法还是记多记 英语 短语 ,下面是我整理的高考英语必备短语,希望能够为大家提供帮助!


put forward 提出

draw a conclusion 得出结论

expose…to 使显露,暴露

link…to… 将……和……联系或连接起来

apart from 除……之外,此外

(be) strict with… 对……严格的

make sense 讲得通,有意义

consist of 由……组成

divide…into 把……分成

break away(from) 挣脱(束缚),脱离

to one‘s credit 为……带来荣誉,值得赞扬,在……名下

leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑

take the place of 代替

break down (机器)损坏,破坏

take up 拿起,接受,开始,继续

be back on one’s feet (困境后)恢复,完全恢复

lose sight of 看不见

sweep up 打扫,横扫

slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动,溜进……

speed up 加速

concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于

depend on 依赖,依靠

accuse…of 因……指责或控告……

so as to (do sth.) 为了(做)……

ahead of 在……前面

first aid (对伤患者的)急救

fall ill 生病

electric shock 触电,电休克

squeeze out 榨出,挤出

over and over again 反复,多次

in place 在适当的位置,适当

a number of 若干,许多

put one‘s hands on 找到

make a difference 区别对待,有影响,起(重要)作用

human being 人

move off 离开,起程,出发

lead a…life 过着……的生活

crowd in (想法、问题等)涌上心头,涌入脑海

look down upon/on 蔑视,瞧不起

refer to 谈到,查阅,参考

by chance 碰巧,凑巧

come across (偶然)遇见,碰见

carry on 继续,坚持

thanks to 幸亏,由于,因为

rid…of 拜托,除去

be satisfied with 对……感到满意

would rather 宁愿,宁可

build up 逐渐增强,建立,开发

lead to 导致,造成(后果)

focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于……

keep…free from/of 使……免受(影响、伤害等),使……不含(有害物)

up to now 直到现在

feel/be content with 对……满足

badly off 穷的,缺少的

pick out 挑出,辨别出

cut off 切断,断绝

star in 担任主角,主演

defend against 保卫……以免受

be likely to 很可能的……,有希望……

in general 总的来说,通常

at case 舒适,快活,自由自在

lose face 丢脸

turn one‘s back to 背对

be famous for 以……而闻名

no wander 难怪,不足为奇

be modelled after 根据……模仿,仿造

in advance 提前

get close to 接近

come to life 活跃起来

take place 发生

in memory of 纪念,追念

dress up 盛装,打扮,装饰

play a trick on 搞恶作剧,诈骗,开玩笑

look forward to 期望,期待,盼望

day and night 日夜,昼夜,整天

as though 好像

have fun with 玩的开心

turn up 出现,到场

keep one‘s word 守信用,履行诺言

hold one’s breath 屏息,屏气

set off 出发,动身,使爆炸

remind…of… 使……想起……

ought to 应当,应该

lose weight 体重减轻,减肥

get away with 被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚

tell a lie 说谎

win…back 赢回,重新获得

earn one‘s living 谋生

in debt 欠债

cut down 削减,删节

before long 不久以后

put on weight 增加体重

bring up 抚养,培养, 教育 ,提出

go ahead 前进,(用于祈使句)可以,往下说

by accident 偶然,无意中,不小心

stare at 盯着看,凝视

account for 导致,做出解释

on the contrary 与此相反,正相反

take a chance 冒险

in rags 衣衫褴褛

as for 关于,至于

in time 及时,终于

lay eggs 下蛋

give birth to 产生,分娩

in one’s turn 轮到某人,接着

prevent…from 阻止,制止

cheer up 感到高兴,感到振奋

now that 既然

break out 突发,爆发

watch out 密切关心

rather than 与其,不愿

settle down 定居,平静下来,专心于

manage to do 设法做

catch sight of 看见,瞥见

have a gift for 对……有天赋

in the distance 在远处

高考英语必备短语归纳相关 文章 :

1. 高考英语必备短语整理2

2. 高考英语必背短语整理1

3. 高考英语高频短语汇总

4. 高中生高考英语必备短语

5. 高考英语作文必备万能短语

6. 高考英语短语汇总

7. 高中英语常用的基础短语大汇总,快来积累吧

8. 高考英语常考的高频短语词组大合集!

