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team work英 [ti:m wə:k] 美 [tim wɚk] 【词典】协同工作,工作小组例句:Have a good sense of responsibility and team work. 具有工作责任感和团队合作精神。

1、teamwork英[ˈtiːmwɜːk]美[ˈtiːmwɜːrk],n.团队合作; 配合; 协同工作。 2、[例句]Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。

您好! 以下资料供您参考,祝您开心每一天!-----------------------------------------------------------------team work

“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”. 在工作中,团队的力量不容忽视.也许你在某个领域是独当一面的专家,但,你是一名合格的团队成员吗? The Coastal Area Telephone Company lands a big con-tract and asks Julia to develop a team of professionals to install the equipment.As she prepares to pick her team,she looks over the names of available technology specialists and thinks carefully about the different talents,skills,and attitudes they display. Roberto is first on her list because he's a great team player.He knows when to talk and when to listen,and he's not afraid to come up with big ideas.Even better,when his ideas are shot down,he doesn't hold a grudge1).Add to that his abilities as a technician,and Julia knows she would pick Roberto every time. Next,she chooses Yolanda,who's a whiz at crunching2) numbers.She will keep the project under budget and her cheerfulness will make everybody happy,even when they don't like her budget figures.Yolanda's only problem is that she hides her good ideas in meetings because she's afraid of embarrassing herself. Sam and Henry are next on the list.They are the best in the business when it comes to laying lines and making the connections.They work well together,but they don't always work well with other people. Everyone Is a Team Member A team is a group with a clear goal that is agreed upon by all members or dictated by management.The team studies a problem,plans the responsibilities of each member,and works together to reach the goal.Each person knows what his or her job is and how all the jobs fit together to achieve the goal. Teamwork Works Studies show that teamwork is successful because it benefits both the employer and the employee.The team makes its own decisions about what should be done and how and when it will be done.It takes responsibility for good and bad decisions.In a team environment,leaders provide support and encouragement to the team but don't tell members what to do. Teamwork and Attitude Working as a team member is not natural to all people,especially for those who entered their careers when individual effort was rewarded.To be an effective team member,you need to develop a teamwork attitude.That means you must maintain good relationships with team members,be willing to give credit to others,and believe in the purpose for which the team was formed.You have to be able to trust others and act in a way that encourages them to trust you.In a team,reliance on others is essential. As a team member,you must be assertive enough to communicate your point of view,describe your ideas,and disagree when it's important. Teaming is a“we're in this together” attitude,one that allows each team member to appreciate the special talents,gifts,or skills that other members bring.When these talents are used productively in a group,each individual gets satisfaction from the result. Self-Motivation Don't expect a lot of checking up when you're part of a team.You're on your own; there's no supervisor to tell you what,why,or how to do something.The team leader will call meetings,facilitate the discussions,and support your activities; but you're expected to carry out your responsibilities in a way that helps them to carry out theirs.






