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let's learn english together!1,不用let us, let us 是请求A 让你跟B一起学,不是你跟A一起学2,不用STUDY ENGLISH, 除非你是要研究英国文学或者语言学的大学者。一般学习知识就用learn.

let's learn english together!


let's learn english together!1,不用let us, let us 是请求A 让你跟B一起学,不是你跟A一起学2,不用STUDY ENGLISH, 除非你是要研究英国文学或者语言学的大学者。一般学习知识就用learn.






邀请友人这个周末你有空吗?Are you free this weekend? *free“有空,空闲”。Are you free this weekend? (这个周末你有空吗?)Yes, I am. (嗯,有空。) *回答no时,用“No, I have plans.”(不,我有安排。) “No, I'm going skiing.” (不,我要去滑雪。)我们还可以再见面吗?Could I see you again?能给我你的电话号码吗?Could you give me your phone number?我们在哪儿见面?Where shall we meet?Where shall I meet you?要我开车去接你吗?Shall I come to pick you up? *pick up“开车去接某人”。你今天下午有安排吗?Are you doing anything this afternoon?Are you doing anything this afternoon? (你今天下午有安排吗?)No, nothing special. (没有,没有什么特别的安排。)*如果有安排的话,可用下面的回答。Yes, I have to work. (嗯,我得工作。)Do you have plans for this afternoon?Are you busy this afternoon? (今天下午你忙吗?)和我一起吃晚饭,好吗?How about having dinner with me?How about having dinner with me? (和我一起吃晚饭,好吗?)Sounds great! (那太好了!)How about dinner? (一起吃晚饭怎么样?)Let's have dinner together. (让我们一起吃晚饭吧。)我们干嘛不去看棒球比赛呢?Why don't we go to see a baseball game?Why don't we ...? “为什么不……呢?”Why don't we go to see a baseball game? (我们干嘛不去看棒球比赛呢?)Yeah! (好啊!)Let's go see a baseball game!真对不起,我另有安排。Sorry, I'm tied up. *be tied up“受(时间的)约束”。Sorry, I have plans.Sorry, I'm busy. (对不起,我很忙。)I'm sorry, but I have other plans.实在对不起,恐怕不行。I'm afraid I can't.I'm sorry but I can't.谢谢您的邀请,可是……Thanks for asking, but...Let's go out for a drink. (去喝一杯吧。)Thanks for asking, but I already made plans. (谢谢你的邀请,可是我有别的安排。)Thanks for the invitation, but... (谢谢您的邀请,可是……)另找时间可以吗?How about a rain check? *rain check指“(比赛、活动等)因雨天改期再赛时作为入场券的原票票根”。由因雨天中止或延期比赛而发给观众“rain check”引申为被邀请者因故不能接受邀请,而邀请继续有效的意思,“以后方便的时间”、“下次还有机会”。 Let's do it another time. (再找时间吧。)Could we plan it for another day? (能找其他时间吧?)Some other time. (再找其他时间吧。)我希望你能来。I hope you can come.●订计划你什么时候方便?When is it convenient for you? *生意场上、朋友之间均可用该句来决定约会的日子和时间。convenient “方便的,合适的”。When is it convenient for you? (你什么时候方便?)I'm free on Friday. (星期五。)What is a good time for you?When is good for you?什么时候?About what time?什么时候都行。Whenever.Jack, what time do you want to go bowling? (杰克,你想什么时候去打保龄球呀?)Whenever. I'm free all day. (什么时候都可以。我一整天都有空。)Whenever you are free. (什么时间都行,只要你有时间。)Any day is okay. (哪天都行。)Any day of the week is fine. (星期几都行。)Anytime is fine.等你有时间的时候吧。When you have time.我今天有空。I'm free today. *free 有“自由的,免费的”等多种意思,在这句里是“有空”的意思。I have a lot of free time today. (今天我很空闲。)I have nothing to do today. (我今天没什么要做的。)明天我会很忙。I'll be busy tomorrow.How about tomorrow? (明天怎么样?)Sorry, I'll be busy tomorrow. (对不起,明天我会很忙。)10号怎么样?How about the tenth? *要说“~号”的时候,像the tenth一样要在数字的后面加上-th。你什么时候有空?When are you free? * 比较随便的说法。When should we go? (咱们什么时候走?)When are you free? (你什么时候有空?)When are you free? (你什么时候有空?)Friday after 3:00. (星期五3点以后有空。)When are you available? * 一般的用法。那天我不行。That's a bad day for me.那天我可以。That day is fine.我什么时候去合适?When can I come over? *come over“顺便拜访”。When can I visit? (我什么时候能去拜访您?)When can I stop by? (我什么时候可以去你那儿坐坐?)When can I drop by? (我什么时候可以去你那儿坐坐?)你定时间吧。You decide when.I'll leave it up to you. (全交给你了。)