9. 高中英语词组短语归纳

10. 高考英语作文万能必备词组




1.take down 取下;记下;拆卸

2.take for 认为,以为;误认为

3.take on 接受;包含;领会

4.take into account 把…考虑进去

5.take off 拿走;脱下(衣帽等)

6.take on 呈现(面貌);装出

7.take out 拿出;去掉;扣除

8.take over 占据;接任(职位)

9.take up 占去,占据;开始从事

10.take to 开始;对…产生好感

11.take up 拿起;着手处理;占去

12.talk back 回嘴,顶嘴

13.talk over 商量,(充分)讨论

14.talk up 大声地讲;大胆地讲

15.talk with 与…交谈,试图说服

1.taste of 有…味道(或气息)

2.tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁

3.teach a lesson 给…一个教训

4.in tears 流着泪;含泪哭

5.tell...from 辨别,分辨;认出

6.tell about 讲述

7.tell...apart 把…区分开

8.in terms of 根据;以…的措词

9.lose one's temper 发怒,发脾气

10.keep on good terms 保持友好关系

11.keep terms with sb. 同某人交往

12.make terms 达成协议

13.no other than 除…外没有;只有

14.thanks to 由于

15.and all that 诸如此类

1.in that 既然;因为

2.that is 就是说;即(略为i.e)

3.think of 考虑;记得;认为

4.think of...as 把…看作是,以为…是

5.think out 彻底地想一想

6.think over 仔细考虑

7.think through 思考…直到得出结论

8.think twice 重新考虑

9.think up 发明;设计出

10.on second thoughts 经重新考虑后

11.throw about 到处扔;转向航行

12.throw away 扔掉,抛弃

13.throw off 扔开;匆匆脱掉(衣服)

14.throw over 抛弃(计划等)

15.throw up 抛起;呕出(食物)

16.tie up 束紧,缚牢;包扎

17.ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前

18.all the time 一直,始终

19.at a time 每次;在某个时刻

20.at all times 无论何时,一直

短语 和词汇是 英语学习 中的基础,但短语的学习往往是同学们英语学习中的难点。下面我为大家带来高中英语重点短语归纳,欢迎大家学习!


1.be able to do能够做

Afterpaying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently.

2.be about to do正要做

AsI was about to say, you interrupted me.

3.add… to…把……加……

Ifyou add 5 to 5, you get ten.

Ifthe tea is too strong, add some hot water.

Thisadds to our difficulties.

4.be afraid of 害怕

Iwas afraid of hurting her feelings.

5.go against反对

Wedon't agree with the proposal, because it goes against the law.

6.agree on达成一致

Weagreed on an early start/making a early start.

Weall agree on the terms.

7.agreeto do同意做

Myfather has agreed to buy me a new computer.

8.agree with同意某人(或其想法、观点、认识等);与……相符

Idon't agree with you on this point.

Yourstory agrees with what I had already heard.

Theclimate doesn't agree with me.

Themussels I had for lunch haven't agreed with me.

Theverb agrees its subject in number and person.

9.be angry with对……生气

Hewas angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake.

Hewas angry at being kept waiting.

10.be anxious about对……担心

Iwas anxious about my son's health.

11.apply for申请

Ihave applied to the Consul for the visa.

12.take sth. in one's arms把……抱在怀里

Shetook a bunch of roses in her arms.

13.take up arms拿起武器

Weshould take up our arms to defend our motherland.

14.arrive in/at a place达到某地

Mybrother will arrive in Beijing next Monday.

Iarrive at the school every morning at a regular time.

15.ask (sb.) for sth.向(某人)要某物

Youshouldn't ask your parents for money any more.

