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At the beginning of this holiday I made a time table for myself .


I insist to get up at 8:00 every morning .


Morning is the best time to study , so I read English and chinese paper every morning .


Sometimes,my mother is not at home and I try to do my lunch.My cooking is OK.


After lunch I always go out with friends ,even thought it's very hot.


We play basketball ,swimming,skiing and sometimes we practise street dance.


Before the sky get dark I must go home .


In the evening,I play computer or see films,but I sleep before 11 o'clock .


Even thought everyday repeat these,I am full and I'd like it.


Because I have a useful and a happy holiday.


语法上可能错误,请谅解. ..谢谢

同学,这段文字中的句子都是经典,你就看着用吧These days I felt so free. I can do the things that I like. I can get up till the sun has already rose very high in the sky and don't need to worry about being late for school. I can go shopping day after day unless I am tired. I can go to the places where I want to go. I can stay at home and surf the internet dayafter day. I can talk with my friends online and play computer games. I can enjoy myself to the full.  Because I know clearly that after the summer holiday my busy school life will begin. I will use this summer holiday to do the things that I can not do during the school life. How time flies! I felt I had done nothing but the day for school is nearer and nearer. Now I found playing without definite goals was so boring. I want to go to school now and I want to read books. I also miss my classmates and my teachers. Now I felt the blankness of my life. I thought the restriction sometimes would become a good thing. Freedom is a relative conception and there is no absolute freedom. Nowadays I will go out to teach a junior student everyday to earn some money, and then I will translate some short articles for improving my English, exceptfor that I will read all the books that I like. These days I always went to a book store, where I can borrow some books to read. A book one day only costs 0.2 Yuan. There are many famous books there and I am very fond of that bookstore now. Three days before I had finished the book named “The Mouse Loves the Rice” written by Yang Chengang who is a very popular singer on internet now. The story is not so interesting and is a sand story. It describes two lovers who meet and fall in love with each other by chatting on internet depart in the end. Today I am reading another book “The Stories Happened in Beijing” (Its Chinese name is “Jing Hua Yan Yun”, I don't know the appropriate translation) written by Lin Yutang.This book is just like “红楼梦”, I has just read a little and this book needsto be read word by word for it's such a great book. After I finished it I hopeI can share my thoughts and view with my friends. Because discussing with my friends about a book will make me understand the book much more profound and penetrating. I like discuss with all my friends and I'd like to hear various views that were different from mine.In less than three weeks I will begin my school life and now I am expecting it very much. I will begin my new life and I am determined to study the knowledge carefully with my heart. Because now I have already found the fun in study andI know I must learn something to enrich my life. Tomorrow is another day!。

1. 我算是放了暑假了,但却未能真正休息。

I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I couldn't really relax.2. 这些大学生在计划着怎样过暑假。The students are planning how to spend their summer vacation.3. 许多学生在暑假期间找些临时工。

Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.chemyq.com4.Do you have any plan for this summer vacation? 这个暑假你有什么打算?5.His summer vacation will end in the late August. 他的暑假将于八月底结束。6.I have saved an amount sufficient for summer vacation. 我存一笔钱足够暑假的花销。

7.What are you thinking of doing on summer vacation? 你打算暑假做什么?8.I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 我盼望今年暑假见到你。9.Football players often work with roadgang roadgangs during summer vacation. 橄榄球选手在暑期常客串筑路工人。

10He lotted upon traveling in China during his summer vacation. 他指望暑假到中国去旅行。11.I intend to stay at school during the summer vacation. 我打算暑假呆在学校里。

12.The students have all gone down for the summer vacation. 大学生们都离校过暑假去了。 13. 他不远万里来中国度暑假。

He has come over to China for the summer.14.一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited15.我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。

I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.16.这个暑假有两个多月。This summer vacation will last some two months.17.我将去我叔叔的农庄过暑假。

I will spend my summer vacation in my uncle's grange18.他一暑假皮肤晒得黝黑。He's very brown after his summer holiday.dict.cn19.我的朋友和我喜欢在暑假去旅行。

My friends and I like to go traveling during summer vacation20.暑假将至,请家长踊跃购买礼卷。SCRIPT order forms were distributed to each student last week.21.我计划花我的暑假对体育的今年。

