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blood donation(献血车上就这么写的)Como on! Guys! (英语国家的人常用guy这个词的)


College students' blood donation statistics will be linked to their academic performance and assessment at college, according to Beijing Municipal Health Bureau (BMHB) Monday.

Beijing has suffered from a blood shortage since last winter, and the blood bank storage Monday showed that they are in urgent need of all four major blood types, according to the municipal blood donation service website.




文中的“blood donation”就是献血的意思 。无偿献血的英文表达是voluntary blood donation。voluntary是志愿的,自愿的意思,而志愿者的英文就是volunteer。academic performance就是学业成绩的意思。academic有学院的,学术的意思。

文中提到blood shortage就是大家熟知的血荒。blood bank就是血库的意思。血型的英语是blood type,或者也可以说是blood group。

blood donation

Blood Donation



无偿献血的英语: blood donation without payment | Blutspende | Blood donation | Don de sang

无偿献血的英语 :Blood Donation without Repayment

无偿献血车的英语 :Voluntary Blood Donation Vehicle

无偿献血屋的英语 :Voluntary Blood Donation Station

自愿无偿献血者: VNRBD



There are three types of blood donation: voluntary, unpaid donations, family/replacement donations, and paid donations.


Non-remunerated blood donation volunteers were introducing blood donation knowledge to citizens.


That is not to look at non-remunerated blood donation, but now mostly non-remunerated blood donation.


Unpaid blood donation embodies the spirit of the noble realm.


Blood donated without compensation must be used for clinical purposes and must not be bought or sold.


Drops of blood donated show that there is affection and humanity everywhere in this world.


Free Donate Blood Room of Concord Hospital


The State practices the system of blood donation without compensation.


Effect Evaluation of Service's Marketing Concept in Volunteer Blood Donation

1. Article 2 The State practices the system of blood donation withoutcompensation.


2. Blood donation is good for the people , family and nation.


3. Non - remunerated blood donation, body organs ( organizations ) todonate, the management of BoneBank.

无偿献血, 遗体、器官 ( 组织 ) 捐赠, 骨髓库管理.

4. It's most glorious to be a blood donor. 一份血,万份情,无偿献血最光荣.

5. Handhand and heart heart, blood donation is indiscriminate.


6. That is not to look at non - remunerated blood donation, but nowmostly non - remunerated blood donation.

那要看是不是无偿献血, 但现在大多是无偿献血.

7. The invention discloses a hemoglobin determining method for donateblood, including plastic shell and paper

本发明公开了一种无偿献血血红蛋白测定仪, 它包括塑料外壳和试纸条组成.

8. Why be advocate free to donate blood, and does the hospital sell pricehowever piece?

为什么都在提倡无偿献血, 而医院却高价卖出?

9. Voluntary contributing blood is the behavior that citizen voluntarily andno - rewarding offer themselves blood.


10. Article 11 Donated blood shall only be used for clinical purposes andnot for sale.


无偿献血英语怎么说相关 文章 :

★ 无偿献血英语怎么说

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★ 无偿献血宣传精选标语口号

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★ 献血的公益广告词大全

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★ 倡导无偿献血的宣传语标语80句

★ 无偿献血宣传标语口号横幅

★ 世界献血日的主题标语

献血 blood donation造血干细胞的采血配型 Hematopoietic stem cell blood typing 血型相配 blood type match 义演(为筹集某种资金的演出) no benefit performance/ Charity呼吁社会上更多的人做什么事情~ Call on more people to do anything

blood donation . 捐血购买 [gòu mǎi]基本翻译purchase网络释义购买:purchase|acquisition|der Einkauf, :e购买:Purchase|Handel|trade购买力:purchasing power

blood donation 一般就是指“无偿献血”卖血 是“sell blood”


无偿献血(Donating Blood)People’s opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody’s life.However,others don’t insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses. As to me , I am in favor of the first idea.The following is the reasons for my choice. First ,when it is right time ,that is ,somebody may lack of blood and almost lose his or her life.you will save one life if you donate blood in time. Second,we all are in the same family.So we should help each other. Third, if you donate blood ,it takes on you have a leind heart and you will be popular wih people. Fourth,if we can make some safe rules about donating blood ,there is no problem in donating blood .It makes us feel safe. From above analysis,I believe donating is a good thing,therefore .I hope everyone can lend a hand to.

