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介绍法学Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main parts.英语作文Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the content.It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory system.Law is about the science of law.The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social justice.As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.[1]Legal thoughts first legalist philosophy originated from the spring and autumn period and the warring states period.The word law in China, the pre-qin period is referred to as "" study of forms, from the han dynasty began to have the name of the" law ".In the west, the ancient Roman jurists ulpian (Ulpianus) to "the law" (the ancient Latin words of Jurisprudentia) is defined as: and the god of the transaction, the concept of justice and injustice of learning.

Good morning!My name is XX. It is my great honor to be here for this interview. I graduated from xx University. The deeper knowledge I have mined during undergraduate studies, the more interested I am in Finance.


During my sophomore year and junior year in college, I had passed the tests of xx and xx and got the qualifications separately. For a more targeted learning, I choose your honorable school to further my professional knowledge.


I had organized many activities, for example: xx and xx when I was an undergraduate student. During these activities, I was mainly responsible for logistics and budget because I am prudent. I am also good at logical thinking and have a solid foundation of math, so I choose to start the second degree of them. In my spare time, I also read some articles about Accounting and Finance.They’re all very useful and helpful for my study.


If I am enrolled, I will spare no efforts to acquire knowledge and improve myself; if not, which means I have more reasons to strengthen myself.


That is my self-introduction, and thanks for your time again!



Marine engineering technology professional student mainly studies the ship repair and manufacturing technical aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge, accept the modern Marine repair and manufacturing, the basic skill training with ship repair and manufacturing research, design, development, equipment integrated operation management and production organization with the basic skills. This program is to cultivate morality, intelligence and physique, us all-round development, grasps the ship repair and manufacturing the basic theory, knowledge and application ability, with high foreign language level and computer application ability, can ship repair and manufacture in field of design, manufacture, development, application research and equipment integrated operation management, and can adapt to the electromechanical integration development multifunctional composite advanced engineering and technical personnel. Students after graduation, qualified for the various enterprises, shipping (abs, shipbuilding, repairing and other units engaged in technical management work.Students ability structure1, has a solid ship repair and manufacturing discipline theoretical basis and system of professional knowledge, can be a good command of a foreign language, the foreign language level of provincial level or above measure 3 stockings.2, can systematically master this professional field technical theory and basic knowledge, include mechanical drawing, electrical and electronic technology, computer application foundation.3, systematically master professional knowledge and technology, mainly including hull drawings, engineering materials and processing technology, ship principle, hull repaired process, Marine power plant, ship equipment and systems.4, bore ship repair and modern manufacturing technology research direction and development trend. Have certain computer application ability.5, has the strong ability of self-study, innovative consciousness and comprehensive qualities.


Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the content.It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory system.Law is about the science of law.


The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social justice.As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and justice.



一 商务英语简介

BEC(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE),也就是剑桥商务英语资格考试,是剑桥考试系统为商务英语学习者提供的国际资格考试。BEC主要考察考生在真实的工作环境中用英语交流的能力,全世界众多教育机构和企业都认可BEC的成绩有效性。中国教育部考试中心于1993年将BEC剑桥商务英语考试引进中国,历经多年实践和推广,使得BEC在中国极具知名度,大部分外资企业及合资企业都非常看重BEC的考试成绩。