I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.22. 我迫不及待的制定我的暑假计划。I can't wait to set up my summer vacation plan.23.暑假里你还去了别的什么地方吗?Where else did you go in the summer vacation?24.去年暑假我们乘飞机去德国度假。

We traveled to Germany by plane last summer vacation.25.在暑假前,我们还会有一次订阅。We will have one more order before the Summer break26.我将在暑假里的时候去海南旅游。

I will go on vacation in hainan tourism.27.这个暑假,我的梦想终于实现了。This summer holiday, my dream came true.28.去年暑假学生们参观了历史博物馆。

The students visited the History Museum last summer holiday29.自从暑假开始以来。她在做些什么?What's she been doing since the second semester started?30.你上大学是有没有做过暑假工?Did you do any summer jobs while you were a college student?31暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing-space.32.今年暑假我在一家快餐店打工。

This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar.呼呼。..好累哦。











I had a good winter vacation.On vacaton,I went to the Hainan.Hainan was spring.It was so beauitful.I went swimming whit my parents.The beaches were so wonderful! I loved them。

I spent all time in there.I had a great vacation.I really want to visit there again.


1. My holidays are coming soon.I have some plans for the holidays and now I will talk about that with you. I will do some cleaning and do some washing with my mother at home. In my free time ,I plan to go to see the movies or play football with my friends. Sometimes I will go to my grandparents' home and to visit them with my parents.And I will do my homework every evening.What about your plans? 我的假期快要到了。我有一些假期计划,现在我会与你谈谈我的计划。我会与我母亲在家做些家务。在我的业余时间里,我会和我的朋友看电影或者踢足球。有时我会和我的父母去我的祖父母家看望他们。我还会在每天晚上做我的家庭作业。你的计划呢?

2. Vacation plans The summer vacation is coming. I will make a plan for this vacation. Firstly, to read several books which I really wanna read this semester: secondly, to start prepping for next term; thirdly, to help my parents with the housework; and the last, to call on my grandparents, and to introduce some methods of keeping healthy. 假期计划 暑假就要来了。我也必使他的计划这个假期。首先,读了几本书,我真的很想读这学期:其次,开始为下学期做准备;其三,来帮助我的父母做家务;最后,去拜访我的祖父母,引进的一些方法,保持身体健康


My holiday


I have a very cheerful holiday in “The National Day”. My parent and I went to Shanghai about nine days ago. We got there by plane, I think that shanghai must be a very big city, and there are a lot of tall buildings. First we went into the hotel named”chuang ye”. And we saw the tall big building “Shanghai TV Tower”, at nine in the evening, we got back to the hotel. The second day, we visited Zhouzhuang. It's very beautiful and the air was good, I bought my favorite toy : weapons. I like them very much. Shanghai's food tasted good. Today we are very happy and tired, so we slept early in the night. The third day however, we didn't go anywhere, we stayed in the hotel until late in the afternoon. In the evening, we came back to Tianjin by plane to. This travel was fantastic!


I can't wait to set up my summer vacation plan.2、.这个暑假,我的梦想终于实现了。 This summer holiday, my dream came true.3、暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间. The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing-space.4、一谈到暑假,我们大家都变兴奋了。

When it came to the summer vacation, we all became excited 5、知了也睡了,安静地睡了。忙碌之余,享受这宁静的夏天,那迷人的夏夜,享受快乐的每一天。

陪我度过一个完美的暑假,快乐的暑假。I slept and slept quietly. Be busy, enjoy this quiet summer, that charming summer night, enjoy every day. Accompany me through a perfect summer vacation, a happy summer vacation6、转眼间,暑假就过完了。

这个暑假竟然过得这么快,我恨不得再接着过一次,因为这个暑假快乐无比!In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is over. This summer unexpectedly passed so quickly, I want to go on another time, because this summer is extremely joyful!7、我最喜欢的就是过暑假了,因为可以去好多地方和好多朋友一起玩游戏。My favorite is summer vacation, because I can go to many places to play games with many friends.8、暑假快乐不可少,邀朋结友情谊好,各地美景也跑到,山川河流多美妙。

