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When early man invented clothes, he probably wanted to keep warm. I am sure he never intended that it should become as elaborate as it has become today. For many a year,traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in competition as to which of them make the wearer more beautiful. But it does seem that a lot of modern clothes are simpler and more practical. Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practical purposes. Modern clothes are definitely more practical as against traditional clothes. Almost all people now wear modern clothes. Nowadays even more and more people wear casual clothes. Jeans are everywhere except at formal parties.T-shirts are common, too. They look comfortable and fashionable. However, there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well in formal clothes like shirts, trousers and suits. I find them smart, too. But then, it is important to hold on to our topic. In my opinion, each type of dress has its place. Modern clothes are ideal for most situations, while casual clothes are worn more freely. As to traditional clothes, they must be worn for special occasions.

过程比结果更重要英语作文【process is more important than a result】Which Is More Important,Result or Process? There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something.Hower,sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur.Which is more important,result or process? In my opinion,process is more important than a result.A process means that we have devoted our energy and time or even money to the work,we don't feel sorry for ourselves though a result is not gained.We can control our work,our time or even our money,which makes up the process,but we can't control the result.As we all know,a result depends on many factors,like chance,occasion,and even luck. But process is a ture precious treasure.大意:过程和结果哪个更重要?毫无疑问的是每个人都希望好结果.我认为过程更重要,付出过努力就不会后悔.我们能做的是尽人事,听天命,但过程是真正宝贵的财富.希望能帮到你,请采纳,多谢!

process and resultSome people think that the process of doing something is more important than the result to come. Others consider they are favorable to the converse view. In my opinion, it all depends on the case. Under the most of cases, the process and the result are equaled important. Whether you are for the process or against the process just depends on your world outlook and/or experiences. There is something wherein the process is more important than the result. Taking living for an example, learning to live is more meaningful than learning to die. Significance to live is in experience. In other words, in order to experience we are living if our life is happier or sadder. No person is living for the dying to come. Similarly, we have been watching football game just for us to enjoy the shooting gate one by one to come. As for which team will win the game, it is not important to the fans at all although the teams are concerning the result, especially to coach. The essence to life is in experience. It is sure there is another thing in which we hope a good result is coming. In this case, we regard the result as the most important, but the process is insignificant. For example, you have got to catch cold; you ought to see your doctor. At this time, you hope you recuperate health state as quickly as what you hope after taking your medicine. You dislike the formidable process to recover although you could feel what meaning for one day seems like a year. As a matter of fact, we often wait for good results to come. Such as, you have found a good work to do; the salary is going up; a discovery has been discovered. And therefore, you will be so happy that you light up with pleasure. We are eager for good results to come. However, generally speaking, most of things have property that both the process and the result are important to us. We need not only the beautiful process but the exciting result. Learning is a good example here. For learning, the process make us sure we are wise man, we can fight against nature, and we know what we are. At the same time, we enjoy and use the results what we have found and what we have discovered. So do the working. For working, we have not only experienced happy day but taken pleasure in achievements what we created. How interesting the process is; and how exciting the result is. Indeed, the process makes us sure we are to be, whereas the result makes us believe we are great. Unfortunately, there is something wherein neither the process nor the result is meaningful. For example, we know that man will be to die. Is how to die important than the having died? It is meaningless. Sometimes, we hope we live forever; sometimes, we think we should be to die. Maybe, this is a dilemma to man forever. Fighting is also so. Fighting is terrible to everyone, but there are some people sometimes who enkindle the fight and sometimes who end the fight. I don’t know why. But I know the process and the result of war is not important to me. Maybe it is not just to me, but to 99 percent of people, since we needn’t any war at all in this world. Do something useful to people and nature. Actually, the process and the result are interaction and interdependency, with no contradiction and opposition, but an organic whole. No process means nothing results at all; and no result don’t imply new process to begin with. Indeed, result is in the process whereas process is the beginning of result. From the process through the result to the new process, this is basic rule for people to do something. In view of history, we are running around the circle constituted by processes and results, no both beginning point and ending point. Locally, when we partition something into some stages, we get the process and the result. Once you change your view to thing, you will understand the process and the result is impossible to apart from each other. Keep in mind that the process only belongs to you, but the result is in the others. This is essential characteristic to everything. We need to experience life but not becoming experientialism just as we enjoy the result with no utilitarianism. Good beginning is half of success; ideal process is precondition of perfect result; and good result can adjust and control effectively the dynamic process. If you attach importance to the process, the perfect result which is around the corner will be smiling to you. 这还不加分,o(∩_∩)o 哈哈



音标:英 [rɪˈzʌlt]美 [rɪˈzʌlt]

result英 [rɪˈzʌlt]美 [rɪˈzʌlt]


result 基本解释

名词:结果; (尤指足球比赛的)胜利; [体]比分; 成功实现的事

不及物动词:发生,产生; 归结为,导致; 后果,终结; 由…而造成[产生]

result 同义词

名词consequence   conclusion  outcome  upshot  effect  fruit  event  end

result 反义词


result 相关词组

1. with the result that : 其结果是...;

2. without result : adv. 毫无结果;

3. in result : 结果;

4. result from : 由...产生;

5. as a result of : 作为结果;

result 相关例句


1. Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。

2. His failure resulted largely from his laziness.他的失败主要是懒惰所致。

3. The accident resulted in ten deaths.这次事故造成十人死亡。


1. The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.比赛结果芝加哥队以二比一获胜。

2. The attempt was made without result.那尝试白费心机。

as a result

表示结果的英语短语有:at last、turn out to be、lead to、result from、owing to、for the sake of、as a result、result in。

at last:最后;终于。turn out to be:结果是;原来是。lead to:导致;通向。result from:由于。owing to:因为,由于。for the sake of:为了……起见。as a result:因此;结果是;作为结果。result in:导致;引起;结果是;理解。


1、At last we came in sight of a few houses.