16.pay attention to对……注意

Whenyou write an essay, you have several things to pay attention to.

17.be away from远离……

Whenyou friend is in trouble, don't be away from him/her; instead, you should tryyour best to help.

18.go/run away逃跑

It'sdangerous! Go/run away immediately.

19.beat… to death将……打死

Hewas nearly beat to death once after he was caught stealing.

20.go to bed上床休息

Iwas so tired that I went to bed earlier than before.

21.make the bed铺床

Youare old enough to make the beds by yourself.

22.beg one's pardon请某人再说一遍

SorryI didn't catch it. I beg your pardon.

23.begin… with以……开始

Theparty began with a cheerful song.

24.believe in信仰

Inwestern countries, many people believe in God.

25.belong to属于

ThatTaiwan belongs to China should be unquestionable.

26.do one's best尽最大的努力

Ifyou have done your best, then there's nothing to regret.

27.had better最好

Youhad better stop smoking.

28.blow away吹走

Thewind blew the heat away.

29.take a boat乘船

Itook a boat to go to the island in the center of the lake.

30.be born出生

Hewas born in a wealthy family.

31.break away from从……脱离,断绝关系

Wewon't say "Yes" to anyone's breaking away from our country.

Can'tyou break away from old habits?

32.break down(指计划、打算)破灭;(机器)坏了;(身体状况)变差

Ourplans have broken down.

Negotiationsbetween the two countries have broken down.

Theengine broke down.

Hishealth broke down after the death of his wife.

Sugarand starch are broken down in the stomach.

33.break into破门而入

Hishouse was broken into last week.

34.break off 从中间打断

Hebroke off in the middle of a sentence.

Let'sbreak off for an hour and have some tea.

Themast broke off.

35.break out(指战争、灾难、争吵等)突然爆发

Afire broke out during the night.

Thequarrel broke out afresh.

36.break the rules违反规则

Everyonein the group mustn't break the rules.

37.break up击碎、驱散 终止 结束 分裂 分开 分手放学

Theship was breaking up on the rocks.

Thegathering broke up in disorder.

Thepolice broke up the crowd.

38.hold one's breath屏住呼吸

Heheld his breath and sneaked into his room.

39.bring down击落、打倒

Amoment ago, we brought down a hostile aircraft.

Weshould bring down the tyrant.

40.bring in赚得、赢得(利润)

Hisfarms bring (him) in $20000 a year.

Theprogram brings in a new fashion.

41.bring on导致……结果

Hewas out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold.

Thefine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.

Thecoach is bringing on some youngsters in the reserve team.

42.bring up抚养

Shehas brought up five children.

Ifchildren are badly brought up they behave badly.

43.build up建立;恢复(身体状况等)

Hehas built up a good business.

Hewent on holiday and soon built up his health.

44.burn…to the ground把……夷为平地

TheJapanese invaders burnt the houses to the ground.

45.burn down烧光

Thehouse was burnt down.

46.burst into laughter.突然爆发大笑

Onseeing the amusing scene, she burst into laughter.

47.burst into tears突然大哭

Shesuddenly burst into tears.

48.be busy doing/with sth.忙于做某事

Weare busy preparing for/with the exam.

49.call at (a place) 拜访 某地

Icalled at the tailor's a couple of days ago.

50.call back回电话

Iwill call back later.

51.call for到某地取东西;接人;要求;呼吁

Aman calls every Monday for old newspapers.

I'llcall for you at 6 o'clock.

Theoccasion calls for prompt action.

Peopleall over the world call for peace.

52.call in请(医生)

Pleasecall in a doctor at once.

53.call on拜访某人

Myuncle called on me yesterday on his way home.

54.take care of照顾;负责

Thenurse took good care of the patients.

Here,let me take care of the cleaning.

Theseare the devices that take care of the waste from the factory.

55.care for 担心、关心、想

Myparents care for my safety when I travel by myself.

Theelders should care for the younger generation.