珍惜时光莫蹉跎,快快乐乐乐逍遥。The summer vacation is a great time to be happy, to be friends with friends, and to see the beauty of the mountains and rivers. Don't waste time in your life.9、暑假来临,让烦恼歇歇班,快乐一下;让压力走走远,轻松一下;让祝福报报到,甜蜜一下;祝你暑假快乐,幸福一“夏”!Summer vacation comes, let worry rest class, happy; Let the stress go away and relax. Let the blessing report to report, sweet once; Wish you a happy summer holiday and a happy summer!10、热情胜过酷暑的天气,兴奋点燃潇洒的火焰,这条短信来时,愿你已经睡够睡饱睡醒,约着出去玩个开心。

亲爱的朋友,暑假快乐!The enthusiasm is better than the weather of the heat, the excitement ignites the natural fire, this text message come, may you have already slept enough to sleep to wake up, about to go out to have a fun. Happy summer, my dear friend!11、多彩的假期是我的爱,热乎的心情掀起情豪迈,什么样的时光是最呀最摇摆,什么样的人儿才是最开怀!大批的快乐从暑假来,流向那期待自由的心怀!暑假快乐!The colorful vacation is my love, the warm mood lift up the mood, what kind of time is the most and the most sway, what kind of person is the most joyful! A great deal of happiness comes from summer vacation, to the heart that expects freedom! Happy summer vacation!12、假不在长,两月就行;玩不在多,快乐就成。斯是暑假,惟你高兴,无催促之乱耳,无作业之劳形,可以睡懒觉、玩通宵,往来有朋友,谈笑无禁忌。

孔子曰:暑假快乐。It's not long, it's two months away; When there is no play, there is happiness. It is summer vacation, but you are happy, there is no rush, no homework, you can sleep in, play all night, have friends, talk and laugh without taboos. Confucius said: happy summer holidays13、暑假里,火了热情,烧了激情,浓了亲情,温了友情,亲了爱情,抛了烦恼,弃了孤独,废了压力,埋了悲剧,祝你暑假快乐,生活幸福美满。

Summer vacation, the enthusiasm, fire burning passion, strong affection, wen the friendship, love, throw the trouble, abandon the loneliness, waste pressure, buried a tragedy, I wish you a happy summer vacation, life happiness.14、暑假来,看一部电视剧,管它是白天还是夜晚;听一段摇滚乐,管它是音调是高是低;暑假就是要丢了烦恼,丢了压力,祝你逍遥一个假期,暑假快乐。Summer vacation, watch a TV drama, tube it is day or night; Listen to a piece of rock music, which is pitch is low; Summer vacation is to lose the worry, lose the pressure, I wish you a free holiday, happy summer holidays15、知了叫,因你而呐喊,烈日晒,因你而热情,暴雨下,因你而疯狂,绿荫浓,为你而遮阳,送祝福,因你而幸福,祝你暑假快乐。

I know you, because you cry, the hot sun, because of you and warm, rain, because of you crazy, green shade, for you and sunshade, blessing, because of you happiness, I wish you a happy summer holiday。


here is what I got for you~~~~

I had a wonderful summer holiday. Going swimming is the first thing I did during the summer time, and the cold water in the swim pool made my everyday energetic. After that I would have breakfast with my friends while an interesting conversation in a small lovely restaurant near my house. We did a little trip to Guilin together,which became my most beautiful memory of this summer. In Guilin, not only did we see the amazing works of nature——the beauty of the mountains and rivers there was beyond words,we also had an opportunity to enjoy the Guilin people's life by staying at an inn ran by a local family. The tour to Yangshuo town was also of much fun. Foreigners were wondering freely in the streets and would say "Hello" to us with a smile,and everybody was friendly, which made this small town full of laughter and joy all the time. We met an American girl named Julie who was teaching English there, and she was a really nice girl who is curious about Chinese culture and eager to learn Chinese. We went to the famous Moon Hill by bike and we did enjoy ourselves all the way. Pictures were taken to capture such a memorable preious moment. We went back home by train one week ago, and now we are still talking about the trip in Guilin,which I think I will do it once again in the next summer holiday.




