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初中英语阅读理解训练及参考答案   “阅读理解”是考查学生综合运用语言能力的重点题型,同时阅读理解的题量大并且分值比例相当高大致占总分值的30%~40%。想要英语有大的提升,那么首先需要提升的就是阅读理解。为了帮助大家,我整理了一些初中英语阅读理解题以供大家训练,希望能帮到大家!  阅读理解【1】  Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.   Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的)door. When it does, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.   1. Those who have big houses may often feel ________.   A. happy B. lonely C. free D. excited   2. When you fall down in a PE class, both your teacher and your classmates will ________.   A. laugh at you B. play jokes on you   C. quarrel with you D. help you up   3. What will your friends say to you when you make great progress?   A. Oh, so do I. B. Congratulations.   C. Good luck. D. It’s just so-so.   4. Which idea is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?   A. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air.   B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes.   C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.   D. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you.   5. Which of the following is this passage about?   A. Bad luck. B. Good luck. C. Happiness. D. Life.   1. B。这是一个考查细节和事实的.题目。文章中有明确的叙述:Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely…. 所问问题和原文的叙述完全一样。   2. D。这也是一个考查细节和事实的题目。在所给文章中可以找到这样地叙述:When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. 根据这一叙述,我们可以判断:当你在体育课上摔倒时,你的老师和同学们肯定会帮你站起来的。   3. B。这一道阅读理解题同样是考查事实和细节的题目。在阅读文章里我们也能找到关于这问题的叙述:when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you.   4. A。这是一道判断题目。阅读文章里明确叙述:those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.阅读理解题的A项说,有车的人永远不愿在室外走,与文章所讲完全不同,因此是不对的。   5. C。这是一道考查文章主题的题目。这篇文章共有三段。 第一段的主题句是:Happiness is for everyone. 第二段的主题句是:In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. 第三段的主题句是:Happiness is not the same as money. 三段的主题都是围绕happiness展开的,所以正确答案是happiness。  阅读理解【2】  A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Butler, spent sixty-six days in a life-raft(救生艇) in the seas of Central America after their boat sank.   Twenty-one days after they left Panama in their boat, Simony, they met some whales(鲸鱼). “They started to hit the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then suddenly we heard water.” Two minutes later, the boat was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat go under the water.   For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into drinking water — two things which saved their lives. They caught eight to ten fish a day and ate them raw(生的). Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish until something very strange happened. Some sharks(鲨鱼) came to feed, and the fish under the raft were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.”   About twenty ships passed them, but no one saw them. After fifty days at sea their life-raft was beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and picked them up. They couldn’t stand up.   So the captain carried them onto his boat and took them to Costa Rica. Their two months at sea was over.   1. Bill and Simone were traveling _______ when they met some whales.   A. in a life-raft B. in Miami   C. in Simony D. in Panama   2. The whales hit the side of the boat, and then _______.   A. they brought in a lot of water   B. they broke the side of the boat   C. they pulled the boat   D. they went under the water   3. After their boat sank, the couple _______.   A. jumped into the life-raft   B. heard water   C. watched the boat go under water   D. stayed in the life-raft   4. During their days at sea, _______ saved their lives.   A. tins of food and bottles of water   B. a fishing-line and a machine   C. whales and sharks   D. Twenty passing ships   5. When they saw the fishing boat which later picked them up, _______.   A. they were too excited to stand up   B. they couldn’t wait to climb onto the boat   C. their life-raft was beginning to break up   D. they knew their two months at sea would be over   【答案与解析】这是一篇关于一对夫妇如何遇到海难,然后在海上的救生艇上生活了66天后获救的小故事。   1. C。在第二自然段的第1句就告诉我们they left Panama, Simony, they met some whales 说他们是在Simony 旅游时遇见Whales.   2. B。我们从第二自然段得知They started to hit the side of the boat,也就是说是the whales broke the side of the boat。   3. D。在他们的船沉没之后,the couple是一直待在船上直至获救的,而不是一直都在jumped into the life-raft。   4. B。根据第3段的第2句They also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt water into drinking water-two things which saved their lives可知:a fishing-line 和 a machine救了他们的命。   5. D。由最后一段After fifty days at sea...我们知道:the couple是太虚弱所以不能站起来,是由船长carried them onto his boat, 而救生艇早在出事后的50天就坏掉了,而不是获救当天坏的,所以A、B、C都可以排除,D项为正确选项。  阅读理解【3】  Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a huge(庞大的)clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So,no matter where you stand,you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a double decker(层)bus. The hands are about four metres long. It is about the size of two people standing on top of each other. If you go to London,you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament(国会大厦). There you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower(塔)in the Houses of Parliament. Maybe you will hear it as well as see it. The huge clock makes such a loud noise. "Ding dong,ding dong,"it goes every quarter of an hour.   