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before long不久前long befpre很久以前

不久前not long before;a while ago;erewhile不久前;最近 Not long ago; recently. 片刻前,不久前 Some time ago; heretofore.

不久前应该是not long before吧!


1、读音:英 ['leɪtlɪ]、美 ['letli]

2、表达意思:adv. 近来,不久前


Down Lately 突然累了

happen lately 最近发生

lately grown 谓语动词


These are some of the things I find myself thinking about lately.



“lately”的近义词:not long ago

1、表达意思:adv. 片刻前;不久前


Not so long ago 不那么久以前 ; 不久之前 ; 不久以前 ; 曾几何时

Not that long ago 没那么久 ; 没有那么久

Not too long ago 不久以前 ; 不久之前 ; 前不久


Not long ago, his advisers worried that some black voters might not support his candidacy out of a fierce desire to protect him.



通用不久不久[bùjiǔ]Soon英 [suːn]美 [sun]拍照翻译语音同传常用词典权威词典不久soon adv.不久;很快;宁可;宁愿;快;早before long 前不久;不久前;没过多久soon after ...后不久;...之后不久;...后很快not long after 不久后;不久以后;没多久后双语例句比赛开始不久,主队就占了先手。At the beginning of the match, the advantage lay with the host team. / The home team seized the initiative at the very beginning of the game.权威词典飞机起飞不久发动机就出了问题。The plane developed engine trouble shortly after takeoff.权威词典他们离婚后不久又破镜重圆了。They remarried each other again not long after their divorce.权威词典这本书已排版,不久就能出版。The book has been typeset and it will be published soon.权威词典他想暴富的美梦不久就幻灭了。His dream of becoming rich overnight was soon dashed.权威词典据悉,中国不久将发射另一颗卫星。It is reported that China will launch another satellite soon.权威词典入伍不久她就被派到将军身边工作。She was sent to work for the general soon after she joined the army.权威词典工程不久就因缺乏资金抛锚了。The project stopped very soon for lack of funds.权威词典新厂长上任不久厂子便破产了。The new director had not been in the saddle long when the factory went bankrupt.权威词典由于偷工减料,桥建成不久就倒了。The jerry-built bridge toppled over soon after its completion.权威词典

这两个意思都一样吧Recentlynot long ago就看你想怎么构建你的句子

英语:“不久前”not long before“前不久”before long宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!



1、才不久 just now

2、不久今后 before long ; by and by

3、之后不久 Shortly after ; Not long after ; Soon after



The stock market will soon rally.

2、不久, 他们派他到一个新的工作岗位。

Soon they assigned him to a new post.

3、他到了日本, 不久便发了洋财。

He went to Japan and soon made a big fortune.


不久前 erewhilenot/ long agoSome time ago; heretofore.片刻前,不久前The plane landed not long ago..飞机不久前才着陆。I've only recently begun to learn French.我不久前才开始学法语。

现代英汉综合大辞典erewhile adv.[古]片刻前, 不久前 简明英汉词典erewhile adv.<古>片刻前, 不久前not long ago adv.不久前

问题一:不久前英文怎么说 嘿嘿,不知道你这个不久前能长到多久?给你多种选择啦 Some time ago 不久前 a while ago 刚才 a few minutes ago/before 几分钟前 several days ago/some days before 几天前 问题二:不久前用英语怎么说 before long not long ago 问题三:“不久前的一天”用英语怎么说? the other day 问题四:英语“不久前”和“前不久”分别怎么翻译 5分 嘿嘿,不知道你这个不久前能长到多久?给你多种选择啦 Some time ago 不久前 a while ago 刚才 a few minutes ago/before 几分钟前 several days ago/some days before 几天前 前不久:shortly before Until quite lately 问题五:不久前我辞职了用英语怎么说 I quit my job several days贰ago.用quit更口语化 I have just resigned from my job. 用resign更正式 希望能帮到你哦~亲~ 问题六:不久前一天和不久后一天用英语该怎么说? 不久前一天 several days ago 或者可以直接说 the other day 不久后一天 several days later 或者 in several days

不久前not long before;a while ago;erewhile不久前;最近 Not long ago; recently. 片刻前,不久前 Some time ago; heretofore.


不久前not long before;a while ago;erewhile不久前;最近 Not long ago; recently. 片刻前,不久前 Some time ago; heretofore.

not long ago

开办英语俱乐部:start an English club打扫干净: clean up表演节目: show performances周五放假,a day off on Friday前不久: not long ago走10分钟的路程: a 10-minute walk away

Start an English club, clean, show, Friday is a holiday, not long ago, 10 minutes' walk望采纳


someday 有朝一日(未来的某一天) some day 未来的某一段时间 someday=some day.完全可以换成someday.基本上两者可以通用 the other day 前几天,不久前的一天 eg .I saw him in town the other day. 我最近有一天在镇上见过他. one day (过去或将来)某一天 day we'll both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约.

the day not long before

One day not long ago

问题一:不久前英文怎么说 嘿嘿,不知道你这个不久前能长到多久?给你多种选择啦 Some time ago 不久前 a while ago 刚才 a few minutes ago/before 几分钟前 several days ago/some days before 几天前 问题二:不久前用英语怎么说 before long not long ago 问题三:“不久前的一天”用英语怎么说? the other day 问题四:英语“不久前”和“前不久”分别怎么翻译 5分 嘿嘿,不知道你这个不久前能长到多久?给你多种选择啦 Some time ago 不久前 a while ago 刚才 a few minutes ago/before 几分钟前 several days ago/some days before 几天前 前不久:shortly before Until quite lately 问题五:不久前我辞职了用英语怎么说 I quit my job several days贰ago.用quit更口语化 I have just resigned from my job. 用resign更正式 希望能帮到你哦~亲~ 问题六:不久前一天和不久后一天用英语该怎么说? 不久前一天 several days ago 或者可以直接说 the other day 不久后一天 several days later 或者 in several days


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