无偿献血blood donation without payment;donating blood更多释义>>[网络短语] 无偿献血 volunteer blood donation;Blood Donation without Repayment;Blood Donation自愿无偿献血者 voluntary unpaid blood donor;voluntary non-remunerated blood donnrs;Voluntary free blood donor无偿献血报道 Unpaid blood donation report;unpaid blood donation report

volunteer blood donation


友好的 friendly呕心沥血英文:make painstaking efforts; make every effort to [do one's best to] achieve perfection;shed one's heart blood; spare no pains

friendly , kind, patient

翻译如下:呕心沥血根据语境make painstaking efforts; make every effort to [do one's best to] achieve perfection; shed one's heart blood; spare no pains;bleed都可以。例句:我为这个杂志呕心沥血。I have bled for this magazine.

百年树人 百世之师 春风化雨 聪明过人德才兼备 德高望重 耳提面命 废寝忘食和蔼可亲 后继有人 诲人不倦 诲人不倦,良师益友教导有方 教无常师 尽心尽力 兢兢业业鞠躬尽瘁 恪尽职守 蜡炬成灰泪始干 良工心苦良师出高徒 良师益友 良师诤友 埋头苦干门墙桃李 默默无闻 能者为师 呕心沥血


无偿献血(Donating Blood)People’s opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody’s don’t insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses. As to me , I am in favor of the first following is the reasons for my choice. First ,when it is right time ,that is ,somebody may lack of blood and almost lose his or her will save one life if you donate blood in time. Second,we all are in the same we should help each other. Third, if you donate blood ,it takes on you have a leind heart and you will be popular wih people. Fourth,if we can make some safe rules about donating blood ,there is no problem in donating blood .It makes us feel safe. From above analysis,I believe donating is a good thing,therefore .I hope everyone can lend a hand to.

英语资源网权威发布关于无偿献血的英语作文Donating Blood,更多关于无偿献血的英语作文Donating Blood相关信息请访问英语资源网。 People"s opinion about donating vary from person to person. Some people think it is a very good thing .They hold this opinion because it could save somebody"s life. 人们关于无偿献血都有不同的见解和观点;一些人认为这是件好事,他们坚信这么做可以救助一些人的生命。 However, others don"t insist on donating blood because it may cause some illnesses. As to me, I am in favor of the first following is the reasons for my choice. 但是,另外一些人却不支持献血,因为这样会感染一些疾病。对于我来说,我更支持第一种观点。下面是我之所以选择第一种观点的原因: First, when it is right time, that is, somebody may lack of blood and almost lose his or her will save one life if you donate blood in time. Second,we all are in the same family. So we should help each other. Third, if you donate blood, it takes on you have a kind heart and you will be popular with people. 首先,遇到紧急的时候有些人需要血液,有些甚至会因为缺少输血而死亡。你在关键的时候献血可以拯救一个生命。其次,我们都生活在同一个大家庭。我们应该互相帮助。第三点,如果你献血的话,说明你是个善良的人你将得到大家的尊重。 Fourth, if we can make some safe rules about donating blood, there is no problem in donating blood. It makes us feel safe. From above analysis, I believe donating is a good thing, therefore. 第四点,如果你了解一些关于安全献血的知识后去献血是没有什么坏处的,总结以上几点后,我相信献血是件好事。


Non-remunerated Blood Donation Attention am Li Hua,chairman of the student union of Yu Cai middle have an important thing to declare blood bank is running


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