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英语辅导报上海七年级2013-2014学年上半学期第二期f面答案:26 clinic 27 guard 28 blanket 29 society30-45 BCAADCDDBCDAACB46-51 FCABGE52 puppies 53 lovely 54 safely 55 unkind 56 missing57 didn't leave 58 What do 59 care of 60 Which girl 61 Don't tell英语辅导报上海七年级2013-2014学年上半学期第二期G面答案:62-67 AACBCB 68-73 BDABCC 74 jioned 75 himself 76 heared 77 walk 78 back 79 pay 80 out81 His own sense of humour. 82 Funny films. 83 Yes,he did. 84 His pain went away.85 We call on the "doctor" in head and well.作文范文:Most people think that dogs are man's best friend, do you know why? Because the dog is our most loyal friends, they all stay with us, we will do the instructions it will not be opposed, they also were very good. So it is our best friend.意思:大多数人都认为狗是人类最好的朋友,你知道为什么吗?因为狗是我们最忠实的朋友,它们整天和我们呆在一起,我们的指令它都会去做,绝不会反对,它们也对人非常的有好。所以它就是我们最好的朋友。

那个题少哪个好- -

英语辅导报吧 ,普及版全程跟踪测试卷.


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英语辅导报吧 ,普及版全程跟踪测试卷.


新世纪: 第一大题:ABDABBBCBAADDDCBDBAC 第二大题:1.unhealthy 2.to drink 3.chicken 4.Western 第三大题:1.Are,any 2.How many 3.care for 4.can,or 5.How much,9, 心灵蜕变 举报 是Module 2 阶段复习(二)的答案 举报 keer260 Part2: 第一大题:BABCDBADCBBBABCADDBD 第二大题:1.first 2.swimming 3.younger 4.factories 5.fishing 第三大题:(only阅读) A: TFFFT B: CCBBB C:1.He delivers newspapers. 2.About 80. 3.Two. 4.At 4:30. 5.Because he wants to buy a new bicycle. D:ABCBAB E:1.older 2.living 3.night 4.reading 5.better 6.with 7.country 8.do 心灵蜕变 举报 上海版的 是啊,




英语辅导报上海七年级2013-2014学年上半学期第二期f面答案:26 clinic 27 guard 28 blanket 29 society30-45 BCAADCDDBCDAACB46-51 FCABGE52 puppies 53 lovely 54 safely 55 unkind 56 missing57 didn't leave 58 What do 59 care of 60 Which girl 61 Don't tell英语辅导报上海七年级2013-2014学年上半学期第二期G面答案:62-67 AACBCB 68-73 BDABCC 74 jioned 75 himself 76 heared 77 walk 78 back 79 pay 80 out81 His own sense of humour. 82 Funny films. 83 Yes,he did. 84 His pain went away.85 We call on the "doctor" in head and well.作文范文:Most people think that dogs are man's best friend, do you know why? Because the dog is our most loyal friends, they all stay with us, we will do the instructions it will not be opposed, they also were very good. So it is our best friend.意思:大多数人都认为狗是人类最好的朋友,你知道为什么吗?因为狗是我们最忠实的朋友,它们整天和我们呆在一起,我们的指令它都会去做,绝不会反对,它们也对人非常的有好。所以它就是我们最好的朋友。





he answered my question without is good of you to remind me of the attention to what the teacher says in lack of exercise makes him less healthy than are allowed to enter this art gallery during working days. 希望对你有帮助!

哇 这推荐答案 真全面





高一课标英语周报第11期2016-2017Book 1 Unit 5 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 CBACC 6-10 BACAC 11-15 ABACA 16-20 BCBCA 21-25 ACBCD 26-30 CAABB31-35 CCDAC 36-40 EDCAG 41-45ACDAB46-50 ACBDC 51-55 DBACD56-60 BDCBA61. scientists62. interested63. the 64. up 65. where 66. was known67. studying 68. slowly 69. more surprising 70. to help短文改错:71. ... of my classmate ... classmate→ classmates72. ... cool to swim. swim后加in73. It shone beautiful ...


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