The wnter holiday was started.I wanted to spend a happy winter holiday.ItwasJanuary 28evening.It was nearlySpring Festival. Iwas very happy because I saw a lovelysnowman.I run downstairs queckly and make a snowman with my parents,too.It has10 minutes since I make the snowman.The snowman was small but lovely.I wanted to make a bigger snowman than this again.Ha-ha,it wasn't a snowman. It was an ogre.Ha-ha,it wasugly but made one's happy.It's 20 days sinse the winter holiday began.It is going to start to go to school again.The winter holiday is too happy! 。

things i have done in the vacation:


write my homework。写作业

watch TV/movies。看电视、电影

play computer/basketball/football。with。和。。。玩电脑、打篮球、踢足球

Go shopping/fishing。with。和。。。逛街、钓鱼

do housework /with。做家务

visit my friends/grandparents/sister/brother。拜访好友、爷爷奶奶、兄弟姐妹

travel to Shanghai to see the EXPO/Beijing。去上海看世博、去北京




How do you arrange this summer vacation?


I want to travel.


Where would you like to go?


The seaside.


That's really a good idea. Taking a walk on the beach and lying in the sun are pretty good. I recommend you Qingdao or Dalian.


I’ve been to Qingdao before, so I’ll choose Dalian. I've heard that the environment there is very good.


Yes, that's a good place to spend a holiday. Last year I went there. It's really.


Thank you!


A:Are you still on your summer vacation?




A:When will school start?


B:It'll start on lst September.


What will you do this summer vacation?


Sophie: What will you do this summer vacation?

Billy: I'll learn magic tricks.

Billy: What about you, Sophie?

Sophie: I'll go on a trip.

Mr.X: Sounds great! Where?

Sophie: I'll go to New York with my family.

Billy: What's your summer plan,Mr.X?

Mr.X: Well...I'll visit my grandparents.

Billy: Great! Where do they live?

Mr.X: They live next to my room. We live together!












A: The summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do?B: I am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I can. And I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for our : I agree with you. What's your favorite sport in summer?B: Playing table tennis is my favorite and I think it is one of the best ways to keep fit. I like swimming, : Me,too. I often go swimming with my friends in summer. Why not go swimming together next : Good idea. Besides doing homework and sports I am going to learn how to cook delicious meals because my parents are always tired after work so I want to make them feel happy and : That's right. We should be independent and responsible. So we should do our best to help our parents with some housework. By the way, are you going to have a picnic and travel?B: Sure, my parent and I are going to Shanghai to see the expo. I am sure we'll have a good time. How about you?A: I will spend a week in Hannan Island with my parents because we all like the beach and scuba-driving. B: Great. Hope you'll have a happy summer : The same to you. See you.答:暑假就要来了。你打算怎么办?乙:我将要完成尽快我可以做我的家庭作业。我要每天锻炼,做运动对我们的健康有好处。A:我同意你的看法。你在夏天最喜欢的运动是什么?B:打乒乓球是我最喜欢的,我认为这是保持健康的最好方法。我喜欢游泳,太。A:我,太。我经常和我的朋友去游泳在夏天。为什么不一起去游泳在下星期日。B:好主意。除了做家庭作业和体育我要学习如何烹调可口的饭菜,因为我的父母都很累的工作,我想让他们感到开心和放松。A:这是正确的。我们应该独立负责。所以我们应该尽我们最大的努力来帮助我的父母做一些家务。顺便说一下,你要去野餐去旅行吗?乙:当然,我父母和我要去上海看世博会。我确信我们会有一个好的时间。你怎么样?答:我会和我的父母在海南岛度过一周的因为我们都喜欢海滩和潜水。乙:好。希望你有个快乐的暑假。一:你也一样。再见

我的寒假安排英语作文The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.寒假即将到来,我已经为我的假期做好了计划。我想和家人待在一起,因此我要回家乡。我正在为回我的家乡做准备。我非常想念我的爷爷奶奶,所以我将首先拜访他们。我要和我的叔叔阿姨聊天,和我的表哥(弟、妹、姐)一起玩,那将会很有趣。我希望自己在那里能有一个美好的时光。(希望对你有帮助)

