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Violation responsibility

违约责任[词典][法]liability for breach contract; [法]liability for breach of contracts; [法]responsibility of breach; [例句]加害给付是合同履行过程中不适当履行的一种特殊形态,既产生了违约责任又产生了侵权责任。Injury Performance is a special phenomenon which is not only a breach of contract but also a tort.

default responsibility(我经常做对外合同,是这样写的)

Break contract a responsibility.


哈哈 楼上用google翻译的吧? 翻译的是个P啊

The granting by either party of any time in respect of any breach of any term of this Agreement or any failure at any time to insist upon or enforce any right remedy or power shall not be deemed a waiver of this Agreement and the waiver by any party of any breach of any terms of this Agreement shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that term and shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach. 任何一方在任何时间作出的对违反本协议任何条款、或任何不能履行本协议所规定的权利的行为的准许,均不能被视为对本协议的弃权。违反本协议任何条款的任何一方的弃权行为均不应阻止协议条款的强制履行,也不应被视为对任何违反协议的其他行为的弃权。All rights, remedies and powers conferred upon by parties by this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be or construed to be exclusive of any other rights, remedies or powers now or in the future conferred upon the parties by law or otherwise.本协议双方所授予的任何权利、补救措施和权力是累积存在的,不是且不应被解释为对当前存在或将来可能被协议双方根据法律或其他方式授予的任何权利、补救措施或权力的排除。


Party A Party B pursuit of the right to non-compliance or infringement liability for damages B


liabilities for breach of contract 违约责任

liabilities for breach of contract

responsibility of breach

events of default 固定用法 经济合约里面都这么用


default responsibility(我经常做对外合同,是这样写的)

break an agreement,break a contact

Break contract a responsibility.

the responsibilities of breaching the contract


“liability for breach”中文意思是:(违约责任) 如:中国《合同法》第十二条规定了八项条款, liability for breach of contract(合同的违约责任) “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同” 英文为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,

违约责任[词典][法]liability for breach contract; [法]liability for breach of contracts; [法]responsibility of breach; [例句]加害给付是合同履行过程中不适当履行的一种特殊形态,既产生了违约责任又产生了侵权责任。Injury Performance is a special phenomenon which is not only a breach of contract but also a tort.

liabilities for breach of contract 违约责任

Break contract a responsibility


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