二 报考条件


三 考试内容




四 就业前景










随着全球经济一体化趋势日益加快,国际商务活动日益频繁。这些商务活动的许多领域,如技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资等,所使用的英语统称为 商务英语 。下面是我带来的关于商务英语 毕业 论文摘要的内容,欢迎阅读参考!  商务英语毕业论文摘要(一)   商务英语特点浅析   [摘 要]商务英语是外贸人员同世界各地开展进出口贸易时用于洽谈交易、联系业务的一种应用语言。由于英汉两种截然不同语言的差异及其特定的社会功能和题材内容决定了商务英语自身与众不同的写作特点。本文拟从跨 文化 交际学的角度对商务英语的特点作一番探析,从而事倍功半地达到成功交际的目的。   [关键词]商务英语 跨文化交际 合作原则 礼貌原则 关联原则   商务英语毕业论文摘要(二)   商务英语翻译浅析   [摘要]商务英语翻译在国际贸易中起着越来越重要的作用。本文从商务英语的内涵、特点、翻译策略等方面,对商务英语的翻译进行了浅要的分析。   [关键词]商务英语翻译策略   商务英语毕业论文摘要(三)   浅谈英语商务 谈判技巧   [摘要] 随着经济全球化的发展。中国的国际贸易也越来越发达。要想和外国人做好每一笔生意,你必须了解世界各国的文化。国际贸易中跨国的商务谈判在所难免,所以你也必须懂得把全界各国商人的谈判风格研究从文化的角度来探讨国际商务谈判,分析国际商务谈判过程、世界各国商人的谈判风格,增强中国商人在国际贸易中的竞争力。   [关键词] 语言技巧谈判风格谈判技巧   以下是我带来的关于商务英语的论文,希望能帮到您!   浅谈商务英语教学   摘 要:随着中国在世界经济中的日益活跃,大学中的商务英语需求也随之增多,这是因为商务英语专业培养的是有着扎实的英语基础同时具备外贸专业知识的复合型人才;同时,教师如何讲好这门课也日益受到关注。所以,本文就以商务英语教学为话题进行浅谈,企在与同行有所交流并最终相互促进与提高,使学生和教师双赢。   关键词:大学;商务英语;教学   随着中国在国际经济活动中的日益活跃以及自身发展的迫切需要,商务英语专业也日益成为了大学热门专业之一。商务英语专业培养的是有着扎实的英语基础同时又具备外贸专业知识的复合型人才,因此,对于商务英语的教学既要考虑到英语知识的授予,又要注重英语能力的提高。如同一般英语一样,阅读也是商务英语语言运用中的一项重要活动,通过阅读既可以让学生掌握相关阅读技巧,从而提高阅读速度和语言能力;同时又可以培养学生接触商务知识和熟悉商务运作流程的实用能力。所以,本文就以商务英语中教学方面进行浅谈,企在与同行有所交流和相互促进与提高。   一般来说,商务英语教学应该涵盖语言学习和商务知识两方面内容,是集语言理论、商务理论及商务实践于一体的综合性教学。所以,教师的教学要结合所用教材,灵活运用 教学 方法 ,并且在教学活动中要注意活跃课堂气氛,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围里进行知识的学习,最重要的是提高学生实际应用语言并进行交流的能力。对于该课程的教学,笔者根据多年的相关教学 经验 , 总结 出了如下的教学建议:   第一,基本词汇是商务英语的基础,以此为基础,扩充词汇的学习,这是进行相关商务 英语阅读 的基础。可以通过将生词与已知词汇进行相关联系来实现对生词的记忆和掌握,当然,将生词放在阅读 文章 中进行学习也是一个很好的方法,或者将二者联系起来回更好。下面举例说明。   confirm一词在普通英语中作动词时的意思是“确认,证实”,如:   ● His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. (他内疚的表情证实了我的猜疑。)   而在商务英语中,confirm应该译为“保兑信用证”,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。如下句:   ● Payment will be made by 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit available by sight draft。(付款方式为100% 即期,保兑,不可撤消信用证。)   那么,教师再阅读短文中就可以先将需要讲解的词汇标出,让学生说出在一般英语中的其意义;然后,在进行商务英语中所表示出的意义的讲解;最后,让学生思考并练习这些“商务意义”,注意一定要在句中,然后是整篇文章中进行理解和熟悉。   