A: The summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do?B: I am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I can. And I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for our : I agree with you. What's your favorite sport in summer?B: Playing table tennis is my favorite and I think it is one of the best ways to keep fit. I like swimming, : Me,too. I often go swimming with my friends in summer. Why not go swimming together next : Good idea. Besides doing homework and sports I am going to learn how to cook delicious meals because my parents are always tired after work so I want to make them feel happy and : That's right. We should be independent and responsible. So we should do our best to help our parents with some housework. By the way, are you going to have a picnic and travel?B: Sure, my parent and I are going to Shanghai to see the expo. I am sure we'll have a good time. How about you?A: I will spend a week in Hannan Island with my parents because we all like the beach and scuba-driving. B: Great. Hope you'll have a happy summer : The same to you. See :暑假就要来了。你打算怎么办?B:我将要完成尽快我可以做我的家庭作业。我要每天锻炼,做运动对我们的健康有好处。A:我同意你的看法。你在夏天最喜欢的运动是什么?B:打乒乓球是我最喜欢的,我认为这是保持健康的最好方法。我喜欢游泳,太。A:我,太。我经常和我的朋友去游泳在夏天。为什么不一起去游泳在下星期日。B:好主意。除了做家庭作业和体育我要学习如何烹调可口的饭菜,因为我的父母都很累的工作,我想让他们感到开心和放松。A:这是正确的。我们应该独立负责。所以我们应该尽我们最大的努力来帮助我的父母做一些家务。顺便说一下,你要去野餐去旅行吗?乙:当然,我父母和我要去上海看世博会。我确信我们会有一个好的时间。你怎么样?答:我会和我的父母在海南岛度过一周的因为我们都喜欢海滩和潜水。乙:好。希望你有个快乐的暑假。A:你也一样。再见



(不好意思,刚刚看见你的问题,回答晚了。以下小对话,仅供参考)Xiao Li met Xiao Ma in their classroom:小李在他们的教室里碰到了小马。Li: "Xiao Ma, what are you planing to do in this summer holiday?"李:“小马,这个暑假里你计划做什么?” Ma: "I want to visit Qingdao with my family." 马:“我想和我们全家一起访问青岛。”Li: "Are you going to fly there?"李:“你们是要飞过去吗?” Ma: "No, we are taking a train, and we can enjoy lots of beautiful scenes on the way."马:“不,我们要坐火车去。这样一路上我们可以欣赏许多美景。”Li: "What are you doing in Qingdao?"李:“你们在青岛都做些什么呢?”Ma: "We will spend a week there on the beach, sea-swimming, and enjoy the great view from the top of Lao Shan. What about you?"马:“我们要在青岛停留一个星期,去海滩上玩,在海里游泳,还要爬到崂山顶上欣赏那里壮观的景色。你呢?”Li: "I will stay home, take a good rest."李:“我要呆在家里,好好休息一下。“Ma: "Yes. I think you had too many sport competitions this year." 马:“是啊,我觉得你在这一年里参加了太多的体育比赛。“Li: "Even so, I will need to further practice the badminton skill to prepare for the school's Automn Games."李:“即使是这样,我还需要进一步训练羽毛球技巧,以准备学校的秋季运动会。”Ma: "That was amazing. What about your homework?"马:“真不简单!那你的作业怎么办?“Li: "Yes. You reminded me that I have to finishing all summer homeworks, in addition to the missing work due to the matches."李:“真的,你倒是提醒我了。我还要完成所有的暑假作业,并要补上因比赛而落下的功课。”Ma: "Well, take a good rest, and I will bring you a very beautiful sea shell from Qingdao." 马:“那你就好好休息吧。我会从青岛给你带回一个漂亮的贝壳的。“Li: "Great. I am also looking forward to hearing some interesting stories from you, and don't forget to take lots of pictures to show me."李:“太好了。我还等着你有趣的故事呢。别忘了多照些照片带回给我看看。”Ma: "Deal."马:“一言为定。”

A: The summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do?B: I am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I can. And I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for our : I agree with you. What's your favorite sport in summer?B: Playing table tennis is my favorite and I think it is one of the best ways to keep fit. I like swimming, : Me,too. I often go swimming with my friends in summer. Why not go swimming together next : Good idea. Besides doing homework and sports I am going to learn how to cook delicious meals because my parents are always tired after work so I want to make them feel happy and : That's right. We should be independent and responsible. So we should do our best to help our parents with some housework. By the way, are you going to have a picnic and travel?B: Sure, my parent and I are going to Shanghai to see the expo. I am sure we'll have a good time. How about you?A: I will spend a week in Hannan Island with my parents because we all like the beach and scuba-driving. B: Great. Hope you'll have a happy summer : The same to you. See you.