The clock was named after a big man. He was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man did much building work in London many years ago.   1. Big Ben is ______________.   A. a double decker bus   B. a huge clock   C. the name of Ben    D. a building   2. The clock strikes every _______ of an hour.   A. ten minutes     B. fifteen minutes   C. thirty minutes    D. forty-five minutes   3. You can read the time of Big Ben _________.   A. at the top of the clock tower   B. in the Houses of parliament   C. on the hands of the huge clock   D. on the four faces of the clock   答案及解析:   1.选B,根据第一行Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a huge(庞大的)clock in London.可以判断Big Ben是一个大钟的名字。   2.选B,根据文中"Ding dong,ding dong," it goes every quarter of an hour. 即可得知大钟每15分钟敲一次。   3.选D,This clock has four faces. So,no matter where you stand,you can read the time on the face of Big Ben.其他三项均不符合题意。;

初中英语阅读训练答案与解析   任何一种技能的获得都必须经过大量的实践练习。在平时的阅读训练中,要注重进行计时和限时阅读训练,在平时的训练中有意识地锻炼自己的`阅读速度。下面是我提供给大家的初中英语的阅读训练,一起来看一下吧!   My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn't wonderful,but we had everything we needed (beds,blankets,food),and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.   On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends,Kevin and Simon,while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn't know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.   We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors,but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud,we were pleased and excited by what we'd done.   根据短文内容,选择正确答案。   1. The writer spent the Saturday morning _____.   A. rock-climbing   B. sleeping   C. meeting friends   D. caving   2. There were _____ members in all in the writer's group.   A. 6    B. 8    C. l0    D. 12   3. We can learn from the passage that _____.   A. some of the group had been there before   B. the group had done rock-climbing many times   C. some of the group already knew each other   D. group all came from the same city   4. The write thought her weekend was _____.   A. interesting         B. relaxing   C. frightening         D. unpleasant   5. This passage mainly talks about ____.   A. the writer's friends at the Activity Centre   B. the writer's experience at the Activity Centre   C. outdoor sports at the Activity Centre   D. how to go rock-climbing and caving  答案及解析:  1. 选D,根据文中说明Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first.可以判断出应该选择D。   2. 选D,Matt and I 还有the other ten members。   3. 选C,A. B. D.均可以从文中找到证据证明其是不正确的。我们知道Cameron had come along with two friends,可以知道C项是正确的。   4. 选A。   5. 选B,总揽全文,可以知道B项为最佳答案。;



我认为,<<新概念英语>>,可以让你找回自信,并且英语成绩也可以提高. 首先,你要了解新概念这本教材. <<新概念英语>>拥有了它的权威性,它是外语教研与研究出版社和朗文共同推出的一本教材,应该说它闻名整个中国.英语成绩好的同学,或者出国留学的同学,大多数同学都有新概念英语的一臂之力.其次,它编的很好:一册基础:学习英语的敲门砖( First Things Firist ) 一册内容贴近现实生活,涉及范围覆盖了方方面面。语言生动,每篇文章都配有漫画,图文并茂,幽默风趣,能极大地提高学生英语的学习兴趣;一册也是一本经典地道的口语教材。教师讲与你讲练基本语音、语调(包括所有的音标、连读、同化)及英语中的基本词法、语法、句法及句型结构知识。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功的关键。补充的《语音、语法及情景对话练习册》能助你进一步巩固所学的知识。 二册初级:构建英语的基石( Practice and Progress ) 二册是过渡、是转变。它使你从一个会说日常英语的人,提高成为一个敢动笔进行基本写作的人。 It is the very beginning of writing 二册以 96 篇小故事为素材,培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力,其优势在于扩充词汇、统揽语法、结合实践、听说兼修。在掌握一册基本语法的基础上,教师由浅入深逐步讲解语法要点,使你轻松掌握枯燥的语法;通过对句型结构的分析及对短语基本用法的讲解,使你能真正在听说读写中运用地道的句型。从而使你系统的掌握从词汇、时态开始的语法知识和各种句型,同时加强了写作能力。 三册提高:掌握英语的关键( Developing Skills ) 三册的文章全都是原汁原味的英文精品,语言优雅、凝练,句型工整而又富于变化。着重分析句子之间内在的逻辑关系,使你认识到句型的精炼、优美、实用与可模仿性,从而将其有机地运用于英语写作之中;并进一步扩充讲解词汇、短语及语法的实战运用。 四册高级:体味英语的精髓( Fluency in English ) 四册涵盖了文化、经济、哲学、艺术、体育、政治、美学、心理学、社会学、伦理学、教育学、天文学等三十多个学科门类,语言文字精美独到,句型结构复杂多变而又不失简洁酣畅。同时诸多文章里蕴含着深厚的哲思、美学及西方文化中独特的思维方式,这使得该教材成为每一位与掌握英语语言精华的学习者不可多得、不可不学的读物。教师将与你共同体味其中的奥妙。同时将扩充、辨析有关的词汇,使你在领略语言优美的同时,学会如何将英语、汉语进行自由切换。 各册的学习重点和学习目标是什么?● 第一册·FIRST THINGS FIRST英语初阶 学习英语的敲门砖学习重点:内容贴近现实生活,涉及范围覆盖了方方面面。语言生动,每篇文章都配有漫画,图文并茂,幽默风趣,能极大地提高学生英语的学习兴趣;第一册也是一本经典地道的口语教材。可以训练学习者基本语音、语调(包括所有的音标、连读、同化)及英语中的基本词法、语法、句法及句型结构知识。学好第一册,是练好英语基本功的关键。培训对象:初级☆ 零起点的英语学习者☆ 小学高年级学生或初中一、二年级学生课外英语提高班☆ 英语基础差,为提高英语学习兴趣,迅速进入英语学习殿堂者☆ 曾经有一定的英语基础但之后多年未接触过英语者☆ 欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者☆ 英语入门级培训班的学员☆ 参加PETS一级B和二级考试的考生☆ 即将出国,欲在短期内提高口语,应付日程生活对话(吃、住、行、看病、购物、谈论他人、学习、约会和问候等)学习目标:学完第一册后能够达到的水平——☆ 对英语形成基本的语感,熟悉标准的英语发音系统,拥有简单的英语听力能力☆ 能进行简单的日常对话,掌握近两百个口语常用句型,掌握近千个日常会话所需单词☆ 掌握包括现在进行时等在内的所有英语基本时态,能进行简单阅读和写作☆ 掌握高频词汇800~1500课时安排:本级别共72个教学单元,每个教学单元可以安排2个课时,每个课时50分钟。● 第二册·PRACTICE AND PROGRESS实践与进步 构建英语的基石学习重点:第二册是过渡,同时也是转变。它使学习者从一个会说日常英语的人,提高成为一个敢动笔进行基本写作的人。It is the very beginning of writing.第二册以 96 篇小故事为素材,培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力,其优势在于扩充词汇、统揽语法、结合实践、听说兼修。在掌握第一册基本语法的基础上,由浅入深逐步讲解语法要点,使学习者轻松掌握枯燥的语法;通过对句型结构的分析及对短语基本用法的讲解,使学习者能真正在听说读写中运用地道的句型。从而系统地掌握从词汇、时态开始的语法知识和各种句型,同时加强了写作能力。培训对象:中级☆ 已经学完了《新概念英语》第一册或任何一种初级英语教程的英语学习者☆ 学习英语不久,已经具备了基本词汇量(1000词)学习者☆ 语法基础薄弱者☆ 已经放下英语多年,但有一定基础,希望重拾英语的学习者☆ 欲在高考英语中取得高分的学生☆ 想为自己的英语打牢根基,学习正统英文的学习者☆ 对大学英语学习感到吃力者☆ 具有一定英语基础的成人英语自学者☆ 对必须面临的考试(四六级、职称考试、专生本等)一筹莫展的考生☆ 参加PETS二级和三级考试的考生☆ 想通过英语学习改变在工作单位的处境,使自己更具有市场价值者学习目标:学完第二册后能够达到的水平——☆ 能用英语豪无障碍地与人进行普通交流☆ 能用英语写出流畅的,时而还闪着幽默的记叙文☆ 可以达到每分钟50 个英语单词的阅读速度,能阅读中等难度的英语文章☆ 可以掌握英语中常用的前缀、后缀及词根,为你继续扩充词汇量铺平道路☆ 练就浑厚的内力轻松准备各种英语考试☆ 具备一定的英语自学能力,知道如何解决学习中的难题☆ 掌握高频词汇1500~4000课时安排:本级别共96个单元,每个单元可以安排2个课时,每个课时50分钟。