It's your decision. (你定吧。)你定地点吧。You decide where.Wherever you want is okay. (哪儿都行,只要你觉得好。)7点行吗?Is seven convenient for you?When should I come? (我什么时候来合适?)Is seven convenient for you? (7点你方便吗?)Is seven okay for you?你几点能来?When can you come over?What time can you make it?太早了吗?Is it too early?太晚了吗?Is it too late?就那个时间吧。It's a date. *这句用于确认约会的日期和时间。It's a date. (就那天吧。)Okay, see you then. (行,到时候见。)Let's meet tomorrow at 7∶30. (明天7∶30见吧。)It's a date. (那,到时候见吧。)回头见。See you then.●出门的时候准备好了吗?Are you ready?Are you ready? (准备好了吗?)No, not yet. (还没呢。)Ready yet?Are you all set? (好了吗?)准备好了。Ready.I'm ready.I'm all set.还没准备好呢。I'm not ready.Ready. (准备好了。)我们什么时候出发?What time shall we leave? *leave“离开”、“走开”。What time shall we leave? (我们什么时候出发。)In about ten minutes. (大约10分钟以后。)What time do you want to leave? (你想几点走?)What time do we leave? (几点出门?)What time are we taking off? (我们几点走?)*比较随便的说法。我们几点能到?What time do we arrive?When do we get there?那,我们走吧。Let's get going. *这是常用的句子,最好能记住。Let's get going. (那我们走吧。)I'll be ready in five minutes. (我5分钟就好。)Let's go.Let's take off.Shall we go? (我们可以走了吗?)Okay, let's go. (好了,走吧。)Let's hit the road! *直译是“开路”,是常用的句子,最好能记住。●看电影你想去看电影吗?Would you like to go to a movie? *Would you like to...? 表示“你想……吗?”、“要不要……?”的意思,是比较有礼貌地表示邀请和提议的句型。 Would you like to go to a movie? (你想去看电影吗?)Sure, I'd love to. (当然,我很想去。)What do you say to going to a movie? *这句和上句的意思一样,但是这种说法比较随便。今天晚上放什么电影?What's on tonight? *on用来表示“电影、戏剧的上演和活动的举行”。What's playing tonight?What are you showing tonight?你想看什么电影?What movie do you want to see?我想看《××》I want to see...哪儿演《××》?Where is... playing?《××》演到什么时候?How long is... playing?How long will... play?这部电影是谁演的?Who is in this movie?演多长时间?How long does it last? *last“持续,继续”。How long will it last?How long is it?下一场几点开演?What time is the next showing?When is the next showing?几点演完?What time will it be over?What time will it end?我买两张成人票。Two, please.Two tickets, please.Two adults, please.前边的人挡着,我看不见。I can't see because of the person in front of me.That person is blocking my view.That person is in my way.我们怎么坐得这么靠后呀?We are way in the back, aren't we?我们坐到前面的座位上吧。Let's sit closer up front.真太有意思了,是不是?That was interesting, wasn't it?That was interesting, wasn't it? (真太有意思了,是不是?)It sure was. (确实。)这电影真没劲。That was boring, wasn't it?That was dull, wasn't it?太让人感动了。I was moved. *move“使……感动”。How was the ballet? (芭蕾舞怎么样?)I was moved. (太让人感动了。)It touched me.It was a touching movie. (这是一部感人的电影。)●去听音乐会我买两张10月3号的票。I'd like two tickets for October 3rd, please.对不起,卖完了。Sorry, we're sold out.Do you have any tickets for the concert? (还有那场音乐会的票吗?)Sorry, we're sold out. (对不起,卖完了。)有什么时候的票?When do you have tickets?Which date do you have tickets for?几点开始?What time does it start?What time does it begin?可以预订吗?Can I make a reservation?在哪儿买票?Where can I buy a ticket?△Where can I buy a ticket? (在哪儿买票?)▲At that counter. (在那个柜台。)这位子有人吗?Is this seat taken?A)△Is this seat taken? (这位子有人吗?)B)▲No, it's not. (不,没人。) * 这句直译是:A:这个位子被占了吗?B:没有被占。Is anyone sitting here? (这儿有人吗?)Can I sit here? (我可以坐这儿吗?)Do you mind if I sit here? (您介意我坐在这儿吗?)Is this seat free?我们这个位子真棒。We have great seats, don't we?再来一个!Encore!Bravo, bravo!××加油!Go for it,...!Yeah...!Go...!●打高尔夫球我想打高尔夫球。