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16. She began to learn to play the piano in her (四十多岁).

17. He gave me a warning that eating too much (巧克力) is bad for my health.

18. (唱歌) is her favourite.

19. Many children are flying (风筝) in the park.

20. He has been to Beijing six (次) in all, and he wants to be there once more.

21. They look like (猴子).

22. The boy is so (聪明的) that he can work out the problems easily.

23. What day is it (今天), Tony?

24. We are going to have a (野餐) this weekend.

25. I like to play ping-pong on (星期日) morning.


26. Fifty and fifty is one h .

27. In English, blue can m sad.

28. I'm thirsty. I would like to drink three b of juice.

29. My mother is a doctor. She s many people's lives every year.

30. Today is Wednesday;t is Thursday.

31. I do my h in the afternoon.

32. E are the biggest(最大的) animals on land.

33. Do you think it is good for a to live in the zoo?

34. The wolf lives in the E forest. It likes to eat m .

35. We won't use money in the future, because everything will be f .


36. 我不得不考虑一下这个计划。

I have to this plan.

37. 周末,我们经常在家打扫卫生。 (词数不限)

We often at home at weekends.

38. 在10:45他们到达动物园。

At they arrived at the zoo.

39. 今年二月有多少天?

February this year?

40. 他认为这次旅行怎么样?

does he the trip?

41. 午饭过后打雪仗怎么样?

How about after lunch?

42. 卡罗和爷爷一起挤牛奶、种苹果。

Carol a and apples his grandpa.

43. 这条繁华的街道上有红绿灯吗?

on this busy street?

44. 这些足球多少钱? (词数不限)

do these footballs ?

45. 有人提一些建议吗?

Does anyone have ?


46. --- How many pens Mary ?

--- Five.

A. does; have B. do; have C. does; has D. do; has

47. If you want jazz. Please go to the Fantastic House.

A. listen to B. hear C. to listen to D. to listen

48. --- does your pet dog weigh?

--- Its is 5 kilograms.

A. How heavy; weigh B. How many; weight

C. How much; weight D. How much; weigh

49. Every day he begins to do his homework .

A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass ten

C. on ten past seventh D. until ten

50. --- How much the pair of shoes?

--- Twenty dollars is enough.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

51. My brother usually goes to bed half eight in the evening.

A. at; past B. at; to C. in; past D. in; to

52. Henry often helps his mother do at home.

A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. cleans

53. I don't have meat, so I have bread for breakfast.

A. some; any B. some; some C. any; any D. any; some

54. --- What your brother like?

--- He'd like a large bowl of egg soup.

A. does B. is C. do D. would

55. --- We have few vegetables for dinner. Could you go and buy ?

--- Yes, sure. But I don't have money.

A. any; any B. some; any C. any; some D. some; some


Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to our zoo. There are many animals in it. First we can see 56 old tigers. They eat 57 meat every day. There are 58 two big elephants. They are very 59 . They eat much 60 every day. There are a lot of monkeys in the zoo, too. Kids like them 61 they like kids, too. They like kids 62 they often give them some bread and bananas. They like bananas 63 .

In the zoo there are five dolphins and ten penguins. They often play 64 their friends like kids. They love fish and 65 food. Have a good time, kids!

56. A. a B. an C. one D. two

57. A. many B. a few C. a lot D. a lot of

58. A. and B. also C. either D. too

59. A. scary B. friend C. friendly D. small

60. A. grass B. leaf C. water D. meat

61. A. or B. so C. but D. and

62. A. that B. why C. because D. so

63. A. very many B. many C. very D. very much

64. A. to B. and C. of D. with

65. A. other B. any C. some D. others



Sweet Tomatoes

Salad & Fruit & Vegetables

Eat as much as you can!

Say goodbye to any meat, enjoy fruit and vegetables!

Adult ¥60

Child (6-12) ¥30

(under 6) free

● Save ¥5……Coupon in Sunday's China Daily

● First ten on the 2nd Sunday each month—get one free tasty chocolate

Business hours:

11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (Tue-Fri)

10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. (Sat-Sun)

Closed on Monday

Our stores in Beijing:

● Xidan: (010) 2332 6531

● Wangfujing: (010) 2369 1473

● Zhongguancun: (010) 2341 1182

66. People can't go to Sweet Tomatoes for a meal.

A. on Sunday B. on Monday C. on Tuesday D. on Thursday

67. Anna may call to order the seats, because she lives near Wangfujing.

A. (010) 2341 1182 B. (010) 2332 6531

C. (010) 2369 7341 D. (010) 2369 1473

68. What is a "coupon" used for?

A. To save money.

B. To get a VIP card.

C. To invite a friend.

D. To be a reader of China Daily.

69. Where would you probably read this passage?

A. In a novel. B. In a newspaper.

C. In a math book. D. In a story book.

70. Mr. and Mrs. Black visited Sweet Tomatoes with two kids, Sara, age 10; Tom, age 5. They have to pay for the meal.

A. ¥110 B. ¥120 C. ¥150 D. ¥180


Nancy and Sheila are in the same class. They are friends. Nancy wants to invite Sheila to dinner on Sunday. But Sheila doesn't know the way. Now Nancy is telling her.