Wouldyou care for a game of table tennis?

56.carry off夺走(生命);取得(奖励等)

Theterrible war carried off her father's life.

Tomcarried off all the school prizes.

57.carry on进行

Thediscussion carried on after a short break.

58.carry out实施

Theplan has to be carried out as soon as possible.

59.catch fire起火

Thismaterial is easy to catch fire. Be careful.

60.catch up with赶上

Ihave to study even harder than before in order to catch up with my peers.


Theshirt is too big. Can I change for another one.


Hechanged into his working clothes when he began to work.

63.change one's mind改变主意

Ipersuaded him to change his mind.

64.check out核对,检查

Wouldyou help me to check out the names and numbers.

Hechecked out and left the hotel.

65.clear away收拾,整理

Pleasehelp me to clear away the tea things.

66.clear up(指天)晴朗;清理

Theweather/sky is clearing up.

Clearup the desk before you leave the office.

67.catch/take cold; have a cold感冒

Hewas absent because he caught cold last night.

68.come about产生……结果

Howdoes it come about half of the class are absent?

69.come across碰巧遇到;突然想起

Icame across this old brooch in a curio shop.

Thethought came across my mind that we …

70.come back回想起来

Theirnames are all coming back to me now.

71.come down(指雨)下得很大;(指气温)下降

Therain came down in bucketfuls.

Thetemperature came down suddenly.

72.come from来自

Muchof the butter in England comes from New Zealand.

73.come off脱落

Thebutton has come off my coat.

74.come on加油

Comeon! Let's race to the bottom of the hill.

75.come out出现;(指花)开放;

Thestars come out.

Theflowers are coming out.

Whenwill his new book come out?

76.come to(指数字)达到

Thetotal number of people who attended the conference came to 1000.

77.come true(指梦想)实现

Ihope that my dream will come true one day in the future.

78.come up

Hecame up the hard way.

Thequestion hasn't come up yet.

79.compare with与……比较

Comparedwith education in western countries, China has her own special features.

80.compare to把……比作

Teachersare sometimes compared to candles.

81.connect to 与……联系

It'sa railway that connects Beijing to Shenzhen.

82.connect with与……联接

Wheredoes cooker connect with the gas-pipe?

83.be considered as被认为是

Sheis considered as the best teacher in our school.

84.consider doing sth.考虑做……

I'mconsidering moving abroad.

85.be covered with被……覆盖

Theground was covered with heavy snow.

86.cut down砍倒

Don'tcut down the young trees.

87.cut off砍掉;截断

Don'tcut your fingers off!

Theenemy had cut off our food supply.

89.cut up切碎

I'llcut up the meat.

90.date from起始于

Thetemple dates from over a thousand years ago.

91.deal with处理;对付;相处;涉及

Howdo you deal with the difficulties?

Theman is hard to deal with.

Thebook deals with health problems.

92.do a good deed做好事

Duringhis lifetime, Lei Feng had done many good deeds.

93.depend on取决于;信任

Whetherwe go to park this weekend depends on the weather.

Youcan always depend on Jim, for he is an honest man.

Itdepends on you. Any time is all right for me.

94.devote to把(时间、精力等)专注于……

MaryCurio devoted all her life to the research of radiation matters,

95.die of死于

Hedies of a disease.

96.die out绝种

Manyold customs are gradually dying out.

97.be different from与……不同

Thepicture on the right is different from the one on the left.

98.divide up把……分开

Wedivided the money up equally.

Howshall we divide the work up?

99.divide into把……分成(几部分)

Thehouse was divided into two parts.

100.do sb. a favor给某人帮忙

Wouldyou do me a favor?

高中英语重点短语归纳相关 文章 :

1. 2016高考英语必背重点短语总结

2. 高一英语必修一重点短语

3. 高一英语必修一重点短语(人教版)

4. 高二英语知识点归纳

5. 人教版高一英语必修三重点短语大全

6. 高考英语必背重点短语



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