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如果是两个人,就是Go dutch, 如果多人就是Pay separately.或者两种情况都可以用split.这是口语种的用法,如果是业务上的,就要看具体描述的情况了.最好有情况介绍或者上下文.

These expenseses need our both parties each undertake a half"

We should share the charge half and half.


These expenseses need our both parties each undertake a half"

We should share the charge half and half.

The fee shall be equally shared by halve the cost .

according to the agreement,both the party should pay half of the expense.


You should bear (all) fees and costs incurred (in connection with___).括号内的部分可以根据实际情况删减或替换。

某项费用由你承担You have to pay for the cost/charge of

简单点说就是afford the cost专业点就是pay the piper 付帐是pay one's check

由此产生的费用由贵公司承担Expense arised therefrom shall be borne by your company.


Expenses caused by this should be paid by your company.

由此产生的费用由贵公司承担Expense arised therefrom shall be borne by your company.

某项费用由你承担 You have to pay for the cost/charge of

商务英语里这样表达Sth is for sb' account.或 sth is for the account of sb.All charges are for the account of applicant. 所有费用都由申请人承担.请看下面句子:During the warranty Period, if damage to the equipment is caused due to the Buyer's fault in operation the Seller shall make remedy for the Buyer's account. " 在保证期内,如由于买方的操作失误导致设备损坏,卖方应在买方承担费用的前提下对设备进行修理。 希望我的回答你满意


Expenses caused by this should be paid by your company.

The cost of the samples covers our account。样品费用由我方来付。我觉得用这个句式更好一些。

Description of expense好像是这样哦

一人承担一半费用,用英语:One person to bear half of the cost


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