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游泳 馆是主要用于进行游泳、跳水、水球等水上运动的体育建筑。在现代,世界各国都建有游泳馆。那么你知道游泳馆用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。




The Swimming Stadium


上海游泳馆站 Shanghai Swimming Center Station

英东游泳馆 Ying Tung Natatorium

游泳馆施工 construction of natatorium

地坛游泳馆 Ditan Swimming Pool


1. There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel.


2. It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths.


3. Sports Entertainment Facilities: football field, a stadium, a Tennis Hall, swimming pool.

体育娱乐设施: 足球 场 、 体育馆 、 网球 馆 、 游泳馆.

4. The facility included a natatorium swimming and stadium for soccer.


5. Her favorite was the National Aquatic Center, the Water Cube.


6. Did you go to swim in the indoor swimming pool?


7. At Yingdong Swimming Pool in Beijing.


8. Jeff: I am a little different from you.

杰夫: 我跟你不太一样,通常都是在游泳馆游泳.

9. Shanghai Pudong Natatorium ( Aquatics )

上海浦东游泳馆 ( 游泳 )

10. The top of the building: Women special swimming pool, tennis hall , sports center and air garden.

楼顶: 女子专用游泳馆, 网球馆, 活动中心及空中花园.

11. Facilities: Chinese Training Center; Indoor swimming pool, gymnasium center, tennis court , basketball court.

内部设施: 汉语培训中心 、 室内游泳馆 、 健身房 、 网球馆 、 篮球 场等多种设施.

12. The main Olympics Stadiums include Guangcai Gymnasium, Muxiyuan Natatorium, and Muxiyuan Training Hall.

区域主要奥运场馆有光彩体育馆 、 木樨园游泳馆 、 木樨园综合训练馆.

13. Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design.


14. So the construction of a large top grade constant temperature swimming bath will be prevalent.

因此建设一个大型高档恒温游泳馆将会受到广大游泳 爱好 者的欢迎.

15. The Bird Nest is the National stadium. The other is the National Swimming center.

鸟巢是国家体育馆, 其他的是国家游泳馆.



游泳 馆是主要用于进行游泳、跳水、水球等水上运动的体育建筑。在现代,世界各国都建有游泳馆。那么你知道游泳馆用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。




The Swimming Stadium


上海游泳馆站 Shanghai Swimming Center Station

英东游泳馆 Ying Tung Natatorium

游泳馆施工 construction of natatorium

地坛游泳馆 Ditan Swimming Pool


1. There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel.


2. It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths.


3. Sports Entertainment Facilities: football field, a stadium, a Tennis Hall, swimming pool.

体育娱乐设施: 足球 场 、 体育馆 、 网球 馆 、 游泳馆.

4. The facility included a natatorium swimming and stadium for soccer.


5. Her favorite was the National Aquatic Center, the Water Cube.


6. Did you go to swim in the indoor swimming pool?


7. At Yingdong Swimming Pool in Beijing.


8. Jeff: I am a little different from you.

杰夫: 我跟你不太一样,通常都是在游泳馆游泳.

9. Shanghai Pudong Natatorium ( Aquatics )

上海浦东游泳馆 ( 游泳 )

10. The top of the building: Women special swimming pool, tennis hall , sports center and air garden.

楼顶: 女子专用游泳馆, 网球馆, 活动中心及空中花园.

11. Facilities: Chinese Training Center; Indoor swimming pool, gymnasium center, tennis court , basketball court.

内部设施: 汉语培训中心 、 室内游泳馆 、 健身房 、 网球馆 、 篮球 场等多种设施.

12. The main Olympics Stadiums include Guangcai Gymnasium, Muxiyuan Natatorium, and Muxiyuan Training Hall.

区域主要奥运场馆有光彩体育馆 、 木樨园游泳馆 、 木樨园综合训练馆.

13. Both the architectural acoustics and electroacoustics are used in the language articulation design.


14. So the construction of a large top grade constant temperature swimming bath will be prevalent.

因此建设一个大型高档恒温游泳馆将会受到广大游泳 爱好 者的欢迎.

15. The Bird Nest is the National stadium. The other is the National Swimming center.

鸟巢是国家体育馆, 其他的是国家游泳馆.