☆ 第1课时:教师引导下的会话☆ 第2课时:作文和语言练习● 第三册·DEVELOPING SKILLS培养技能 掌握英语的关键学习重点:第三册的文章全都是原汁原味的英文精品,语言优雅、凝练,句型工整而又富于变化。教材着重分析句子之间内在的逻辑关系,使学习者认识到句型的精炼、优美、实用与可模仿性,从而将其有机地运用于英语写作之中;并进一步扩充讲解词汇、短语及语法的实战运用。培训对象:中高级☆ 已经学完《新概念英语》第二册或任何一本中级以下水平综合英语教材的学习者☆ 已经具备了一定英语基础的高中二、三年级学生或大学一、二年级学生☆ 高中生,打算报考英语要求较高的测试☆ 不满足于只是应付水平考试,想全面的提高自己的英语水平的学习者☆ 在校的大中学生,打算在学习课业的同时选择广泛的阅读材料☆ 有相当的英语水平,想能更加自由运用英语的学习者☆ 准备各种社会公共英语考试,如BEC二级、雅思、托福和CET-6考试的考生☆ 无应试压力,但对英语有浓厚的兴趣,希望借助英语的工具在工作、生活中有所发展的中高级英语学习者☆ 参加PETS四级考试的考生☆ 用词单调,准备提高自己写作水平的学习者学习目标:学完第三册后能够达到的水平——☆ 能讲出较地道、简练的英文句子☆ 模仿千变万化的“钻石句型”,写作水平将获得质的飞跃☆ 帮助通过四、六级考试,为 GRE 、 GMAT 、考研等打下坚实的基础☆ 增强学习者你对英文的敏感度,能听懂日常英文授课、基本的生活叙述及中等语速的英文节目☆ 学完三册可达到4000~6000 词汇量课时安排:本级别共有60个单元,每个单元可以安排2个课时,每个课时50分钟。☆ 第1课时:教师引导下的会话☆ 第2课时:作文和语言练习● 第四册·FLUENCY IN ENGLISH流利英语 体味英语的精髓学习重点:第四册涵盖了文化、经济、哲学、艺术、体育、政治、美学、心理学、社会学、伦理学、教育学、天文学等三十多个学科门类,语言文字精美独到,句型结构复杂多变而又不失简洁酣畅。同时诸多文章里蕴含着深厚的哲思、美学及西方文化中独特的思维方式,这使得该教材成为每一位与掌握英语语言精华的学习者不可多得、不可不学的读物。同时将扩充、辨析有关的词汇,使学习者在领略语言优美的同时,学会如何将英语、汉语进行自由切换。培训对象:高级☆ 已经学完《新概念英语》第二册、第三册或任何中高级英语教程的英语学习者☆ 已经具备一定英文基础的成人英语自学者☆ 在工作中经常使用英语,需进一步提高英语综合能力素质的高级管理者☆ 将自己的英语水平再提高一个水平,美化英语语言的学习者☆ 计划考研、GRE、GMAT,并作长期准备者☆ 高级英语培训班的学员☆ 参加PETS五级考试的考生☆ 欲全方位提高超难文章阅读理解水平和翻译写作能力的高级英语学习者学习目标:学完第四册后能够达到的水平——☆ 熟练掌握各门学科,如历史、人文、天文、地理、哲学、化学、物理等,所需的中高级词汇☆ 告别空洞的问候式英语口语,为日常的交流提供地道的人文背景☆ 深刻的了解西方文化中的三大主线:哲学、宗教及美学☆ 获得解读深奥英语文章(如 GRE、GMAT、考研阅读文章)的钥匙,全面提高阅读能力☆ 写出经典,简洁,具有深邃思想的英语文章☆ 学完四册可达到8000以上的词汇量课时安排:本级别共有48个单元,每个单元可以安排2个课时,每个课时50分钟。☆ 第1课时:教师引导下的会话☆ 第2课时:作文和语言练习希望我的见解,能对你有好处,祝愿你英语成绩能节节高!!!!!!

历年中考英语试卷都体现了“稳中有进,稳中有变”的特点,我认为今年中考英语试卷也会有一些变化,也会一如继往地侧重能力的考查,但今年的难度不会超过去年。 考纲:中考命题的依据之一 认为如果时间允许,学统编教材的同学可以通读一遍牛津或新世纪教材,了解一下两套教材的词汇、语言点、语法项目,还可以把其中的语篇作为泛读材料,帮助扩大词汇量,掌握重要的语言点。学习牛津或新世纪教材的同学,也可以把统编教材中的语篇当作阅读材料,还可以把统编教材里的语法练习、句型转换练习作为补充学习资料。不同的教材可以互补。 但是,如果没有时间,我建议同学们将所学教材的词汇、词组、语言点、句型、语法内容、语言功能等,完全地、熟练地掌握好,还要尽早地进行英语语言能力的训练,这样做会有效地提高你的英语水平。 另外,每个同学都有一本英语学科的基本教学要求,也有许多老师叫它考纲。尽管这只是目前过渡阶段的一本小册子,但它是指导初三学生英语总复习的依据,也是中考命题的依据之一。我建议同学们要用好这本书,千万不要把它当作一本单纯的词汇手册。《基本要求》系统地、具体地、全面地列出了初中阶段的英语教学内容,以及必须掌握的词汇和词组。同学们可以逐项对照考纲列出的内容,经常检查自己掌握的情况。如果同学们能全面掌握教材和考纲上的要求,相信你的英语水平将提高到较高的层次。 好好学习新教材知识点 认为过早开始总复习是不合适的,因为初三下学期各版本教材都还有一些新课要教,而且,这些新课的内容都是比较重要的。像统编教材就有好几篇课文,以及两个重要的语法项目被动语态和过去将来时。同学们要扎扎实实地学好新课,掌握新的语言知识,培养自己的语言技能,把主要精力放在新课的学习上。毕竟教材比起有些胡编乱造的教辅书要高明得多。记住,教材是“主食”,而教辅书只不过是辅助的。 不要去钻研难题、偏题,也不要花大量的时间去学超过现行教材程度的内容。不要急于做中考模拟试卷,等到新课教完,开始第一、第二轮复习的时候,会有时间做这一类练习的。 当然,如果同学们学有余力,可以根据考纲做些补缺补漏的工作,也可以作一些基础知识的归纳、整理,还可以作些单项的练习。这样可以“温故而知新”。与此同时,要尽早开展听说训练,适当阅读各种文体的文章,坚持写话的训练。这些语言能力的训练倒是宜早不宜迟的。 语言能力的训练宜早不宜迟 语言能力的训练应该在学习的起始阶段就同时进行,那就是为什么我说能力训练宜早不宜迟。但是,有的同学只知道做题目,懒于开口,疏于训练,简直是英语“哑巴”。初三年级的同学比起刚入门的同学,有了更多的语言知识,有利开展听说读写的训练,现在重视能力培养还来得及!学习英语的目的是为了交际,没有听说读写的能力怎能跟别人交际? 近几年中考英语中,考能力的题目分值逐年递增,这也是一种导向,说明了听说读写能力在英语学习中的重要性。我们知道,英语听说读写的能力培养是一个系统工程,绝非突击一下就能奏效的。表达和接受语言能力的形成需要一个长期的过程,也需要不断积累。因此,我建议同学们尽早进行能力训练。 熟练掌握1678个单词354个词组 在英语学习过程中,词汇是最基础的,是学好英语的前提。只有掌握一定的词汇量,才能提高听说读写的水平,才能运用所学语言进行交际。我们知道,无论哪一种教材,其所涵盖的英语语言知识、句型、语法项目都是差不多的,但词汇量的差别却比较大。同学们必须正视这个客观存在的问题,在复习阶段作一些补救。 好在相关教育部门早就考虑到这个问题,在初三上学期就下达了不同教材的补充词汇。而且,英语教学基本要求的词汇表也已经列出了必须熟练掌握的1678个单词和354个词组。有了范围,事情就好办了。 这里我特别提醒同学们,首先,一定要把所学教材的单词词组掌握好。另外,对于自己所学教材里没有的单词、词组,不能简单地死记硬背,一定要把单词放到句子里去记,做到词不离句;要经常大声朗读,在理解的基础上背诵这些句子,这样,单词就容易记住。 还有,每年中考阅读材料中有3%的生词是不注释的,这就要求同学们不断扩大词汇量。词汇量的扩大要靠平时的积累。同学们应该做个有心人,可以准备一本便于携带的小本子,把学到的,或在阅读中碰到的生词、词组、好词好句作一些摘录。利用零星的时间,经常看看,背背,与遗忘作斗争。在背单词的时候,可以耳听,嘴读,眼看,手记,调动多种感觉器官一起活动,这样也能帮助记忆。一个单词经多次重复,就不大会忘记了。 重视听说训练 要学好英语,一定要多开口。听说的训练是有声的语言训练,能帮助记忆,有利于语言的掌握、语言感觉的产生和强化。初中阶段说的要求也是不低的,即:能以正确的语音语调朗读课文,学会提问,学会复述,学会用学过的词汇和句型主动表达自己的观点,学会用英语进行初步的交际。 中考试卷里也有涉及对说的能力的考查。比如,听力题第二小题的应答句,还有补全对话。中考不口试,不说明以后也没口试。进了高中,同学们还要继续学英语,口语表达就是非常重要的一项学习内容,高考目前也有英语口试(不计入总分)。因此,说的能力考查是无法避免的,说的训练更是不能或缺的。 听力成绩老提不高说明你练得太少。初中阶段英语的视听量应不少于90个小时。英语学科是一门实践性很强的学科。英语应该是练会的。听和说的能力互相关联,练听力离不开练说的能力,听说训练多多益善。同学们应该抓住一切机会多听多说。 抓住一切机会意味着不但课内要练,课外也要练。上课的时候,要仔细听懂老师说的课堂用语,以及老师的英语讲解;在其他同学说英语的时候,你也要仔细听;还应积极参加老师组织的听说训练活动。课外的天地更广阔,你可以通过广播、电视、音带、录像、原版电影练习听说,还可以与老师、同学、外国朋友用英语交谈。持之以恒,必有收获。 当然,听力的提高还依赖你的词汇量和你是否能正确朗读单词、句子,以及你对语言的掌握程度。 此外,还要掌握一些听的技巧。在做听力题的时候必须注意以下几点: ●精神放松,不要紧张。尽快适应说话人的语音语调和讲话的速度。 ●学会预测,抓紧时间看题目。 听力的第一大题,是听句选图。在录音放读题干的时候,你就可以把图片浏览一下,预测句子的内容。在听的过程中,要学会抓句中的关键词。 ●区别发音相近的词,仔细核对。 ●注意中西方文化的差异。 ●作些简单的记录,如,人名、地名、时间等,可以帮助记忆,便于核对。 多阅读对英语学习有帮助 随着课改的深入,中考阅读部分不仅分值逐年增加,而且语篇的长度难度也逐年增加,再加上两篇完型填空,这一部分的分值就占总分的三分之一强。再加上中考的语篇题材丰富,体裁各异,这就要求考生具有较大的词汇量,广阔的阅读面,较强的阅读理解能力,较快的阅读速度。怎样才能达到这样的要求呢?我认为补充阅读,多读课外读物是最好的途径。阅读训练是一种综合技能的训练。在阅读过程中,你要运用所学的语言知识,去理解别人书面表达的意思,同时,你也在扩大知识面,增加词汇量,巩固词汇和语法结构,提高理解能力。将阅读材料不断地内化成自己的积累,你会受益匪浅。 初中阶段的英语阅读量应达到16万词左右。读过5万词的学生与读过16万词的学生,在语言的感悟能力、认知能力、对文字的理解能力以及理解的速度方面都是有差异的。同样的阅读量,对于基础不一样的学生来讲,不一定能取得同样的效果。但是,对于同一个学生来讲,不同的阅读总量肯定有不同的学习效果。这就是为什么新的课程标准刚性地强调了阅读的量的缘故。

