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Not confused

不必失落,不必后悔, There's no need to frustrate ot regret, 不必兴奋,不必迷茫 and you don't have to be excited or at a loss as well.

I decide to not 迷茫any more.

Don't lose yourself


I've not be in confused,and I'll struggle with my own goals!

I have not confused, to their own goals, struggle!

不必失落,不必后悔,There's no need to frustrate ot regret,不必兴奋,不必迷茫and you don't have to be excited or at a loss as well.

Not confused


你好!迷茫confused英[kənˈfju:zd]美[kənˈfjuzd]adj.糊涂的; 迷乱的; 混杂的; 不清楚的;v.困惑(confuse的过去式);[例句]A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy一项调查表明,人们对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。


用在人生迷茫:The life is confused.用在前途迷茫:There is uncertainty for future.用在无知觉的迷茫: I have no idea what happened.



** I am in today is the last day! I sincerely thank the past year and a half, with the help of everyone to me, this is my first job, I ** in the past is priceless spiritual wealth, from March 07 to the present, I really witnessed the Eertaike growth, but also the ups and downs with her tears and laughter, on the last day, I truly felt that I had a feeling here, too many'll leave, and the past By the pain has all but disappeared, leaving in the minds of all of them are good memories, and these fond memories of precipitation will be in my heart, can not be erased forever……Therefore, I want to say is thanks for the past year and a half, ** given me the opportunity to grow up, thank my dear friends, every one of you, in my view are so lovely and kind-hearted, I really ** Feel that the team is a good and positive and progressive team, I am grateful to God will allow me in such a harmonious team after graduation I spent the period of confusion and indecision period. Thanks! Thanks! Great thanks! I will definitely come back often to see! Do not forget I ah:)


If you'd like (to do sth.), you could....I fyou want (to do sth.), you could....用不用虚拟语气要看具体情况。如第一种说法是虚拟语气,第二种说法的前半部分不是虚拟语气。




confused swell [海洋] 暴涌 ; 乱涌

confused account [会计] 帐目混乱

feeling confused 感到困惑 ; 感觉困惑 ; 心情很乱 ; 感觉迷茫

2.confused [kən'fju:zd] vt.

你好!迷茫在英语和汉语中只有形容词和副词两种词性,无名词词性。相关如下:迷茫:at sea=at the sea在大海上, 迷茫, 弄错 (adv.)at a loss,困惑,茫然不知所措(adv.)puzzled困惑的(adj) confused 困惑的,烦恼的(adj.) mixed 混乱的(adj.)baffle,bemusement,get into knots,nonplus都有困惑,迷茫,迷惑不解的意思.



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