It's easy. You can take No. 4 bus. After you get off at Red Road, cross it and take the first turning on the left. Walk along the road for about five minutes, and then you will see a big tree. Go straight on and walk about 100 metres, you'll see a big red house. This is not my home. Go past the big house about four hundred metres, and you will see a small yellow house beside a small tree. Then you can open the door with your foot.

"With my foot?" asks Sheila. "Why?"

"Well, you won't come to my house empty-handed(空手地), will you?" answers Nancy.

71. Nancy asks Sheila to .

A. have dinner with her B. go to a big red house

C. go to the cinema together D. go shopping together

72. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Nancy and Sheila are classmates.

B. Sheila should take NO. 5 bus first.

C. Nancy asks Sheila to come to her home on Saturday.

D. Sheila knows Nancy's home very well.

73. How far is it from the big tree to the small yellow house?

A. It's five minutes walk.

B. It's a hundred minutes' ride.

C. It's about two hundred metres.

D. It's about five hundred metres.

74. Where is Nancy's house ?

A. It's beside a big red house.

B. It's beside a small tree.

C. It's on the right side of Red Road.

D. It's behind a small yellow house.

75. Why does Nancy asks Sheila to open the door with her foot?

A. Because she thinks Sheila should carry a lot of presents in both hands.

B. Because she thinks Sheila should bring her family members to her home.

C. Because she thinks Sheila should bring other classmates to her home.

D. Because she thinks Sheila will be afraid to open the door with her hands.


Denzil wasn't a very clever donkey. He always did some silly things because he didn't think. "Look out," the other donkeys said. "Here comes Denzil—everybody runs away!"

One day, Denzil carried two heavy bags of salt, one on each side of his back. When he was crossing a big river, he fell into the water. The salt began to melt. When he tried his best to stand up, all the salt was gone. "Hey, that's really great," thought Denzil. "I must remember that. Next time I can do it again when I'm crossing a river."

The next time he carried two bags of cotton(棉花). "Watch this, everybody," said Denzil when he and his friends got to the middle of the river. He went into the water and was gone! Nobody told him that cotton could get heavier in water. The other donkeys pulled him out at once and luckily he was still alive.

76. Denzil often caused trouble because .

A. he was naughty B. he didn't think

C. he was careless D. he was proud

77. For the first time, Denzil crossed the river with .

A. salt B. cotton C. wood D. nothing

78. The underlined word "melt" means " " in Chinese.

A. 凝结 B. 蒸发 C. 结冰 D. 融化

79. Denzil in the end.

A. lost his life in water

B. went out of the water by himself

C. swam to the other side of the river

D. was saved by the other donkeys

80. The best title of the passage is .

A. A Donkey Crossing the River B. How to Cross the River

C. How to Carry Cotton D. A Donkey Saved Others


Mrs. Green had a young dog which was very clever. It often helped her buy a newspaper. One winter evening, the dog went out to play. It was snowing heavily. Soon the ground(地面) became white.

“The dog never loses his way. Where is he now?” Mrs. Green thought. She shouted(喊) his name.

But still the dog didn't come back. So she telephoned the police and told them a lot about her dog.

“My dog is very clever. He always goes out and comes back soon. Sometimes he plays with his friend, Mickey. He can buy a newspaper. He almost talks.”

The policeman was tired and said, “I think you'd better put your telephone down. Maybe he is trying to telephone you now.”