A: The summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do?B: I am going to finish doing my homework as quickly as I can. And I am going to do exercise every day because doing exercise is good for our : I agree with you. What's your favorite sport in summer?B: Playing table tennis is my favorite and I think it is one of the best ways to keep fit. I like swimming, : Me,too. I often go swimming with my friends in summer. Why not go swimming together next : Good idea. Besides doing homework and sports I am going to learn how to cook delicious meals because my parents are always tired after work so I want to make them feel happy and : That's right. We should be independent and responsible. So we should do our best to help our parents with some housework. By the way, are you going to have a picnic and travel?B: Sure, my parent and I are going to Shanghai to see the expo. I am sure we'll have a good time. How about you?A: I will spend a week in Hannan Island with my parents because we all like the beach and scuba-driving. B: Great. Hope you'll have a happy summer : The same to you. See you.来自参考:希望帮助到你!!


丹尼尔: Good evening! Long time no see, how are you?

晚上好! 好久不见.还好吗?

苏珊: Good evening! I`m fine, how about you, beauty?


丹尼尔: Thanks for God! I am fine too.


苏珊: How did you spend your spring festival?


丹尼尔: Aha, it is a long story!


苏珊: I`m willing to listen to you.


丹尼尔: Ok! Actually, I have a wonderful holiday. I spend most of the time with my family members and friends.


苏珊: That sounds great!


丹尼尔: How about your spring festival?


苏珊: I had visited some relatives and spend some time watching TV and surfing internet.


丹尼尔: It seems that both of us are satisfied with our spring festival.


苏珊: Quite right.


丹尼尔: It`s time to say goodbye. See you!


苏珊: See you!



A:Welcome back! How was your vacation?


B:It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist is really tiring!


A:Where did you end up going?


B:Because it's off-season, we got a really good package deal to Paris, so we went there.


A:I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top?


B:That was the first thing we did. I have a few pictures. Do you want to seet them?


A:Sure. What's this one a picture of?


B:Oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the city.


A:You don't look very happy in that picture.


B:No,by that time, I was sick of sightseeing. I had had enough of art galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues, and palaces!


A:So what did you do?


B:We spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.


A:My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing. Did you go to the Louvre?


B:Of course! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though.


A:That's what everyone says! I can't wait to see it for myself some day.



A:The Spring Festival is drawing close. By then we will have five days off. I am expecting it.


B:Can you tell me something about the Spring Festival?


A:Just like you celebrate Christmas, we celebrate our lunar New Year's Day, the Spring Festival. It is a time for the family members and relatives to have a get-together.


B:Christmas is also a special time for us to have the family reunion and to express our best wishes to those we love and those who love us in the coming new year.


A:Christmas has more religious nature, while our Spring Festival is a more traditional holiday. On the New Year's Eve, we have a big dinner called "Family Reunion Dinner". One of the traditional food to eat at the dinner is dumplings. After that, the adults usually sit chatting, watching TV, or playing cards.


B:What are the children doing?


A:They usually go outside to play firecrackers and fireworks.


B:I heard one of the purposes to do it Is to frighten the devils so they wtll not come to do any harm to people in the next year.


A:Perhaps it is like what people told you. At 24 hours midnight, the time when the New Year real comes, we exchange "Happy New Year" to each other, and parents and grandparents will take out small packages wrapped with red paper, in them are some what we call "Lucky Money".


B:Who will get the money?


A:Of course the children.



The summer vacation is coming. Tom asks Steven if he has done some arrangement for it.


Tom:How do you arrange this summer vacation?


Steven:I want to travel.