英语学科是我们初中阶段的几门学科中最难的,好多学生就是不肯学英语,要怎么办呢?初中英语的教学方法有哪些呢?下面是学习啦小编收集整理的初中英语教学方法以供大家学习。  初中英语的教学方法  一、激趣法  教学心理学告诉我们,只有学生感兴趣的东西,学生才会积极地开动脑筋认真思考。当学生初学英语时,兴趣都很浓厚。但随着学习难度的增加,逐渐遇到一些困难,如单词记不住,语音、语调掌握不准等,就会产生畏难情绪,学习成绩也随之降低。在这个关键时期,教师要帮助学生在认知领域里学会动脑,传授可供思考的知识,避免死记硬背。比如在引导学生读、记单词时,就教给拼读规则。继续采用新奇而具"刺激"的教学手段,以帮助学生维持兴趣。如此不断努力,学生的学习兴趣才会更大、更持久。激趣法通常采用的是教学游戏法。  游戏是激发、保持学生兴趣的手段,它使英语教学寓教于乐,学生学得轻松、自然,必然乐于学。游戏法是一种积极的教学形式,能够培养学生的思维能力,是教授学习方法的有效途径。它具备知识性、科学性、趣味性和竞争性等特征。从内容分可分为词汇教学和语法教学;从活动形式来看,教学游戏涉及听、说、读、写,老师应从实际出发科学地设计各种游戏,力求惟妙惟肖地模拟日常人们喜闻乐见的活动,使学生积极参与。  1.词汇教学游戏  找替身----教师先写一个学过的单词,让学生找一个字母当"替身",替换该词某一字母,使之形成本课的生词。如生语:soon可根据学过的单词noon,要求改写字母n为s 。boat-coat;fun-fan;cake-coke。还可借题发挥替换其它字母,达到复现更多词汇的目的,如:seat meat meat  交朋友----一个词或一个词缀可以与某一个词结成"朋友",构成复合词或派生词。教师指定一个词或词缀,让学生帮助该词或词缀交"朋友",交的"朋友"越多越好。如day-today-Sunday-Saturday; ear-clear-dear-near-hear-tear-year  掐头换尾。教师可以先写一个词,让学生将该词第一个字母去掉,然后在词尾加或换一个或两个字母,使其成为一个新词。还可将新组成的单词进行第一组游戏。如:ride-idea-dear- early;other-there-these-those  2.语法教学游戏。语法教学是学生用词或组句的关键,也是英语学习较难理解的重点。在语法教学中,教师应善于诱导学生充分发挥自己的想象能力,引导学生对较为难记的语法知识点采取最为简明的方法记忆。如采用排词成句、发挥想象、广告效果等,都可取得良好效果。  二、创设情境法  任何人的学习活动总是在特定的背景中进入学习状态的。这个背景就是学习者和周围的环境、人群之间的关系。初中生年龄小,活泼好动,影响他们进入学习状态的因素更是多种多样。因此,教师要在课堂教学中注意创设情景,创设语境,吸引学生很快进入学习状态,同时保证他们在课堂上始终保持昂扬、奋发、进取的心理状态。创设情境法主要做法有:  1.建立课前3分钟用英语做值日报告制度,使学生牢固掌握每一课的Everyday Sentences。培养学生单独用英语讲一段话,如每日见闻,谈所熟悉的人,爱好、景色等。一般可先安排口语较好的学生,给其他学生树立榜样。对于稍差的学生,在课前把任务布置好,帮助他们做好准备,以致能在课堂上表现得很出色。使学生感到只要努力就可以取得成绩,感到自己正在不断进步,有所收获。  2.在课堂教学中大量使用英语,让学生置身于英语的语境之中。利用实际生活情景,表演情景,模拟交际情景,直观教具创设情景等形式,帮助学生听懂英语,进而理解枯燥的单词、乏味的句型。具体可采用:  (1)利用现行教材大量对话式内容,由学生们表演。把程度不同的学生组合成一组,对白多的角色由较好的学生扮演,对白少的角色由差生扮演,这样促使同学之间在准备过程中,相互帮助,团结协作,学生们寓语言训练于愉乐之中,巩固了所学的知识,口语表达能力得到锻炼。  (2)复述是口语训练的重要形式,能够提高学生综合运用语言知识的能力。可以用不同的人称、时态、语态来表达所学的内容。老师可以按着故事的情节为线索,把重点词句投影到黑板上,或以时间顺序,类别等为线索画成表格,引导学生复述。这样做,学生们在复述时有章可循,不会感到吃力,避免死记硬背。也可以用简明、易画、生动的简笔画。老师可以边画边引导学生叙述,语言和画面结合起来,创造语言环境、帮助学生理解记忆,有利于增强学生的表达能力。  (3)模仿课文中的部分段落来表达周围所熟悉的人或事。这种训练基于背颂部分段落之后进行的训练。背颂范文是我国传统的学习方法,运用于英语教学,同样可以起到积累语言精华的作用,有助于指导语言实践。  3.每节课尾留出3分钟,让学生用英语练"说"。其内容是新学过的知识,目的是复习、巩固本节科所学知识;其形式是或看图说话,或自由会话或叙述某事某物。  三、活动育智法  活动的目的是巩固、扩充知识,发展思维、培养能力。首先,教师要通览全学段英语教材,精研课文,然后,根据大纲要求和教材的知识体系和能力训练体系,分单元设计活动内容、活动形式。如,练唱英语歌曲;猜谜语;背诵小诗;模拟会话;讲述内容简单的小故事;角色扮演,等等。这些活动多放在课内进行。有些活动还可放在课外进行。如开辟"每周10题"的英语学习专栏,选出与课文内容相关的练习题或短文,供学生自学,以巩固新知,拓展知识视野。  这些活动,既与教材的知识体系和能力训练体系相配合,又相对独立自成一个活动课体系,由易到难,由浅入深。如此安排,克服了课外活动的盲目性、随意性,提高了活动效果,真正使课外活动成为英语教学的有机组成部分。  如何提高初中英语教学质量  一、在创新教学中,教师应该通过总结找出传统教学的精华.通过新的思维方法进行新与旧的转换.传统与创新才能相得益彰。譬如在传统的语法翻译教学中.我们常常会运用“等值翻译”的技巧来组织教学,只需要对此稍加改造。它就会以新姿态出现在现实的听说教学中。  具有独创精神的教师会经常性地运用批判性思维去寻找常规教学的创新突破。譬如在常规的写作教学中,老师往往先运用演绎法向学生讲解写作的题材和行文的格式.这种一成不变的写作导人方式,不容易激活学生已有的知识经验,不容易培养学生自主型、探究型学习的能力和习惯。因此,我们可以打破常规,按照这样的步骤实施写作教学:1.老师给出题目;2.学生运用已有的经验或查阅相关资料开始写作;3.学生相互评价;4.老师通过对学生习作的评价来渗透对写作题材和行文格式的讲解.即将写作理论的讲解变成对学生的肯定评价.然后将学生的经验型写作上升为理论指导下的写作。  二、注重学生兴趣的培养  兴趣是推动学生学习的内在动力,兴趣是最好的老师。在教学中激发兴趣是促进学生学习的一种重要手段.在英语教学中我常采用直观教学、交际教学、启发式教学、操练式教学等多种方法来激发学习兴趣。  (1)直观教学。加强教学的直观性、形象性,激发学生的学习兴趣。美国学者哈里拉有句名言:“千言万语不及一张图。”其意是强调直观形象的重要性。因为利用实物.教学挂图可以形成教学高潮.例如在教Where’s Shanghai? Where’s Wenzhou? It’s in theeast.我们可以利用一张地图.来掌握地理位置及句型。Where is Harbin? It’s in the northeast.Where’s Lanzhou? It’s in the northwest.同学们看着熟悉的地图,利用自己的直观来运用单词,效果较好。同时。又引进Where句式.来巩固所学的单词及句型。  (2)交际教学。教师选择一些新颖有趣的对话让学生来表演.可大大激发学生的学习兴趣。学生在学习打电话时.让学生拿来两个儿童玩具电话,当堂表演,并编写新的对话,听着这熟悉的铃声.看着同学们惟妙惟俏的表演.学生的学习兴趣大增。  三、注重单词教学  单词教学不仅要培养学生对每一个单词熟练拼写.还应加强词性、词义的教学,达到遣词造句熟练运用的目的。同时也要重视一词多义的运用。如left这个单词,它有三种词性,诃义也有所不同。教这个词时.可造几个示范甸:“"run left at the relights。My father left Shanghai yesterday。There is 80me bread left。”对于单词教学,我分以下五个步骤进行。  1、在学习新单词的前一天,布置作业,要求学生正确拼读每个生词.模仿录音磁带上的发音。  2、课上检查读音。要确保每个学生都能正确拼读每个生词。了解单词内元音字母以及个别字母组合的发音.并在旁边的音标上作记号.并且注意单词的重读音节。  3、讲解单词。单词讲解是单词教学中关键一环,它直接决定着学生对单词的理解程度.使用程度。在单词讲解中一般注意以下几个方面:词形、词性、词义以及句子结构对单词的变化。在教学中采用链环式教学.对扩大学生的词汇量很有帮助。如教动词时,可以讲第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式、过去分词的变化形式。如教运动项目go swimming时可启发学生把已学过的同go搭配的词组做归类复习。同学们很快就联想复习了“go golfing,go dancing,go fishing, goshopping”等词组。  4、练习。A.替换练习。检查出学生对同义、反义词的掌握程度及单词在不同句子中词义的转化等。B.语法专项练习。考察学生对本课单词用法的掌握程度.并加深学生对单词的理解与应用。C.题型应用练习。如语


初中英语演讲稿5篇  好的演讲稿可以引导听众,使听众能更好地理解演讲的内容。在快速变化和不断变革的新时代,需要使用演讲稿的场合越来越多,相信许多人会觉得演讲稿很难写吧,以下是我精心整理的初中英语演讲稿,欢迎大家分享。初中英语演讲稿1  Good morning !   my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.I have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.   I think this dream is deeply rooted in the future. As we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases, environmental pollution and even wars. Most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed. However, I still can stick to my innermost dream, as I still can see the bright lights in our future. I believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to making our common dreams come true.   I will not just wait but to take action to live in my dream. 初中英语演讲稿2女士们,先生们:   下午好!我的.演讲题目是沙尘暴。   沙尘暴是我国北方地区春季日益频繁发生的一种恶劣天气。虽然我才13岁,但也经历过多次了。   我想大家对上月发生的沙尘暴记忆犹新,它席卷了11个省,给我国造成了很大的损失。   正如您从电视上看到的,沙尘暴所到之处,狂风卷着黄沙和尘土肆劣横行,有时候一些大树都被从中间吹倒了。鸟儿失去他们的家园,孩子们也找不到回家的路,就像到了世界末日。   当沙尘暴发生时,我们的教室也充满了沙尘。可怜的老师,尽管已饱受粉笔灰之苦,现在又不得不待在灰尘中。可怜的同学们,他们告诉我简直都要窒息了!   我们热爱美丽的春天,我们珍爱明媚的阳光。但是沙尘暴给这些蒙上了阴影,我们知道,沙尘暴是大自然母亲对我们破坏生态劣行的惩罚。要重新看到蔚蓝的天空和明媚的春光,我们必须绿化山川,保护环境。如果我们现在就开始,还不晚。   虽然这是一项艰巨的任务,但是我们必须勇敢地面对,因为这是一场我们必须获胜的战斗! 初中英语演讲稿3  Hello,everyone!   My name is . Let me tell you something about me.   I am ,and I am a student in .I think that I'm outgoing and funny,so I also think I'm populer at school.   I have friends in my class.We study together,play together,talk together and laugh together.We are happy every day.   I'm good at (科目),Because I like it very much.And I often get good grades. But I think I can do better.My parents also said to me that I could be more hard-working.So I will work harder than before.   