81. The story happened .

A. in summer B. in winter C. in autumn D. in spring

82. The ground became white because .

A. some painted white B. There are some paper on it

C. It snowed heavily D. It is really very clean

83. The dog didn't come back because .

A. he lost his way B. someone bought it

C. it was too clever D. it went to the police

84. When Mrs. Green telephoned the police, “He almost talks” She meant that

A. his dog was silly B. The dog is good at talking

C. The dog is as clever as a man D. The dog sometimes talks

ul concussions in the atmosphere



你好,不知道能不能帮助到你,我帮你搜索了一下 你看看。第4期参考答案第一部分1—5BCACC6—10ABBAC11—15ABACC16—20BBAAC21—25BCBAC26.twenty-eight27.studied28.water29.noise30.air第二部分31—35ABACC36—40BBCCB41——45ACBCB46——50ACABC第三部分51——55CDBEA56——60DEACB第四部分61——65ABABA66——70CABCB71——75CBBAA76.setadateforameetingandthenmakesomeplanstogether77.youleaveyourhouse/home78.Lendingahand79.takecareoftheirgarden80.Recycling第五部分81.wolf,soccer82.tomato,milk83.fish,bread84.lion,tiger85.dentist,train86.Pleaseaskyourfathertostopsmoking.87.Jimhasworkedfortenyearsasaworker.88.I'mleavingforCanadatomorrow.89.MissFoxhasbeenteachingEnglishsince1994.90.Thegovernmentistryingtosolveairpollutionproblems.91.different92.harder93.healthy94.less95.smoking第六部分Onepossibleversion:Theenvironmentisbecomingworseandworse.TherearemanykindsofpollutionIworryabout.Themostserioustwo,Ithink,arewaterpollutionandairpollution,becausepeoplecan'tlivehealthilywithdirtywaterandpollutedair.Neithercananimals.Ithinkfactoriesshouldnotpourdirtywaterintoriversdirectlyandshouldnotproduceharmfulgaseseither.We'dbettergoonfootorbybikeinsteadofbycar,becausemorecarsmeanmorewastegases.Weshlulddoourbesttomakeourworldmoreandmorebeautiful.第1版参考答案话题阅读I.1.Veryloudnoise2.lawsII.B处文化视窗I.1.A2.DII.However,itisthebusthatpeopleoftentaketogofromplacetoplaceinthecity.百科掠影I.1.Becauseaspiderhaseightlegs补充:百科掠影I.1.Becauseaspiderhaseightlegs,butaninsectneverhasmorethansix.2.Foratleasthalfayear.II.BCA第2版参考答案课文探究I.A-3B-1C-2D-4E-5II.1.Noiseisakindofpollutionandisharmfultohumans'health.2.事实的3.略4.立论短语集锦I.1.mygoodness2.对……有害3.一种,一类4.hearingloss5.不能容忍某事/做某事6.同……(几乎)一样,和……(几乎)一样坏7.achemicalfactory8.把……排放到/倾泻到……9.处在不好的情结中10.相当多11.inpublic12.各种各样的13.在许多方面14.highbloodpressureII.略词语点击influence[结论]1.名2.have3.be4.动5.todosth.[运用]1.Myfatherinfluencedmetobeadoctor.2.Whatwereadinfluencesourthinking.Whatwereadhasaninfluenceonourthinking.3.Thetrafficaccidenthadagreatinfluenceonherdailylife./Thetrafficaccidentinfluencedherdailylifealot.4.WhatistheinfluenceofTVonchildren?/WhatinfluencesdoesTVhaveonchildren?waste[结论]1.awasteof2.废物,垃圾3.形容4.废弃的[运用]1.awasteofmoney2.wasted;timeon3.wastepaper语法聚集[结论一]1.主2.宾3.第三人称[结论二]1.不变2.一般过去时3.过去进行时4.过去将来时[结论三]1.that2.then;there3.go[结论四]1.that2.if;whether陈述句3.疑问词;陈述句4.祈使[运用]1.Mysistersaidshewasreadinganinterestingbook.2.Thewaiteraskedif/whetherheshoulddothat.3.Nancyaskedmehowtheweatherwasinmycountrythen.4.Heaskedmenottoeattoomuchbeforesleep.5.Theteachersaidthemoonisfarawayfromtheearth.第3版参考答案SectionA[我来尝试]I.1.dancing2.unhealthy3.caused4.influenced5.pouringII.1.isharmfulto/doesharmto2.hadgone3.haveapicnic4.mygoodness[合作攻关]1-5EABDCSectionB[我来尝试]I.1.inabadmood2.looksveryweak3.solvethisproblem4.can'tstandII.1.asked;if/whetherhewanted\2.No,Ihaven't3.Howlonghasshe4.hehad;that;theweekbefore5.mehow;was;beforeSectionC[我来尝试]I.1-4CCBDII.1.C65-years-old→65-year-old2.Charm→harmful3.Cinthepublic→inpublic4.Dwith→in/under[合作攻关]1-6FECBADSectionD[我来尝试]I.1.create2.blood3.destroyed4.industry5.rubbish/waste/litterII.1.forin2.Withinfor3.forin4.on