Tom:Where would you like to go?


Steven:The seaside.


Tom:That's really a good idea. Taking a walk on the beach and lying in the sun are pretty good. I recommend you Qingdao or Dalian.


Steven:I’ve been to Qingdao before, so I’ll choose Dalian live heard that the environment there is very good.


Tom:Yes, that's a good place to spend a holiday. Last year I went there. It's really a beautiful and clean city. You'll have a good time.


Steven:Thank you!



They are talking/ddiscussing about their weekend plan.他们正在谈论他们的周末计划

Students are talking about their weekend。

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:... Children are talking about their plans for summer holiday.

The students are talking about how to spend their weekend.


talk about 比较普通的谈论, 常用。学术性的会用talk on。


一、音标:英 [dɪ'skʌs]   美 [dɪ'skʌs]


v. 讨论;论述;商量


形容词: discussable 名词: discusser 过去式: discussed 过去分词: discussed 现在分词: discussing 第三人称单数: discusses




谈论在英语中,有好几种说法,我们来看看第一种。下面是我给大家整理的谈论的英文是什么,供大家参阅!谈论的英文是什么discuss英 [d??sk?s] 美 [d??sk?s]vt. 讨论,谈论; 论述,详述; 商量;变形 过去分词: discussed 过去式: discussed 现在分词: discussing 第三人称单数: discusses谈论的英语例句1. He cracked jokes and talked about beer and girls.他爱说笑话,喜欢谈论啤酒和姑娘。2. He was disinclined to talk about himself, especially to his students.他不喜欢谈论他自己,尤其是当着他学生的面。3. We can now talk openly about AIDS which we couldn't before.现在我们能公开谈论以前讳言不提的艾滋病问题。4. There's something about the way he talks of her that doesn't fit.他谈论她的样子有点不对劲。5. I've always found him clued-up on whatever he was talking about.我一直都觉得他对自己谈论的任何事情都了如指掌。6. When you meet him, he is disarming as he talks about himself.当你遇到他时,他谈论起自己时总是能让人放下戒心。7. She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.她太累了,而且无比悲伤,没法谈论那场悲剧。8. If you don't mind, we won't talk about it any more.如果可以的话,我们就不要再谈论这件事情了。9. Actor Dom Deluise talks about his career in comedy.演员多姆·德卢西谈论自己的喜剧生涯。10. Parents will be able to discuss their child's progress with their teacher.家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。11. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics.他们友好而随意地谈论各种话题。12. They started wittering on about their last trip to Provence.他们开始喋喋不休地谈论上次的普罗旺斯之行。13. By midweek officials were speaking hopefully of a "compromise".一周过半时,官员们谈论到“折中方案”都满怀希望。14. Here, listen, they're talking about it on Radio-Paris right now.嘿,听,巴黎电台正在谈论这事呢。15. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.他总是愿意谈论各种假设的可能性。discuss的双语例句1. The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.政治局已在北京召开会议讨论形势。2. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity.高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。3. The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.该杂志的宗旨是在__框架下讨论时下的热门话题。4. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.他就会翻来覆去讨论同一个无聊的药品单。5. They will discuss how to bail the economy out of its slump.他们将讨论如何使经济走出低谷。6. Parents will be able to discuss their child's progress with their teacher.家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。7. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions.在社交场合讨论生意被认为是不礼貌的。8. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.很明显,她想谈些私事。9. He was invariably willing to discuss the possibilities hypothetically.他总是愿意谈论各种假设的可能性。10. The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.议会临时安排会议讨论问题。11. I'm not prepared to discuss this over the telephone.我不想在电话里讨论这件事。12. He flatly refused to discuss it.他断然拒绝讨论此事。13. We will discuss these three areas in depth.我们将深入探讨这3个领域。14. She'd rung up to discuss the divorce.她打过电话来协商离婚事宜。15. I just won't discuss my intimate relationships.我就是不想讨论我的恋爱关系。看过谈论的英文是什么的人还看了:1. 谈论的英语短语 2. 谈论个性英语情景对话 3. 讨论的英语单词 4. 谈话用英语怎么说 5. 谈论天气的英语情景对话

talk about , discuss


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