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是连起来的 从过去一直到现在

你好:没有left to odd这个短语,我看了下原文,感觉意思大概是:老总(一般在高级套房里的应该都是总经理以上级别的)由于害怕信息的泄漏而把这问题“留给”古怪而低级的IT员工来搞定,我觉得这个"Left"是“留给”的意思,也就是"Left to","odd"有“剩余的、奇怪的”,我更偏向于“奇怪、古怪的”,因为搞计算机的人一般有点不食人间烟火的感觉。"Until now"是插入语,可能由于口语化的原因,应该是和后面一句放在一起,也就是“直到现在还只被看作是诸如银行……”,我是这么认为,顺便问你一下这句话前面的一句“Lead to heads rolling in executive suite”,其中的"rolling"是什么意思?莫非是把老总气得抓狂在地上打滚?……或是失望地摇头还是转圈踱步?如果你有别的见解请告诉我,谢谢。

left to 留给odd 剩下来的;odd, low-level 剩下来的、低级的,指的是其他项目选剩下来的低级信息技术员工


行程安排的英文翻译是scheduling,音标是[ˈskɛdʒʊəlɪŋ] 。


n. 时序安排

v. 把…列入计划

production schedulin 生产作业计划

Resource Schedulin 资源调度

Vendor Schedulin 采购计划法

1、Her secretary assists her with scheduling.


2、I have a scheduling conflict, and I can't make it that early.


3、Mike is in charge of scheduling.


4、This paper proposes a new algorithm for scheduling an Out-Tree task graph.


5、This difference reflects the time lost to scheduling overhead and to idle time  spent waiting to acquire locks.


agenda 就是说要你写会议进行的计划。有什么要谈的,有什么要提醒的,上次会议有那些问题还没解决的,等等。 不同的公司执行的格式是不同的。毕竟格式这个也是很灵活的。我们公司的格式比较简单,大概如下所示:Meeting AgendaCustomer: Meeting time: Att: Recorder:1,Market situation1) ….2)…..2. Pending issue1)….2)….3. New products showing1)….2)….4.Order status

agenda , schedule 这两个词比较常用,地道


有很多并不复杂的英语词汇,许多人却很容易搞混多年。比方说vacation和vocation这个词,看似只有一个字母不同,其实意思完全不一样。Vacation是指休假,和老板申请休年假的时候要用到这个词。而Vocation的意思是职业,而且用法非常正式,比方说My vocation is one of a teacher.(我的职业是老师。)


“I will be on vocation for 4 days.”






有关agenda这个词还有几个比较常见的用法。如果你去找老板谈一个让项目无法进展下去的问题,老板回答说:"It is also on my agenda."或者"I also think this is on the agenda."。这里on the agenda和on my agenda直译过来就是“啊,这个问题的确也在我的议程表上。”也就说说,老板也对这个事情很担忧,并且愿意一起讨论并解决这个问题。

而面对一些比较敏感的议题,你的同事对你说"It is a hidden agenda." 这又是什么意思呢?其实就是这是一个比较保密的计划,表面看不出个所以然的那种。换句话说,也就是要你嘴巴闭牢了。


"I am asking for an agenda. This is an itinerary."





9am- 12pm          Meeting

12pm-1pm           Lunch

1:30pm                Leave for airport


◾Lay the foundation – by Feb. 1  (2月1日前要完成地基)

◾Build the structure – by July 1  (7月1日前要完成构建结构)



Date日期: 一般这个都会用不同的颜色标注出来,看起来会比较方便。颜色可以看是不是需要用公司的标准色,很多公司的市场部会有一套专门的公司用标准色,大家可以参考。

Time时间: 大家注意写清AM和PM,中午12点是12PM,而凌晨零点是12AM。

Item活动: 写清楚这一个时间段是干什么。

Attendees与会人 :如果与会人很多而他们名字又很长的话,可以用字母缩写,然后在itinerary的最后做好标注,比如AS- Andrew Smore.