My favorite sprot is .I think it is very interesting and I often do that after school or on weekends.I think that can make me be in good health.I like eating ,but hate sth very much.   I dream to do...because it was very...I hope my dreamcan come true.   Now,you know a lot about me.What do you think of me? 初中英语演讲稿4  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here. Today my topic is “I love you, China.”   Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “I love you, China!”   I love you, China, and I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.   I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. Last year, I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America. During my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. While at , he looked at me and asked: “Little boy, how long have you been in America?” “About a month,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I’m proud of you, China ” 初中英语演讲稿5  Today a boy named is standing here and talking about the near future of the earth.Most people believe that we are living on a beautiful and vital palent.   Because we can find everything we need from everywhere on th earth.But some of us who study the earth are very surprised that th earth is going to die much sooner than before.It means th earth will be like the Mars in a few years.And then most animals will be exterminated ,and the organism called human may not be seen on the earth any more.Is that a lie or a joke?   No,it's serious and true .A river can be polluted by only a little trash and so little trash can be made by hundreds of families a year. But no country even America can clean the rivers as soon as we pollute them.I'm afriad we do something wrong over and over again. So we have less and less time to redress the balance of Nature.Luckily, it's not too late now. People have many things to do to stop the disaster. For example having a low-carbon lifestyle is one of the best ideas.   More and more young people like to live a low-carbon life. So you see ,life with low-carbon can be fashionable.In fact when we protect the earth , we are protecting ourselves.Thanks for listening to me. ;

演讲是展示自己人格魅力的一种体现?那我们该如何做的更有现场感染力呢?以下是我为大家整理的初中英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读!   初中英语演讲稿【一】   Good morning everyone!   It's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. Then today I want to talk something about dreams and reality.   As the famous Russian litterateur Lev Tolstoysaid, “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.” So there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. Have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible will connect with our most treasured dreams? Maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. To others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. So make our dreams a part of our reality. And make our reality a part of our dreams. There is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. Improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together.   As a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .But everyone must see the reality clearly at first. Your family condition, your personal ability, your social intercourse , your subject and the job you want to do, these things show you the reality and lead you to establish a dream.   Further more, difficult or otherwise, we should put the power of reality into our dreams. Last but not least remember to work hard at the task of chasing our dreams. Do believe that we can achieve our ideal step by step by the passage of time!   In the end, I want to share with you a poetry named " I think I can"   Maybe you can not understand the meaning of the poetry , But do not be worried ,Let me tell you the meaning   Thank you for your listening!   初中英语演讲稿【二】   I have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the United States to conduct on-the-spot guidance. The representative of the United States has stood strong when he entered location. He said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, I wear a helmet for my own safety.” After reading this story, I could not help applauding for his safety awareness.   I want to be safe, so I will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault.   I want to be safe, so I will always remind my partners achieving three-no harm in the operations, because whoever comes out of the accident, we do have a kind of pain from his injury.   I want to be safe, so I work hard to strengthen my work skills, as it is the only way I will know what kind of work practice hiding security problems, I will learn to prepare and avoid accidents.   Of course, we emphasize and promote I want to be safedoes not negate“want me to be safe, but should pay attention to coordination and unity of both. If we only pay attention to I want to be safe, and fail to pay attention to want me to be safe , it is wrong, and the basis of production safety will not be solid, too.   初中英语演讲稿【三】   Good evening, everyone!   Throughout my years of being a student, I’ve had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that i’ll never forget and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable.   Ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for two months after arriving in the us, my english was horrible; my average grade was below c. i almost thought it impossible to learn english. then, one day she told me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike: both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. she believed that i had the quality of becoming wise. she even said that she didn’t have any worries about me, about my not learning english. with her encouragement, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. as a result, i soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, i got a 3.8 average grade.   Today, I still keep in touch with her, and she still tells me how she believes in me. sometimes, i’d think back, and wonder how I could handle all those things if it wasn’t for her encouragement and trust. could i be the person i am today? then, it struck me: what we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our best, and to live our life to its fullest.   To sum up, i’d like to say to all of you: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life!




初中英语 李永梅      提取码: t98n    初中英语 李永梅|下载过|9.【赢在初一起跑线】 初一考点大综合(7-8)|9.【赢在初一起跑线】 初一考点大综合(4-6)|9.【赢在初一起跑线】 初一考点大综合(1-3)|8.【赢在初一起跑线】 语音语法拓展(7-9)|8.【赢在初一起跑线】 语音语法拓展(4-6)|8.【赢在初一起跑线】 语音语法拓展(1-3)|7.【赢在初一起跑线】 英语考试句型训练(7-8)|7.【赢在初一起跑线】 英语考试句型训练(4-6)|7.【赢在初一起跑线】 英语考试句型训练(1-3)|6.【赢在初一起跑线】 听力风暴+ 解题技巧训练(7-8)|6.【赢在初一起跑线】 听力风暴+ 解题技巧训练(5-6)|6.【赢在初一起跑线】 听力风暴+ 解题技巧训练(3-4)|6.【赢在初一起跑线】 听力风暴+ 解题技巧训练(1-2)


2021初中英语演讲稿(精选6篇)  通过对演讲稿语言的.推究可以提高语言的表现力,增强语言的感染力。在日常生活和工作中,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,你知道演讲稿怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我收集整理的2021初中英语演讲稿(精选6篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   初中英语演讲稿1 Dear teachers, dear classmates:   Hello everyone!   It is green grass again. When the peach and plum are fragrant, it is another year when the gardenia flowers bloom. In the sunny spring, our hearts are drizzling with drizzle. Because we are going to say goodbye to our teachers who have accompanied us for three years, say goodbye to our classmates who have been together, and say goodbye to this unforgettable time. Let us sincerely say to the teachers: Thank you, to the younger generation, the school girls say: hard!   Three years of learning time, a flick of a flick, but many memories will become the most precious collection of our life: straight poplar, wide playground, picturesque corridor, bright classroom. You must remember your ambition and ambition when you entered the school. You must remember the figure of my diligent learning in the classroom and the laboratory. You must remember the joy of my heart when the teachers inculcation and the problem of breaking the problem. I must remember that in the sports field, you have a lot of exercise. Many scenes are worth remembering. These three years of road, we walk hard and happy, three years of life, we have lived a full and beautiful, we flow through tears, but with laughter, we tread thorns, but smell the flowers.   In the past three years, more than 1050 days and nights, our alma mater has been arming us with knowledge. Now, under the guidance of teacher Chen, we have learned how to write beautiful articles and how to understand the changes of the four seasons in the text. In the guidance of the teacher, we learned how to think about the problem with the mathematical mind and solve the questions with the knowledge of mathematics. "A, B, C, D" are our first acquaintance. The first lesson in English, and "Artislong, butlifeisshort" is one of the new philosophy of life we have learned from the teacher of the class teacher. We learned about the mystery of material composition around us, and learned how to build a strong body in life under the guidance of sports teacher Ma and Qiu. In the history of history Qi teachers humorous classroom, we crossed the course of the worlds development. Under the teachings of the political king, we understand Chinas policy and know how to be human. The rigorous and meticulous working attitude of Mr. Xia has brought us quiet and meticulous health cleaning, and the quiet classroom and self study classroom.   The teacher is an eternal song. We are the notes that you release. No matter which song we import, we beat her rhythm. Alma mater is a warm harbor. We are a small boat sailing out of her arms. No matter where we dock, there is a light in her eyes.   Your alma mater asks you to believe that after graduation, well still remember the pledge we had just entered school.   Today, I am proud of Kim Ming!   Tomorrow, Jin Ming is proud of me!   初中英语演讲稿2   As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, its a new day, its a different day, and its a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!   You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the   key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!   Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!   