第二,具备一定商务英语词汇后就要以篇章为单位来进行训练,目的是进一步巩固所学新意(商务英语中该词汇的意义)。此阶段,最好选取一些有实用价值的英语阅读材料,在真实的商务场景中进行语言知识和商务知识的双方面习得。如:阅读文章中摘出的两句话:   ● You may get a 5% discount if your order is on a regular basis.   ● If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance. The seller can request that the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft. The bank is said to discount the draft.   通过加深巩固练习,学生可以跟深刻地理解discount一词。   下一步,以对话或是篇章进行知识的延伸。如下面关于产品介绍的对话:   ● A: These are our new models.   B: What are their strong points?   A: There's a lot to be said for them. In the first place, they are more durable than any similar ones on the market.   B: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others?   A: The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven very tightly in this fabric.   B: Can you leave these samples with us?   A: How long do you want to keep them?   B: About three days.   ● A: That's all right   此时,引导学生进行整体把握,即:“为什么在这种语境会这么说?”为下一步中西方差异做铺垫。并且可以考虑在这个阶段的学习后增加一些课堂对话练习的活动,激发学生使用的欲望,增添真实的语境。   第三,在商务英语的教学中一定要注重商务礼节的介绍,并且还要特别之处中西方商务礼节或习惯方面的差异,以免在今后的实际运用中造成跨文化差异而带来的不必要的困扰。如:在中国,对于对方的赞美或是夸奖,为了表现出礼貌,通常受赞美或是夸奖的一方一定会说“哪里哪里”等拒绝性的答复;但是,西方人一般会去高兴地接受,往往是Thank you. / Thank you very much. 等,因为他们认为拒绝是极为不礼貌的。又如,在商务谈判时,中国人喜欢委婉而谦和地表达自己的观点;而西方人一般会开门见山,直奔主题。因此,在平时的教学中必须指出诸如此类的文化差异,一方面解答而来学生对于一些商务英语文章背景的不理解问题,另一方面也提高了学生的学习兴趣和求知的欲望,充满了好奇感和探究感。   总之,在课堂教学中一定要同时兼顾英语的基础知识而后专业知识的储备,以及英语技能和相关商务知识的积累这两方面的内容。但是,这些不是孤立的,而是相互关联和相互渗透的,可以说,一环扣一环,环环相关,某一个方面出现问题,就会影响 其它 方面的学习和提高。因此,我们在日常的教学中应该多角度、多方面进行指导,同时,也要求我们教师也要多学习、多更新自己的知识,这样才能满足学生的需求和自身的提高。   参考文献   [1] 蔡芸。培养复合型人才的有效方式--商务英语专业课程评价[J]。外语与外语教学,2001(4)。   [2] 陈建平。案例教学法与商务英语教学[J]。宁波大学学报( 教育 科学版), 2004(5)。   [3] 刘江凤。论本科院校商务英语专业学生职业技能的培养[J]。考试周刊,2011(5)。   [4] 莫再树,张小勇,张云。基于语言经济学的商务英语教育研究[A].。湖南大学学报(社会科学版),2006(4)。   [5] 叶兴国。新形势下的商务英语教学与研究[C]。上海:上海外语教育出版社。2008年10月。 猜你喜欢:1. 商务英语专业毕业论文范文 2. 商务英语毕业论文范本 3. 关于商务英语毕业论文范文 4. 商务英语专业论文范文 5. 商务英语相关毕业论文范文