去游泳用英语怎么说 He has gone swimming go swimming和go shopping go fishing一个类型的 楼上的 这里有一个问句了 说他人呢 所以考点是has gone和has been的区别 前者是去了未回 后者是去了已经回了想要去游泳的英文怎么说? want to go to swim want to go t触 do是固定搭配,想做某事 游泳馆用英语怎么说? 游泳馆 基本翻译 natatorium natatoria 网络释义 游泳馆:natatorium|indoor pool 地坛游泳馆:Ditan Swimming Pool 英东游泳馆:Yingdong Natatorium of National Olympic Sports Center 游泳馆 用英文怎么说? natatorium 去游泳的英文两种说法 go swimming go to swim 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】 他们打算去游泳 用英语怎么说 they are planing to go swimming. 有时我去游泳馆游泳的英语怎么说? 20分 I sometimes go川to the swimming pool to swim.有时我去游泳池游泳。 注:swimming pool 游泳池。 go to the swimming pool 去游泳池 自己再加加就好啦!望采纳,祝学习进步!( ^ω^ ) 我去游泳用英语怎么说 I going to swiming. 明天去游泳怎么样?用英语怎么说 What about going swimming tomorrow? How about going swimming tomorrow? Let's go swimming tomorrow. Shall we go swimming tomorrow? 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

“游泳馆”用英语说是“swimming pool”。





v. (动词)

n. (名词)





My sister changed her clothes first, and then came to the swimming pool. We took turns to enter the swimming pool. My sister said, "let's play a little game to see who kisses each other first." We all agreed.

I dodged for a while and attacked for a while. When I was about to attack my sister, I was accidentally kissed by my cousin. I immediately accelerated my pace, kissed my sister, and then fought back against my cousin. Finally, I won by an absolute advantage. Then we splashed water on each other. I first splashed water on my sister, who then splashed water on my two younger sisters. Just when my cousin was about to splash water on me, I cleverly hid under the water. Haha, the trick of the two younger sisters failed. Then we held our breath and sank under the water to see who insisted for a long time.

I thought it must be me who won, but in the end, my sister won, alas! I didn't admit defeat and deliberately competed with my sister in swimming. At the beginning, my sister kept, I wouldn't give up, followed closely, and slowly surpassed her. My sister kept following me, and finally I won. I think my sister should be able to win. She deliberately followed me all the time. She wanted to let me.

I had a good time today. Good times always pass so fast. I'll come back later.


We went to the swimming pool. After changing clothes, I jumped into the pool. At first, the water was very cold. I swam back and forth a few times and immediately warmed up a lot. I said to my father, "Dad, let's play!" Dad agreed, and I was happy. I let my father swim first. Seeing that he left the bank at once, I thought: I must swim well to let my father know that I swim faster than him. So I kicked with my feet, slid down with my hands, and shook my legs up and down. The water in the pool seemed to understand my mind. He was helping me and kept pushing me forward. In a flash, I surpassed my father. When dad saw it, he couldn't give up. He kept sliding his arms and constantly looked up for air. Seeing that I was about to catch up, my arms slid faster and my legs swung harder. At this time, I only heard the sound of "pa pa", and the water pushed faster. I suddenly distanced myself from my father. When I finished swimming for 25 meters, I looked back and saw that my father was almost on the bank. I said proudly, "great, I finally won!" Dad said, "you can swim faster next time!"

Out of the swimming pool, along the way, I secretly cheered victory, cheering more than my father.


On the afternoon of learning to swim, I began to walk around the room. Finally, in the evening, I followed the coach into the swimming pool. I was very excited. On the first day, the coach first taught us breaststroke legs, and then we went into the water. At first, I couldn't float up and drank a few salivas. Later, my legs kicked hard and slowly floated up. The next day, I learned to row and breathe in the water. On the third day, I was a little miserable. In order to practice breathing in the water, the coach asked me to put my head into the water. On this day, I vowed never to learn swimming again. My mother told me that I have to face difficulties in learning things. Only by sticking to it, I will be able to get over this trouble. Learning swimming is the most exercise of people's will. In the next few days, I kept practicing hard. On the ninth day, the coach asked me to get rid of the water drift, but I drank a lot of water, and my stomach felt swollen. On the eleventh day, I began to have a fever in the middle of the night. The thirteenth and last day, my mother said, don't go today just because I'm ill. I said, "no, I must go on the last day." This day is my favorite day. My parents went there. My father videotaped me and my mother took many photos of me. I was very excited.

After 13 days of swimming class, I gained a lot. I learned that I can't shrink back when encountering difficulties. Persistence is victory!


At first, the teacher asked us to go into the water first. Because I haven't swam for several years, I felt strange when I got into the water. I wanted to lean back several times. Fortunately, there was a handrail beside me. Otherwise, I would have been full of water.

After a few minutes, I gradually became familiar with water and would no longer wrestle in the water. The teacher first let us walk in the water. Because I'm familiar with the nature of water, let alone walking on a pole, I walked very smoothly without any stumbling. At first, it was a skipping walk, but it was quickly changed.