初中英语演讲稿3   Amatory love has been a mystery for ages. theres neither a criterion to judge nor a common rule to follow. nobody can tell the exact reasons why love emerges. it is not always because of beauty (the ugly doorkeeper quasimodo in the hunchback of notre dame is loved by the beautiful gypsy girl esmeralda),nor kindness (hitler also has his mistress),nor wisdom ( even the blockhead may sometimes marry a beautiful girl),nor strength love is like getting an electric shock, shaking our soul. it is a sweet dream, a kind of intoxication, indulgence, and endless passion.   true love doesnt need a long time to grow up, to make clear the family tree of the other, neither does it needs the time to look ahead and behind again and again. love is not marriage, which usually starts from love, but doesnt always depend on love to maintain. long-lasting marriage can eventually turn into a kind of family love, a kind of companionship which preserves the companion but loses the passion. love is often an wink of the eye, or a smile that hints mutual understanding. in spite of the great distance between them, people may fall in love incidentally.   Hence the saying “a distant marriage is tied up with a mysterious thread”. love needs passion, and it can stand bumps and stumbles, ups and downs, complaints and blames. when it turns into a pool of water, especially dead water, without any billows or waves, its time for it to die.   初中英语演讲稿4   No love among relatives has become a normal phenomenon which neednt to be fussed about. whats worse is when love is contaminated by money. sooner or later we will get hurt. the sooner we get out of this net of love, the more we can preserve beautiful memories.   We are not living in vacuum, and the society is formed of various kinds of people. as long as we want to live, study, or work, we have to contact, communicate and cooperate with others. those who enjoy common interests, mutual understanding, common undertakings and common benefits become friends.   Some friends are called fair-weather friends, because they are together just for entertaining themselves by eating, drinking, and gossiping. once theres nothing to eat and drink, their friendship is finished. some are spiritual friends who share common ambitions, pursuits and education. “they enjoy talking and laughing with the great talents and never make friends with the good-for-nothings”. the best examples would be yu boya and zhong ziqi of the ancient times who are famous not only for their lofty music but mainly for their lofty characters and mutual understanding and appreciation. they cared very little about material wealth, so their friendship is known as “gentlemens friendship as pure as water” third type of friendship belong to those who show their utter devotion to each other.   They are ready not only to share weal and woe but also to die for each other, like the three brothers liu, guan and zhang in the novel romance of the three kingdoms. . we all wish to have this kind of friendship, but its of great difficulty for the ordinary people to be as devoted as they were.   初中英语演讲稿5   We all know Tagore.   This famous Indian poet once said, “Life is given to us, and we earn it by giving it.   ” As the saying goes, nature is given to us, and we earn it by contributing to it.   However, most people nowadays just want to ask for more from the nature.   In fact, they do very little contribution to the nature.   Therefore, the environment around us is becoming worse and worse.   Do you often use batteries? Then do you know it takes 50 times more energy to make them than they produce? And just one simple battery can pollute as much water as a person can drink in his whole life.   The facts and figures are amazing.   So would you please try to use batteries only when it is necessary? If possible, give the used ones to the recycling companies so that they will be made into new ones and won’t be able to pollute the environment any more.   Sometimes we become complacent when it comes to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everybody can understand, people become much clearer about the problem.   We, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment.   For example, our class set up a recycling center beside the back door, it is very useful.   It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles.   In the past, our classmates used to throw all of these into the trashcan.   At the very beginning of this collecting activity, it was not so warm-welcomed.   Later, more and more people were influenced by the others and joined this collecting activity.   Gradually, all the students in our class form a good habit to protect the environment.   All of us will now put away the reusable things instead of throwing them into the trashcan.   We should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.   Finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “Be kind to the river.   Be good to the trees.   Smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.   Be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”   初中英语演讲稿6   Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.   As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends. Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in 1996 when I was a student who could only speak very little English. Justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve. It was so interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to studyEnglish well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others lives. I know there was friend   ship and pure love in our hearts. Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.   Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.   However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. Of course, we dont deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of us have to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.   As we know, we would feel lonely if we didnt even have a friend. But it doesnt mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.   Finally, lets pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. Lets pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts. ;

演讲是展示自己人格魅力的一种体现?那我们该如何做的更有现场感染力呢?以下是我为大家整理的初中英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读!   初中英语演讲稿【一】   Good morning everyone!   It's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. Then today I want to talk something about dreams and reality.   As the famous Russian litterateur Lev Tolstoysaid, “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.” So there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. Have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible will connect with our most treasured dreams? Maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. To others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. So make our dreams a part of our reality. And make our reality a part of our dreams. There is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. Improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together.   As a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .But everyone must see the reality clearly at first. Your family condition, your personal ability, your social intercourse , your subject and the job you want to do, these things show you the reality and lead you to establish a dream.   Further more, difficult or otherwise, we should put the power of reality into our dreams. Last but not least remember to work hard at the task of chasing our dreams. Do believe that we can achieve our ideal step by step by the passage of time!   In the end, I want to share with you a poetry named " I think I can"   Maybe you can not understand the meaning of the poetry , But do not be worried ,Let me tell you the meaning   Thank you for your listening!   初中英语演讲稿【二】   I have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the United States to conduct on-the-spot guidance. The representative of the United States has stood strong when he entered location. He said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, I wear a helmet for my own safety.” After reading this story, I could not help applauding for his safety awareness.   I want to be safe, so I will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault.   I want to be safe, so I will always remind my partners achieving three-no harm in the operations, because whoever comes out of the accident, we do have a kind of pain from his injury.   I want to be safe, so I work hard to strengthen my work skills, as it is the only way I will know what kind of work practice hiding security problems, I will learn to prepare and avoid accidents.   Of course, we emphasize and promote I want to be safedoes not negate“want me to be safe, but should pay attention to coordination and unity of both. If we only pay attention to I want to be safe, and fail to pay attention to want me to be safe , it is wrong, and the basis of production safety will not be solid, too.   初中英语演讲稿【三】   Good evening, everyone!   Throughout my years of being a student, I’ve had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that i’ll never forget and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable.   Ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for two months after arriving in the us, my english was horrible; my average grade was below c. i almost thought it impossible to learn english. then, one day she told me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike: both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. she believed that i had the quality of becoming wise. she even said that she didn’t have any worries about me, about my not learning english. with her encouragement, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. as a result, i soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, i got a 3.8 average grade.   Today, I still keep in touch with her, and she still tells me how she believes in me. sometimes, i’d think back, and wonder how I could handle all those things if it wasn’t for her encouragement and trust. could i be the person i am today? then, it struck me: what we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our best, and to live our life to its fullest.   To sum up, i’d like to say to all of you: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life!


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