听力部分(20分)一、1、 B 2、 B 3、 B 4、 A 5、 C 二、6、 A 7、 A 8、 C 9、 C 10、 A 三、11、 B 12、 B 13、 A 14、 B 15、 C 笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择(15分)16、 C 17、 B 18、 B 19、 B 20、 C 21、 D 22、 C 23、 A 24、 B 25、 B 26、 D 27、 B 28、 A 29、 C 30、 D 二、完型填空(10分)31、 C 32、 D 33、 B 34、 D 35、 A 36、 C 37、 D 38、 B 39、 A 40、 C 三、阅读理解(20分)(A) 41、 C 42、 D 43、 B 44、 B 45、 C (B) 46、 C 47、 C 48、 A 49、 D 50、 A 四、单词拼写(10分)51、 lives 52、 beach 53、 quiet 54、 Fifth 55、 leaves 56、 swimming 57、 cloudy 58、 Pretty 59、 reading 60、 zoo 七、任务型阅读(10分)61、 park 62、 school 63、 library 64、 hotel 65、 bank 六、写作(15分)略









、听力( 20 分)A.根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。(5 分)123456789CBBABBBAB.根据所听句子,选择正确答语。(5 分)1 2 3 4 5A B A B CC 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案。(5 分)1 2 3 4 5C B A B CD. 根据所听短文,选择正确答案( 5 分)1 2 3 4 5B A AC A二、词汇 (10 分,每题0.5 分 )A 根据所给提示或句意,写出句中所缺单词1. favourite2. park3. feeding4. forty-nine5.numbers6. ground7. dresses8. hundredB 用所给单词的正确形式填空9. mine 10. running 11. women teachers 12. children ’s 13. helpful 14. first 15. don’t be 16. teachers ’17. them 18. cleaning 19. coming 20. wash/ to wash三、单项填空(15 分,每题 1 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15B D AC B C A CD C B A B D D四、句型转换(5 分,每题1 分)1. How many policemen are2. doesn ’t do3. Don ’t open4. Do you usually take the bus to work every day?5. boys also have in五、根据上下文,选择合适的句子完成对话( 5 分)1 2 3 4 5D CE B A六、翻译句子(10 分,每格0.5 分)1. cross w ait for2. walks down enjoys3. writes e-mails to4. happy to see5. chatting with each other6. A t last comes to七、用动词的正确形式填空( 5 分,每格0.5 分)1. watch do2. isn ’t3. singing , to sing4. eating5. do go6. shares7. not take8 go八、完型填空(10 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A A D D C D C AB C九、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出最佳选项。( 10 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A B C D D C D D A C








1, classified 2, assist3, resistant4, uncovered5, uneasy6, qualify7, unloading 8, applicants 9, simplifies 10, accountant 11, notified