2、Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her.


3、He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job.


4、The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.


I need is the result, not process我需要的是结果,不是过程


结果result 后果consequence,outcome两者均可表示


英 [rɪ'zʌlt];美 [rɪ'zʌlt]

n. 结果;成果;答案;成绩;(足球比赛)赢;v. 产生;致使







英 [kɔːz];美 [kɔːz]

vt. 引起;使发生;n. 原因;理由;事业




turn out to be 结果是,证明是result in=lead to 导致result from 。。。的结果owing tofor the sake ofas a result

* a result; an outcome; an effect* in the event; so that; so ... that* as a result of* in consequence* turn out to be* result in/from*


effect 英[ɪˈfekt]美[ɪˈfɛkt]n. 效果; 影响; 印象; 所有物;vt. 使发生; 引起; 产生; (效果)[网络] 有效; 作用; 特效;[例句]Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescent's behavior.父母担心音乐对青春期孩子的行为所产生的影响。[其他] 第三人称单数:effects 复数:effects 现在分词:effecting 过去式:effected 过去分词:effected 形近词: affect refect defect






效果的相关 短语 :

效果律 Loi de l'effet ; Law of effect ; the law of effect ; law of effect

间离效果 Distancing effect ; Effet de distanciation ; distancing effect ; defamiliarization

特技效果 special effects ; trick ; effect chase ;

治疗效果 Treatment outcome ; therapeutic effect ; Treatment effect ; therapeutic efficacy

教学效果 teaching effect ; teaching effectiveness ; the selection of teaching materials ; teaching results

镜头效果  Lens Effects

浮雕 效果 Emboss ; Bas Relief ; case WordArtEffectStyle.embossment


1. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?


2. Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.


3. Adjust the aerial's position and direction for the best reception.


4. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.

如果你对 修理 效果不满意,可以再找他们投诉。

5. Light colours provide an effective backdrop for pictures or a mirror.


6. In his mind's eye, he can imagine the effect he's having.


7. The road safety programme is having a demonstrable effect on road users.


8. A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven.


9. He said her policies didn't work and the excuses didn't wash.


10. Antibiotics were of no use, neither were other pharmaceuticals.


11. He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.


12. The calming effect seemed to last for about ten minutes.


13. The system is failing most disastrously among less academic children.


14. Liz meant it as a joke but it fell flat.


15. The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.


Effective, efficient and effective

Effective, Efficient, Profitable.我猜这是一个企业的口号。所以用了这三个词,分别是有效果,高效率,求利润。也符合你上面的有效果,有效率,有效益.


“结果”英文result读法:英 [rɪ'zʌlt]  美 [rɪ'zʌlt]


1、n. 结果;成绩;答案;比赛结果

2、vi. 结果;导致;产生

final result决赛成绩

supplemental result补充材料

check result检验结果

experimental result实验结果


1、I telegraphed him the result.


2、She was disheartened at the result.




读法:英 ['riːz(ə)n]  美 [ˈrizən]


1、n. 理由;理性;动机

2、vi. 推论;劝说

3、vt. 说服;推论;辩论

4、n. (Reason)人名;(英)里森


1、reason with劝说

2、with reason合理

3、Reason Code原因代码

4、universal reason普遍理性

短语比如as a result句型的话比如it finally turns out that...


音标:英 [rɪˈzʌlt]美 [rɪˈzʌlt]

result英 [rɪˈzʌlt]美 [rɪˈzʌlt]


result 基本解释

名词:结果; (尤指足球比赛的)胜利; [体]比分; 成功实现的事

不及物动词:发生,产生; 归结为,导致; 后果,终结; 由…而造成[产生]

result 同义词

名词consequence   conclusion  outcome  upshot  effect  fruit  event  end

result 反义词


result 相关词组

1. with the result that : 其结果是...;

2. without result : adv. 毫无结果;

3. in result : 结果;

4. result from : 由...产生;

5. as a result of : 作为结果;

result 相关例句


1. Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。

2. His failure resulted largely from his laziness.他的失败主要是懒惰所致。

3. The accident resulted in ten deaths.这次事故造成十人死亡。


1. The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.比赛结果芝加哥队以二比一获胜。

2. The attempt was made without result.那尝试白费心机。

1、effect  读音音标:英 [ɪ'fekt] 美 [ɪ'fekt]

2、consequence 读音音标:英 ['kɒnsɪkwəns] 美 ['kɑːnsəkwens]

3、results 读音音标:英 [rɪ'zʌlts] 美 [rɪ'zʌlts]

4、upshot 读音音标:英 ['ʌpʃɒt] 美 ['ʌpʃɑːt]

5、result 读音音标:英 [rɪ'zʌlt] 美 [rɪ'zʌlt]



n. 效应;结果;影响;印象;效果;要旨

v. 使产生;引起

What is certain is that every effect must have a cause.



n. 结果;后果;重要性;影响

Happiness is not a reward it is a consequence.



n. 结果

The king refuses to comment on the election results.



n. 结果;结局;要点

So the upshot is we're going for lunch on Friday.



n. 结果;成果;答案;成绩;(足球比赛)赢

v. 产生;致使

The presumable result is an election defeat.



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