I'd like to play golf.I'd like to play golf. (我想打高尔夫球。)Who would you like to play with? (和谁打呀?)明天打高尔夫球,好吗?Would you like to golf tomorrow?Would you like to golf tomorrow? (明天打高尔夫球,好吗?)I'd like to. (我挺想去的。)How would you like to play golf tomorrow?Do you want to play golf tomorrow?Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?愿意和我一起打高尔夫球吗?Do you want to join me?Would you like to play golf with me?这附近有高尔夫球场地吗?Are there any golf courses around here?1个人多少钱?How much is it per person?1天多少钱?How much is it per day?此外还有其它的花费吗?Are there any extra charges?Is there any extra charge?我可以租用用具吗?Can I rent the equipment? *equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。请帮我预约高尔夫球。(请别人预约时)Please make a reservation for golf.Would you make a reservation for golf? (能帮我预约高尔夫球吗?)我想预约高尔夫球。(由自己提出请求时)I'd like to make golf reservations.要什么时间的?When would you like to play?When do you want to play?如果可以的话,请订这个星期五的。This Friday, if possible.我们一共4个人。There are four of us.Four.我们几点开始?What time are we starting?●相识的人一起去喝酒去喝一杯怎么样?How about a drink?How about a drink? (去喝一杯怎么样?)That's a great idea. (好主意。)我想去喝一杯。I need a drink.下班以后去喝一杯怎么样?Would you like to have a drink after work?Would you like to have a drink after work? (下班以后去喝一杯怎么样?)I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. (很遗憾,恐怕我今天晚上很忙。)有啤酒吗?Do you have any beer?Do you have any beer? (有啤酒吗?)Sure. What kind do you want? (当然,要哪种的?)请来两瓶啤酒。Two bottles of beer, please.Two beers, please.请来杯掺水的威士忌。One whiskey with water, please.要什么下酒菜呢?What kind of snacks should we have?What kind of snacks should we have? (要什么下酒菜呢?)I'll leave it up to you. (你看着办吧。)让我们忘了工作,痛快一会儿吧。Let's forget about work and have some fun.Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.Let's take our minds off of work. (让我们忘掉工作吧。)干杯!Cheers!Bottoms up!喝什么呢?What are you drinking?我喜欢换酒馆喝。I like to go barhopping. *hop“一蹦一蹦(地)”,在这个句子里是从一个酒馆到另一个酒馆的意思。第一口最舒坦了。The first sip is the best! *喝第一口啤酒时常说的话。The first taste is the greatest!The first gulp is the best! *gulp是“吞饮,一口气喝下去”。sip 是“啜饮,一口一口地抿着喝”。这个最好!Nothing beats this! *beat“战胜”的意思,直译是“什么都不能战胜这个”,即“这个最好。”再来一杯,怎么样?Would you like a refill? *refill“再加满”。Would you like more?How about a refill?Would you like one more?Would you like another cup?再来一瓶啤酒!Another beer, please.One more beer, please.这种威士忌挺冲。This whiskey is strong.日本酒怎么样?How do you like sake?酒劲大。It's strong.我喝醉了。I'm drunk.I'm drunk. (我喝醉了。)Let me drive you home. (我开车送你回家吧。)我觉得有点儿醉了。I feel a little tipsy. *tipsy“微醉的”、“踉踉跄跄的”。I'm slightly drunk.酩酊大醉。I'm loaded. *loaded“喝醉了”的状态。I'm wasted.喝酒要适可而止。Drink moderately.Don't overdo it.Please don't drink too much.我的酒量小。I get drunk easily. *drunk“喝醉”,“酒后驾车”是drunk driving。I get drunk quickly.I'm a heavy drinker. (我的酒量大。)我喝得太多了。I drank too much.I had too much to drink.我不该喝这么多的。I should have drunk less.I shouldn't have drunk this much.头天的酒还没醒。I have a hangover. *hangover“宿醉”。●唱卡拉OK我们去唱卡拉OK吧。Let's go to karaoke. *虽然卡拉OK在美国的大城市比较受欢迎,但是并不普遍。美国人称卡拉OK为“Carry O.K.”。Let's go to karaoke! (我们去唱卡拉OK吧。)Sorry, I'm tone-deaf. (对不起,我五音不全。)什么是卡拉OK?What is karaoke?就是合着录音带的音乐一起唱歌。Singing along with recorded music.你唱歌拿手吗?Are you good at singing?我想点首歌。I'd like to request a song.你先唱。You sing first.Go ahead.After you.大家高兴地玩吧! 引用长沙威尼英语口语学校

No pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。 A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改,本性难移。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A faithful friend is hard to find.知音难觅。A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。A good conscience is a soft pillow.不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。 A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。 All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席 。.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马 All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。 All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,不用请医生。 A new broom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 Beauty lies in the love's eyes.情人眼里出西施。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。 It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 It takes three generations to make a gentleman.十年树木,百年树人。 Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。Love at first sight.一见钟情。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。You cannot eat your cake and have it.鱼与熊掌,不可得兼。常用英语:How are you? I am fine。Thank you。(你好吗?我很好,谢谢你)What is your name?My name is----。(你叫什么名字,我叫----) Nice to meet you。(见到你真高兴) Good morning!(早上好) Good afternoon(下午好 Good night(晚上好) May I help you?(需要我帮忙吗?) Can you help me?(你能帮组我吗?)我不知道这些是否是你所需要的,如果不是,请多给点提示,比如你具体要哪些谚语和具体的日常用语

1.He's contribution to the country will never be forgotten by the people。2.I'd like to see the staff who made the suggestion. 3.I can't tell you the exact time she arrive in guilin. 4.His having sold the house made his wife very unhappy. 5.I believe whatever you cook, I like to eat . 6.The ship is loading will set off tomorrow.


剑桥少儿英语吧市面上最主流的英语教材很多培训学校用的都是它《剑桥少儿英语》系列课程学习内容 课程名称 学习内容 剑桥预备级 1.掌握26个字母的听说读写 2.认读300-400个单词(课文话题围绕学生日常生活)。 3.学习近50首歌曲、童谣。剑桥一级 1.掌握400个左右四会单词, 700个左右阅读词汇。 2.掌握一般现在时、现在进行时、情态动词等简单语法现象。 3.课文话题包括颜色、动物、食物、交通工具等。剑桥二级 1.800个左右四会单词,1300个左右阅读词汇。 2.掌握将来时、代词、比较级、最高级、介词、时间状语等语法现象。 3.教材内容包括日常行为、星期、食物、喜好等。剑桥三级 1.掌握1300个左右四会单词,1700个左右阅读词汇。 2.语法方面掌握条件状语从句、时间状语从句、定语从句、过去进行时等。 3.能够谈论天气、疾病、感觉、条件、购物等话题。

1.He won't be forgetten forever because of the contribution that he made for country.2.I want to meet with the emploee who came up with the valuable proposal.3.I cannot tell you about the right time that she comes to GuiLin.4.He sold house,which makes his wife very upset.5.I believe that I like it whatever you cook. 6.The ship loading will be away the habor.

1.Contribution he has made to the country will never be forgotten.2. I want to see this valuable suggestions. 3.I can't tell you her exact time in Guilin.4. He sold the house, which annoyed his wife. 5.I believe you do what I like to eat rice.6. Is loading of the ship from the port tomorrow.要是翻译英语的话,可以在百度搜索在线翻译英语,你把汉字打上去,然后按百度翻译就Ok啦!希望把我的回答选为满意答案^_^

Devin(德温)是优秀、完美的意思 O(∩_∩)O







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