现代社会总是在讲团队团队,那你知道它的英文是什么吗?以下是我给大家带来团队的英语说法,以供参阅。 团队的英语说法 1.team 2.group 团队的相关 短语 团队运动 team sport 虚拟团队virtual team 团队建设 team building ; Team construction ; Bulding my Community ; 领导团队 Team ; Leading Teams ; Leading Your Team ; Leadership Team 团队工作 Team work ; TeamWorking ; Team Effort ; work team 核心团队 core team ; Ecore Members ; Team ; Our Team 专业团队 Professional Team ; TEAM ; Expert Team ; News 团队生产 team production ; team work ; teamwork 团队主管 Team Leader ; Team Producer 团队的英语例句 1. As a player he was unselfish, a true team man. 作为一名选手,他毫无私念,真正把自己摆在团队中。 2. We were a team of individuals — as paradoxical as that sounds. 我们是一个保持了个体的团队——尽管这听起来自相矛盾。 3. Bruce Springsteen has re-hired his muso collective, the E Street Band. 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀重新组建了他的音乐团队,E街乐队。 4. Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall. 她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。 5. The team was given a roasting by manager Alex Feguson. 这个团队遭到了亚历克斯·费格森经理的严厉批评。 6. He accused the team of not pulling their weight. 他指责这个团队没有尽到本分。 7. The firm decided to bring in a new management team. 该公司决定聘请新的管理团队。 8. The team has been plagued by indecision and internal divisions. 优柔寡断与内部分裂深深困扰着该团队。 9. The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events. 总统的外交政策团队正密切关注事态发展。 10. That's what we need, some new blood in the team. 这正是我们所需要的,为团队注入新鲜血液。 11. His team solved the engineering problem by stealing an idea from nature. 他的团队从自然界获得灵感,解决了这个工程难题。 12. It's a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility. 这个团队的名声、专业技能和信誉都是无可匹敌的。 13. The company has been struggling to hang onto its sales force. 公司一直竭力想留住自己的销售团队。 14. He's been authorised to co-opt anyone he wants to join him. 他得到授权可以挑选自己想要的任何人加入他的团队。 15. He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team. 去年10月他被巴克斯公司挖走了,负责组建一个 广告 团队。 团队合作的英语例句 1. She stressed the importance of good teamwork. 她强调了团队合作的重要性。 2. However, perhaps the biggest factor in their success is teamwork. 然而, 他们成功的最大原因或许是团队合作. 3. We promote teamwork and benchmark our performance with international standards. 西门子鼓励团队合作,在用国际标准衡量员工业绩的同时,努力在企业内部创造让员工充分发挥潜能的气氛. 4. Mr. Mackay: It emphasizes the importance of the team working together. 麦凯: 水球强调团队合作的重要性. 5. Then I'll get a team together to help put the document together. 然后,我会得到一个团队合作,帮助把文件在一起. 6. Self - motivated, a team player, a good command of English. 工作积极主动, 具有团队合作意识, 英语良好. 7. B : focus on teamwork, interpersonal, inter - departmental communication and coordination with each other. 注重团队合作精神, 人与人之间, 部门与部门之间相互沟通与协调. 8. Cooperate with team members to ensure tasks assigned by clients. 与团队合作,成功完成各项人才寻访委托任务. 9. Result oriented, team oriented , self motivated, communication skills, open minded. 工作认真,条理性强,具有团队合作精神, 良好的沟通能力, 思维活跃. 10. Encourage operators be active and enthusiasm in team work. 激发员工工作热情和团队合作精神,调动员工工作积极性. 11. A good team member, honest, hardworking; willing to be overtime. 有较强的团队合作精神, 诚实正直, 能吃苦耐劳, 适应加班要求. 12. Good team work spirit; have good sense of order fulfillment. 有良好的团队合作精神, 具有定单计划结单之观念. 13. Good communications skills and teamwork, work independently and under pressure. 良好的组织能力和团队合作精神, 能独立完成工作. 14. Self - motivated, can bear working pressure and team work heart. 自我 激励, 能承受工作压力,团队合作精神. 15. With sense of teamwork and some organization and coordination capacity.





齐心协力众志成城Pulls together,comes together,works together.我们上课刚好讲过这个,奥巴马说的,翻译过来就是你要的中文。

您好! 以下资料供您参考,祝您开心每一天!-----------------------------------------------------------------team work

team work英 [ti:m wə:k] 美 [tim wɚk] 【词典】协同工作,工作小组例句:Have a good sense of responsibility and team work. 具有工作责任感和团队合作精神。


the ability to cooperate with others is essential in getting things done and for a successful career

Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.有些人喜欢单独工作,而有些人则喜欢团队合作。在我看来,每个人最好学习与他人一起工作,因为团队合作在现代社会是很有必要和重要的。First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.首先,在一个团队中工作为我们提供了一个彼此沟通的机会。正如俗话所说,“众人拾柴火焰高。”在一个团队中工作,队友们互相分享他们的想法,这有助于创造更好的成绩。第二,在团队中工作是拓宽我们视野的一个好方式。一个团队的队友可以相互学习因为他们来自不同地方,拥有不同的经验并且对事物有不同的看法。因此,和其他队友相处融洽也是增长见识的过程。最后,团体合作有助于建立友谊。在一个团队的队友们有机会互相帮助,共同解决问题,分享成功的快乐,这些都为建立友谊做出很大的贡献。因此,在团队工作是最有效的扩展个人关系的方法之一。To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.总之,学习团队合作是真的很有必要和重要。我们应该尽量享受这一点。


Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion。

everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.



First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other.


Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.”


Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement.


Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon.


Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places.

owning various experiences and hold different views towards things.


Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge.


Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship.


Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful.

which make a great contribution to establishing friendship.


Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.


To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really necessary and important and we should try to enjoy it.






Teamwork I do not like teamwork in most I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork. Last week we had a play of some reasons,we had not decided the play two days before the monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decidedthey think about every plot my surprise,it seemed that everybody had his or her goodgave up their weekend to practice the our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition. Teamwork is really matter learning in school or working in the future,we have to work in a team to establish the spirit ofwill surely help you achieve success


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