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它属于施万高镇(德语:Schwangau),该镇是德国巴伐利亚州施瓦本行政区的一个小镇,隶属东阿尔高县,位于巴伐利亚州南部,依傍阿尔卑斯山麓。施万高是浪漫之路上的一个重要景区,境内的霍恩施万高汇集着著名的旅游胜地新天鹅堡和高天鹅堡。小镇距离菲森市约4公里。新天鹅堡(英:New Swan Stone Castle 德语:Schloss Neuschwanstein)全名新天鹅石城堡,是19世纪晚期的建筑,位于德国巴伐利亚西南方,邻近年代较早的高天鹅堡(Schloss Hohenschwangau,又称旧天鹅堡),距离菲森(Füssen)镇约4公里,离德国与奥地利边界不远。

New Swan Stone Castle The late nineteenth century building, located in the southwest in Bavaria, near the earlier high swan fort, distance phillips about 4 kilometers, Nathan town not far from Germany and Austria boundary. The castle is Bavarian king Ludwig ii of the palace. Mutual 360 room, of which only 14 a room, the other in accordance with the design completed 346 a room in 1886, because the king died but not finished due to white castle stands on a mountain high, all round its lakes and surrounded. So four seasons, different scenery. But in this charm and romance, but hides behind a young emperor's tragedy.The emperor only, but without the sameness is full of artistic temperament. New swan castle in the opposite is king childhood Summer Palace, old swan castle, the mountain plain lake shaped young king the romantic and fairy tale colour character, make he initiation of the construction of new swan fort inspiration. He personally participate in the design the castle. There are lots of German swan sculpture. He dreamed of the castle built for a fairytale world. His lifetime is lonely, not to face politics put-up it is assault. In the revolutionary era, he discontented with his ACTS have blown the title of identity, try to change and not its place, so often the presbyterial opinion photograph with cabinet. He and composer Wagner's contacts for excessive prodigal, and state-private be not divided and ministerial personage and people's strong opposition. Because resent to reality, he devotes oneself to to create their own fairy tale world. And behold, was up and down the country, because concerted opposition built so brilliant luxurious palaces, his country into poverty. When this castle is the completion of eve, in 1886 on June 12, the single abound fantasy when young king last visited this castle project, return to Munich way, but disappear into the night, early the next morning in the lake found the bodies of king and doctor. And just five days before, in the Bavarian state medical committee has just announced that Ludwig ii with mental illness. He was only 41 years. Ludwig's death to his family left 1,500 million mark's debt, also left unfinished to common people's dream. Life vicissitudes of life, then the germans Ludwig ii dream into reality, expensive built new swan castle, now has become a symbol of German world famous landscape with.

新天鹅堡(英语—New Swan Stone Castle、德语—Schloss Neuschwanstein)全名新天鹅石城堡,位于德国巴伐利亚西南方,从慕尼黑粗发约一个半小时的车程,山脚下,温度略低。旁边就是高天鹅堡(Schloss Hohenschwangau,又称旧天鹅堡)。新天鹅堡是白色外墙,旧天鹅堡是橙黄色。新天鹅城堡建于1869年,是巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世的行宫之一。有很多房间,里面的装饰很精美,四周都是壁画,很宏大。


Neuschwanstein Castlenoi �0�6van �0�6tain kastle


新天鹅堡在英语中读作 Neuschwanstein发音nɔɪʃvaːnʃtaɪn





新天鹅堡的门票价格取决于参观的种类和所在的游览区域,新天鹅堡全票约, 13 欧元至 15 欧元。新天鹅堡与洞穴博物馆联票约 17 欧元至 19 欧元新天鹅堡外观观赏票,约 3 欧元至 5 欧元,新天鹅堡内部参观票:约 8 欧元至 12 欧元(需提前预约指定时间),总的来说,新天鹅堡所处的环境优美,充满了自然的魅力和浪漫的氛围,让人仿佛置身于童话世界中。


Neuschwanstein 的德语发音是 [ n �0�0 y �0�6 v a n �0�6 t a i n ]Castle是英语词,在英汉词典中就能查到。


天鹅swanswan英 [swɒn]美 [swɑn]n. 天鹅;天鹅星座vi. 游荡,闲荡n. (Swan)人名;(英、芬、德)斯旺 Swan 天鹅,定位器,天鹅椅Swan Goose 鸿雁,鸿雁,红雁Tundra Swan 小天鹅,苔原天鹅

swan亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao





Swan Goose 鸿雁

Tundra Swan 小天鹅 ; 苔原天鹅 ; 冻原天鹅

John Swan 约翰·斯万 ; 斯万恩 ; 标签


1.Hey,you be the swan. 而你是那天鹅。

2.In Black Swan terms, this means that you are exposed to the improbable only if you let it controlyou. 从黑天鹅的角度讲,这意味着只有你让小概率事件控制自己的时候,你才会受到它的影响。

3.He dreamed a black swan and several swallows flying in the sky. 他梦见一只黑天鹅和几只燕子在空中飞翔。

4.The myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan are sacred to her. 桃金娘,鸽子,麻雀和天鹅是她的圣物。

5.It starts out ugly and becomes a beautiful swan. 开始很丑,然后变成一只美丽的天鹅。

天鹅Swan天鹅swan; cygnus







Black swans have strong flying ability. When flying together for a long distance, they can be seen in a line or a 'V' shape.

Their wings beat slowly and whistle sometimes. In flight and on the water, there will be all kinds of noisy tones. It also produces a series of soft bass notes and tends to whistle when disturbed on the way.

Black swans communicate using voice and visual signals. They have calls for territorial defense and specific sounds used in triumphal ceremonies.

The call is high pitched, like a dog barking, or a bugle Sutra, sometimes high pitched and sometimes low. Visual displays are also used to communicate, such as raising or waving wings to threaten predators or other swans in their territory.




Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis. Its plot revolves around a production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet by a prestigious New York City company. The production requires a ballerina to play both the innocent White Swan and the sensual Black Swan. One dancer, Nina (Portman), is a perfect fit for the White Swan, while Lily (Kunis) has a personality that matches the Black Swan. When the two compete for the parts, Nina finds a dark side to herself.



white swan

白天鹅 翻译: Swan



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