Location地点 :地点还没有定下来的情况下,可以写TBD,也就是To Be Decided,待定的意思。

Remarks备注 :这一栏可以写一些你需要大家注意的地方,比方“car already arranged" (车辆已经准备好),或者"Mike takes off with MU518" (Mike在这里离开会议去赶MU518这个航班)。

Notes注意事项 :酒店信息和地址,还有一些需要提醒参与人的地方,都可以写在Notes里放到最下方。

在做itinerary的时候,记得要给活动和活动之间预留buffer(缓冲时间),两个会议之间最好不要无缝衔接,可以穿插一些coffee break(喝咖啡给大家上厕所的时间,一般10到15分钟)。


如果你的访客刚下飞机,在时间允许的前提下,请务必询问对方是不是先去酒店入住并且freshen up(梳洗休整)一下,这是非常有礼貌的做法,也会让对方在冗长的会面前有所准备。毕竟没有人想下了飞机就被拖到一个4小时的会议里。


这张行程单比较清楚也没有废话,还把酒店的地址和参会人的酒店confirmation number(订单确认号)放上去了。




在文档的header页眉或者footer页脚上,你可以像这个模板一样写上这份会议议程是谁批准(approved by)的,一般都是你的老板。也可以写上是谁发布(issued by)的,一般是你的话就写你的名字。

此外,一般会议议程都会有一定程度的保密性,请在适当的地方加上“classcified document"的字样,即保密文件。


Agenda Management Meeting


Mar 21st, 2017, Tuesday, 09:00 - 13:00


Shanghai Office


Previous minutes/outstanding action points


New Items


Standing Items

每次都需要汇报的固定项目,例如每个月度的operation report运营报告和finance report财务报表)

Business Update


Any other business


Next meeting: April 20th, 9:00-13:00 in Beijing Office



Get it right the first time!



hodometer [ h�0�0'd�0�0mit�0�5 ] . . n. 行程表,路程表,回转表

行程安排的英文翻译是scheduling,音标是[ˈskɛdʒʊəlɪŋ] 。


n. 时序安排

v. 把…列入计划

production schedulin 生产作业计划

Resource Schedulin 资源调度

Vendor Schedulin 采购计划法

1、Her secretary assists her with scheduling.


2、I have a scheduling conflict, and I can't make it that early.


3、Mike is in charge of scheduling.


4、This paper proposes a new algorithm for scheduling an Out-Tree task graph.


5、This difference reflects the time lost to scheduling overhead and to idle time  spent waiting to acquire locks.




I'd like to welcome you to (楼主您欢迎对方所到的地方). We are excited that you are about to(对方要来做的事情). I trust that you are mutually excited about (楼主和对方要合作的事情).如果对方是来就职的新员工,您可以这么写:As mentioned during the interviews, while your new position reports to me, I'd like to welcome you to the (Name of Department) on behalf of all the staff. Each of us will play a role to ensure your successful integration into the department.We're expecting you for new employee orientation on (Date), Tuesday at 9 a.m. You will meet with me to discuss your successful integration into our company and with Human Resources staff to learn about employment related issues. You'll also meet with several coworkers so you can get a feel for the overall work of the department. Our dress code is casual.Your new team anticipates taking you out to lunch to get to know you and to make sure you meet everyone with whom you will be working. Your agenda, for the rest of your first day, will involve planning your orientation with me and setting some initial work goals so that you feel immediately productive in your new role.I anticipate that your second day will involve more coworker meetings to understand the department. You'll also have the opportunity to continue with your new employee orientation plan and your initial work for the department.Again, welcome to the team. If you have questions prior to your start date, please call me at any time, or send email if that is more convenient. We look forward to having you come onboard.如果对方是来参观的客人,您可以这么写:We have a full agenda during the next (天数) days, so please take a few minutes to read through the information on the(如果您提供了阅读材料给对方,请把材料名称写在这里). It includes our itinerary and other important information.We look forward to spending this time with you in (客人要去的目的地). If we can do anything to make your stay more pleasant, please let us know. Thank you for joining (客人要参加的事件名称)如果对方是来开会的,您可以这么写:I’d like to personally welcome each of you to the (要开的会的名称). It’s an exciting time for (开会课题所讨论的领域) as we continue to grow and adapt, remaining always adaptable, motivated and responsive (插入合适的形容词, 比如 “customer-focused”, “relevant” 或者“open to new ideas”). Our organization is confronting a time of many changes and we’re meeting these changes during a time of larger nation-wide and global change. The world of (开会课题所讨论的领域) is an exciting area in which to work/study/play, and we’ll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this, to ensure our(楼主您的公司或组织名称) remains at the cutting edge.I’d like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope to achieve over the next few days. (这里您可以详细写一下时间表等等的信息,或者会议期待实现的目标).Let me give you a brief update on where we are today. (您可以在这里写一下上次会议后,都发生了哪些变化,当然是跟上次会议讨论有关的变化).We’re transforming the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to (楼主方致力实现的目标), (目标2) and(目标3). Our employees and partners have continued to meet the challenges of our field and to excel despite setbacks. We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.Before I close, I’d like to thank each of your for attending our conference and bringing your expertise to our gathering. You, as organization leaders, have the vision, the knowledge, the wherewithal and the experience to help us pave our way into the future. You are truly our greatest asset today and tomorrow, and we could not accomplish what we do without your support and leadership. Throughout this conference, I ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive and help us shape the future of (开会课题所讨论的领域). My personal respect and thanks goes out to all of you..码了这么多字很不容易,还望敬爱的楼主大人给予采纳,祝楼主大人新年快乐,事业顺利!