Unit 14 Part B Text 1   Exercise 1:    1.      The advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering.  2.      genetically engineered foods may be dangerous to eat.  3.      Carry out enough tests to ensure that genetically engineered foods are safe to eat.    Exercise 2:      1. a    2. c    3. d   4. c   5. c Text 2   Exercise 1:   1. F   2. F   3. T   4. F   5. F    Exercise 2:  1.      genetic/ produce/ rot/ less  2.      process/ genes/ laboratory/ disastrous  3.      negative/ genetic screening/ predict/ have  4.      meaningless/ cure/ disease  5.      hereditary disease/ carefully (twice)/ children  6.      eugenics/ new/ harmful/ criminality  7.      /  8.      hair/ job/ hair/ medical/ refuse/ disease/ long  9.      absurd  Part C 1.      Fields of God.  2.      On June 8 or 9.   3.      A mystery illness threatening the world.  4.      Genetically modified wheat.  5.      impossible.  6.      he had changed his stand (tune).  7.      Anti-GM hysteria.  PART D 答案T F F F F T T 原文Making a New Mosquito     Bloodsucking mosquitoes are perhaps Earth's most persistent pest, delivering malaria, yellow fever and a host of other diseases each year to more than half a billion people and killing between 2 million and 3 million. Numerous gallons of pesticides are sprayed each year in an effort to wipe out the tiny beasts. But the results have not been good. Many species of mosquitoes have become resistant to insecticides.         For nearly two decades scientists have been thinking of creating a designer mosquito that would have no ability to spread diseases. Finally in 1998, using technologies developed in genetic engineering, scientists succeeded in producing a new type of mosquitoes with red eyes. These mosquitoes not only look different but act in a different way. Every time they suck blood, a substance that recognizes bacteria and kills them will be produced.       The major challenge for scientists today is to create a species of mosquitoes that are incapable of transmitting malaria. For this they will have to turn their attention from the laboratory species to malaria-causing species in the wild.       As scientists move closer to their goal, they are facing a growing argument over whether it is practicable or wise to create such genetically engineered creatures and set them loose in the environment. One of the problems is that genetically engineered mosquitoes would need to be created for each of the estimated 100 species that carry illnesses that affect humans. Furthermore, strains of these mosquitoes vary from place to place. Even though these problems can be solved, where is the village or town that wants a million or so biting mosquitoes released?     Unit 15 Part B Text 1   Exercise 1:   1. c     2. a   3. c   Exercise 2:    disadvantages: 1.      equal pay  2.      small/ top executives  3.      higher/ family/ jobs  advantages: 1.      middle management  2.      part time jobs  3.             a. six/ pay     b. pension/ three or more     c. quality/ education     d. legal/ state appearance:   elegantly/ soft/ stylish/ silk/ nails/ makeup/ jewelry capability:   negotiating/ much/ male     Text 2   Exercise 1:   1. D    2. B    Exercise 2:   1. F   2. F   3. F   4. F   5. F   6. T   7. T Part C   1.b  2.c  3.d  4.a  5.a  PART D 答案(仅供参考)1、When she was traveling on a train. 2、Herself 3. She didn't expect that so many people like the books and the book are so successful. 4. the books are getting darker. 5. Her favorite writer of all time is Jane Austen 原文An Interview with a Successful Woman Writer  (The author of Harry Potter, J. R. Rowling, is being interviewed by a reporter.)  Interviewer: Where do you get your ideas from, Mrs. Rowling? Rowling: I wish I knew. Sometimes they just come like magic and other times I have to sit and think for weeks before I manage to work out how something will happen. Where the idea for Harry Potter actually came from I really couldn't tell you. I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and it just popped into my head. I spent four hours thinking about what Hogwarts would be like -- the most interesting train journey I've ever taken. By the time I got off at King's Cross many of the characters in the books had already been invented.  Interviewer: Are any of the characters in the books based on real people? Rowling: Tricky question! The answer is yes, and no. I have to confess that Hermione Granger is a little bit like I was at her age, though I was neither as clever nor as annoying. Ron is little bit like my oldest friend and Professor Snape is a lot like one of my old teachers, but I'm not saying which one. Interviewer: How long have you been writing? Rowling: Nearly all my life. I had written two novels before I had the idea for Harry, though I'd never tried to get them published.  Interviewer: Did you expect the Harry books to be this successful? Rowling: Never. I just wrote the sort of thing I liked reading when I was younger. I didn't expect lots of people to like them, in fact, I never really thought much apart from getting them published.  Interviewer: Any clues about the next book? Rowling: I don't want to give anything away, but I can tell you that the books are getting darker ... Harry's going to have quite a bit to deal with as he   gets older. Sorry if they get too scary! Interviewer: Who are your favorite authors? Rowling: My favorite writer of all time is Jane Austen.     Unit 16 Part B Text 1   Exercise 1:   1. a     2. c   Exercise 2:    1. T   2. F   3. F   4. F   5. T   6. F   7. T  8. F Text 2   Exercise 1: 1. A    2. B    Exercise 2:  1.      The fuse went and the house was in total darkness. She realized she could no longer depend on Jim to fix things for her.  2.      Because everybody else looked so young.  3.      An old woman was also signing up for a class there to learn something new.  4.      He did not seem to be happy.  5.      Helen was totally changed and looked fantastic.  Part C dialogue I    1. d    2. b    3. c    dialogue II  1. a    2. d     PART D How to Deal with Traumatic Events      None of us are fully prepared to deal with traumatic events. We feel devastated whenever property is destroyed or there is a serious injury or a loss of life. We can become overwhelmed when friends, co-workers and loved ones experience tragic, dangerous, life-threatening or violent events. To cope, we can look for support from our community, friends, families, co-workers, employers, or a health care professional. A special meeting within the first 24 to 72 hours of a traumatic incident for the people directly involved as well as others affected is an important step toward recovery.       It is critical to discuss what happened, our role, what we thought, as well as our emotional and physical reactions. This may not take place all at once but may need to happen formally and informally over a period of weeks. Without this, the problems associated with traumatic incidents can become chronic and less easy to cure. Talking about traumatic events can become more   challenging when an individual is exposed to repeated traumas over time.

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