英语专业的学生主要学习英语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等方面基本理论和基本知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的技巧训练,掌握一定的科研方法,具有从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平及较好的素质和较强能力。英语 (English)是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。






主要课程:基础英语、高级英语、报刊选读、视听、口语、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、语言理论、 语言学概论、主要英语国家文学史及文学作品选读、主要英语国家国情。


甘肃政法大学:我觉得就是要好好上课吧, 主动的找些相关的杂志看看 象英语学习呀 还有就是一定要去英语角 尽量每次都去早上要养成好的朗读的习惯(最好看着镜子读 让自己看起来自信些 表情好点) 英语做为一门工具 我觉得你会读能听是远远不够的 对翻译赶兴趣的话 可以试着翻点小东西 象我们日常的用语 你自己看看怎么翻好 还有就是不管你是不是同意英语是一门工具的看法 我觉得你最好在大一学点别的专业的东西 你在高中时应该有喜欢的科目 可以的话 不要丢了数学 大部分学校英语专业都不开数学 我觉得很可惜 所以趁现在没把数学忘记 就看点数学 有利于自己的思维。

大庆石油学院:选择专业首先爱好很关键,如果你真的喜欢 这个专业,决定一辈子都去从事它,那么选择无可厚非,如果你只是希望它作为一个跳板,那么这个选择并不明智!英语和计算机已经成为两个基本的生存工具,只是工具,并不是敲门砖,你在主钻一门专业的同时,掌握这个工具就很好了,就很有优势!更何况,你想去选择英语专业,说明你在学习语言方面很有天赋,只要努力就好了,不一定去专业系统的学习,这个专业其实很枯燥。



大学英语系专业包含5个细分专业,分别为英语专业、商务英语专业、旅游英语专业、英语教育专业、应用英语专业。1、英语专业:培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学文化知识,能在外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。2、商务英语:培养具有较强的运用英语进行商务贸易、商务谈判和企业管理的综合能力,适应现代各类经贸活动要求的高级技术应用性专门人才。3、旅游英语:具有从事涉外导游、涉外酒店服务与管理、英语文秘等工作的基本能力应用型人才。4、英语教育:培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和比较广泛的科学文化知识,能在外 事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的英语高级专门人才。5、应用英语:培养了解英美政治、经济、历史、文化、文学等方面的基础知识,能在外事、经贸、新闻出版、文化教育、旅游等部门,从事经营管理和接待服务的高级技术应用性专门人才。










莫非是Artistic design for environment

My major is finance,and logic is my favorite subject which I think will be a big help to my work.In addition,I have learnt economic of money and banking(货币和银行经济学,是这个吗?),International finance,International settlement,company finance and many other specialized course.I think I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. Then I'll find more things to learn I'm sure,and I'll be stronger.My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.I'm really interest in this job,and I'll try my best to do it well.

食品科学与工程专业的英文:Food Science and Engineering。




食品类企业:食品工程设计、产品开发、食品加工、质量检测、品质控制、技术监督、食品营养研究; 政府、事业类单位:食品检测、技术监督、执法管理。





翻译示例:Automation is divided into two parts: software and hardware.

正文:Automation is divided into two parts: software and hardware.


Software refers to programming with software on computer.


Hardware refers to circuit connection, making small machinery, and finally, by combining  software and hardware, the machine can be operated according to the original plan,


such as making a small red street lamp, or small elevator model。


Automation this major is divided into two parts, the software and hardware in the computer software means with software programming, hardware means circuit is connected, making a small mechanical, finally, to make by hardware and software combination machine according to the planned operation purpose, such as producing a small red lamps, or small elevator model and so on.





My name is Steven Cheung

I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The course has provided me the formal training necessary to be a nurse. Besides, I possess ten years of extensive experience ranging from Nursing Assistant to Nursing Supervisor at XYZ Hospital. My responsibilities include patient assessment and staff development, as well as the coordination of other health care services such as dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.

I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable asset to your hospital. I would be pleased to attend an interview.


My name is juanjuan Xu , and I will graduate from Xi’an FanYi University in the year 2003, My major is secretary in English department.

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three –year college study, I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge, and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.

Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade, and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation, and now I’m familiar with Office 2000. It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge, and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.

As a college graduate, I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.


Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an oppertunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something do with the job.

What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the success.

I hope you will give them a wonderfull speech .Good luck to you !


I am ** . I was born in ** . I graduate from ** senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


Good morning , ladies and gentlemen

It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. I’m a graduate student from MAOMING UNIVERSITY . My name is ** ,* years old. , born in MAOMING. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June.

In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 2003, excel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.

Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well.

As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology. I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years. Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits. It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship. My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person. Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.

One month as cadet teacher in the March of 2008, not only did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant. Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.

Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member. I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.

Thank you for your attention!


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