Then, the teacher asked us to float on the water by pulling the railing straightly, with our heads still in the water. Because I had practiced before, I did it several times and mastered this action. So I wanted to swim, but somehow, I forgot all the swimming moves I had learned before and couldn't do them. Just because of this, I have a few more saliva in my stomach.

After swimming, we went to the dressing room again. There was a bathroom in the dressing room. It was very cool to flush it with warm water in the bathroom, and then wipe it with a soft bath towel. We felt very comfortable.


At the thought of swimming in the sea, my heart was excited and afraid. We took a car for an hour and a cable car, and finally came to the vast seaside. The sea is boundless. I can't see the edge. The sea is green. It's good.

We couldn't wait to change our swimsuits, put on our lifebuoys and headed for the sea. Ah, the sea is so cold. I walked slowly forward, and suddenly a wave came to my face. I didn't have time to escape. I drank a mouthful of sea water. The sea water was so salty, but it didn't affect my mood to play with water. I pedaled and pedaled hard. After a while, the waves washed me back to the shore. I felt like a boat floating in the water. It was so comfortable.

Uncle, they are so brave that they swim much farther than me. They swim excitedly in the sea.

After swimming for a while, I found my uncle and them playing surfing. They were lying on the rocks. A wave washed them down. They climbed up again and were washed down by the wave again and again until they were too tired to move.

It's extraordinary to play in the sea.


Finally I learned to swim.


The coach first taught me to hold my breath, count in the water for three seconds, and then raise my head. He also taught us how to cooperate with our hands and feet, and then taught us to practice with a swimming circle. I seriously followed the coach's instructions and soon learned! Now I can swim 200 meters at a time.

I feel like a fish swimming in the water, so happy!


I came to the swimming pool in the West Park of the river center, where there were a large number of people. I changed my bathing suit and rushed straight to the swimming pool where I could surf. I put on my swimming goggles first, and then I jumped into the swimming pool and did a freestyle. I slapped the water with one hand, and I was really happy at that time.


I began to learn swimming with my father. At the beginning, I was timid and didn't dare to swim. My father coached me patiently. I learned a little, but I still didn't dare to swim in the water. My father encouraged me and said, "you can do it. My father believes in you."

I listened to my father and began to swim. As soon as I swam, the water sprayed on my father's face. I said to my father, "I'm sorry." Dad said, "it doesn't matter." I smiled. Dad laughed, too!

I really want to designate this day as the swimming Festival, so that everyone can spend this festival happily on this day.


One day I saw many people swimming in the river, some in breaststroke, some in backstroke, and some in freestyle. I was so envious that I went home and asked grandpa to take me swimming with me. So Grandpa became my "swimming coach", and grandpa first taught me the basic posture of swimming. Without grandpa's help, I can swim freely by myself just putting on my arm swimming gear. I'm so happy and have fun!

Although I can only learn to swim for a few days this summer, I still want to swim. I hope I can really learn to swim next summer.


Swimming is a kind of Aerobic Exercise which is of great benefit to health. For instance, it can improve temperature regulation mechanism, prevent flu; and enhance vital capacity. What's more, the muscles of the whole body can be exercised during swimming, and therefore they would be stronger and flexible. The blood circulation can also be more smooth. All of these is helpful for keeping the body healthy and prevent various kinds of diseases. And for those who want to keep fit, swimming is a good way to lose weight. There is many ways of swimming like butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle ect. I think the most beatiful one is butterfly. But it's also the most tiring and dificult to master. Freestyle make one swim fastest. And breaststroke looks like one is a frog. Finnaly, backstroke is the most comfortable gesture for me; it's so fatastic to float on the water surface when I feel tired. Until now, I go to swim periodically, both outdoors and indoors.


I sometimes go to the swimming pool to swim.有时我去游泳池游泳。注:swimming pool 游泳池。go to the swimming pool 去游泳池自己再加加就好啦!望采纳,祝学习进步!( ^ω^ )




modify swim:效果同上 ; 游泳速度。

swim meet: 游泳运动会。

effort swim:奋力游泳。

broken swim:分段游 ; 分段游泳 ; 详细翻译。

SWIM DOW:向下潜游 ; 沉淀来萃取。


1、Can you go to swim with me? 你能和我一起去游泳吗?

2、What do you like to do besides swim? 除了游泳,你还喜欢干什么?

3、I swim with her. 我和她一起游泳。

以上内容来自 百度百科-swim

Sometimes I go to the swimming pool.

Sometimes,i go swimming to swim pool.



游泳池Swimming Pool


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