agenda 就是说要你写会议进行的计划。有什么要谈的,有什么要提醒的,上次会议有那些问题还没解决的,等等。 不同的公司执行的格式是不同的。毕竟格式这个也是很灵活的。我们公司的格式比较简单,大概如下所示:Meeting AgendaCustomer: Meeting time: Att: Recorder:1,Market situation1) ….2)…..2. Pending issue1)….2)….3. New products showing1)….2)….4.Order status


To: All staff

From: Lisa

Subject: Marketing get-together

Dear Sir or Madam:

I’m pleased to inform you of the date of the meeting. As you know, we had to postpone the last meeting because the boss was not feeling well. He has recovered now and wants to bring us up to date on recent developments about our company. The meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 26 at 3p.m. in the conference room. Please attend it on time, thank you!


To:All Managers

The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m.on Monday,April 5,in Meeting Room A.

Following is the agenda for the meeting:

1.Purchase of New Office Computers

2.Extension of Summer Holidays

3.Budgetary Control

If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda,let me know by e-mail by the end of this week.

Thank you.

John Doe

6:10 p.m., Wednesday

Dear John,

Our principal phoned a message to you, but you were out. She asks me to tell you that a discussion on how to study English will be held in the meeting-room at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. Two different opinions will mainly be discussed:

1. Learning a large number of words and all the grammatical rules by heart is a good way to study English well.

2. The best method of studying English is to speak English as often as possible and the rules of grammar are not important at all.

Please he there on time and give your opinion at the meeting.


中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会第四次会议议程 (2006年3月3日政协第十届全国委员会第四次会议通过) 一、听取和审议政协全国委员会常务委员会工作报告 二、听取和审议政协全国委员会常务委员会关于政协十届三次会议以来提案工作情况的报告 三、列席第十届全国人民代表大会第四次会议,听取并讨论政府工作报告及其他有关报告,讨论国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要草案 四、审议通过政协第十届全国委员会第四次会议政治决议 五、审议通过政协第十届全国委员会第四次会议关于常务委员会工作报告的决议 六、审议通过政协第十届全国委员会第四次会议关于政协十届三次会议以来提案工作情况报告的决议 七、审议通过政协第十届全国委员会提案委员会关于政协十届四次会议提案审查情况的报告Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of the tenth session of the Fourth National Committee of the agenda(through March 3, 2006 Tenth CPPCC National Committee Fourth Conference)First, listen to and report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCCTwo, listen and report to the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee on since the three meeting of the ten CPPCC proposal working conditionsThree, to attend the tenth session of the National People's Congress fourth conference, hear and discuss the government work report and other related reports, discussion of the national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five Year Plan Outline draftFour, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee of the fourth meeting of the political resolutionFive, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee of the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee work report resolutionSix, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee Fourth Conference on since the three meeting of the ten CPPCC proposal work report resolutionSeven, for consideration by the report of the Tenth CPPCC National Committee on the four meeting of the proposal Committee of the ten CPPCC proposals to review the situation

'What are your agenda for our meeting?' Later the word 'agenda' became used as a singular for the list itself rather than the items on the list. "And similarly the words 'media' and 'data' are now changing

Dear Amman I am Li Hua, the head of student union of XXX school. It is our great pleasure to welcome you to visit our school. We made an agenda for the visit as following: In the morning of day 1, We will have a meeting in our school. The contents will focus on the intercommunication, discussion on the cultural difference, and so on. Lunch will be arranged, Chinese style buffet. In the afternoon of day 1, we will have a friendship basketball match. For day 2, we will have a tour to Taishan Mountains. The Taishan is very famous in China and It receives millions of visitors every year. it is really worth a visit. After the visit to Taishan, we will finish our program. If you have any question, please let me know as soon as possible. I can adjust the agenda accordingly. I am looking forward to meeting you! Best regards Li Hua


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